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A lone protester hurling objects at police barricade [image: google] |
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A young rebel making her point known [credit: google] |
Al Jazeera World : Images of a Revolution
“The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty. Plainly, the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of liberty.”
“The sin of silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”
--Abraham Lincoln
Mr. School of Vice,
“The sin of silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”
Beautiful and truthful quote!
It is rather sad that all the generals and military officers in the Cambodian army and important politicians in the CPP have chosen to sleep with the devil and allow Cambodia to be swallowed slowly but surely by her always-hungry-for-land neighbour to the east.
I always thought that the main reason one would join the army and politics is to serve and protect the country one dearly loves, but I was really so wrong in Cambodia's case.
I wonder what happens to the Khmer national conscience and pride. It certainly looks to me that they have been totally bought by wealth, power and greed!
Uncle Ho could not in his grave and Vietnamese strategists cannot in their daily life be happier realizing that so many Khmers are helping them to achieve their final goal for a push to the west.
It is too scary and quite sad to dream of a break-away tribe from China eventually owning a civilization as rich and powerful as Angkor!
Pissed Off
Not gonna happen in cambodia.
Too many stars on the shoulders and Karaoke in the backroom to give it all up
4:06 AM, no thanks. Yuon/Viet gooks are boring. We are interested in getting free toy guns to shoot evil Ho Statue's head for fun. Beers and Yuon gooks tasted very bad.
We have seen Yuon/Viet gooks walking with shacky ass and swinging walk like duck. Yuck!!!
we going to kill all judge and policeman put the gasoline in the bottle and throw to the judge home and to the police that the way how to stop them first burn hun sen home
1:25 PM, 1:38 PM and 1:52 PM are reminded the same Yuon Dog Eater who used to call Khmer "Dumb" so lady and gentleman should know that this Dumb Yuon Dog Eater is coming back.
We found this Dumb Yuon Dog Eater is very suspicious from beginning.
Vietnamese/Yuon people in Cambodian are getting worse and nasty so all Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters should be dead by now in Southeast Asia because they are real parasite.
Just ignore this Dumb Yuon Dog Eater @1:52 PM/1:25 PM/1:38 PM.
They will get so famous as Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eaters in the world.
They are very ugly with small eyes before they stole Khmer people to be look like Khmer, but still have bad brains like animals to attach and killed people to steal food.
Now this Dumb Yuon Dog Eater @1:25 PM, 1:38 PM and 1:52 PM should sleep and enjoy sex with ugly and evil warmonger Ho in the grave.
2:11 PM, you are Dumb Yuon Dog Eater so stop talking shitty. You have lived on the stolen property from Khmer people and you have already sucked the bloods from people of Cambodia. Do you get that Dumb Yuon Dog Eater? You are still have one eye like Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen that you love too much by getting fucked to too much until you talk like that in your comment.
You are a very stupid Dumb Yuon Dog Eater on the planet. Khmer people will not live peace with you because you and your Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters have done very bad things. Now, you want to live peace? Go to the hell, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. Karma will follow you, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. Wish you would be dead by now, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater! No one guarantees to live peace with you and Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters who killed innocent people to steal lands, property, natural resources from Cambodia/Srok Khmer.
2:08 Pm
We eat dogs, chinese eat dogs, and Japanese and Norway eat Whales, France eat snails, frogs, Italy Greek eat cheses worms and Khmers eat worms Dong. That is alright because difference cultures enjoy eat differencing along as you enjoy the tastes, We are happy for you!
2:24 PM,
Now, you are talking another ones to representing you, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. Stop using others to be like, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater!
You are the most ridiculous and disgusted, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater.
Chinese people are not part of you, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. That is why you are so smart to kill people to steal property, land and natural resources after you and your Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters ate innocent dogs.
2:24 PM is almost getting drunk right now after 100 bottles of beers with deadly ghost Ho Chi Minh in the grave.
2:51 PM, Oh, how nice of you to ask the question about cold beer? Is that a trick like Dumb Yuon Dog Eating masters who asked the same and similar questions like, "Do you like fucking Dumb Yuon Dog Eating Prostitutes?" Then, this Dumb Yuon Dog Eater @2:51 PM still applied the stupid theory to fool White (French as well as American) and Khmer men? Yuon Dog Eating bitches are very bad since their deadly warmonger Ho (Whore) taught them how to fool others steal. This Yuon Dog Eater is stupid.
Dumb Yuon dog Eating beer is terrible. Some white guys said, "Dumb Yuon Dog Eating Bitches' virgina smelled very stink like fishy and shitty." You also smell very bad, too, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater.
2:57 PM and 3:00 PM are very hypocrite and falsely nice. This how Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters talk.
2:52 PM, you are the one needs a job. Why you are focusing on the Dumb Yuon Dog Eating Nation. Not worth it, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. LOL.
3:04 PM, Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters never love Cambodia, but killing and swallowing quiet like poisonous snakes while sleeping with Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters at night.
Should Khmer people trust Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters? Answer is NO. It has been a long history about evil Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters.
Khmer people and friends of Khmer people need to be united to kick Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eaters including Dumb Yuon Dog Eating officials (secret advisers and supervisors to Yuon/Viet puppet Hun Sen) out of Cambodia/Srok Khmer so that poor and innocent Khmer people will have freedom, free accesses to educations, good jobs, claim their farming land back to grow their food and more.
3:13 PM, why is deadly and evil Ho (Whore) important to you, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater?
Ho (Whore) was an evil Communist land robber because he had killed millions of Khmer people.
How come is Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eater awake without sleeping? Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater is crawling like snake to post the comments about the evil Whore (Ho)?
3:13 PM,
Why are you here, Dumb Yuon/Viet Dog Eater? Are you spying on here? That is how we and bloggers on here find you so suspicious and skeptical. That means you are Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eating spy?
We are here to protect from the internet bloggers (Khmer at home and abroad and foreigners) from being fooled from Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters who come/came to Ki- Media site including Khmerization.
You should know you are very bad and dangerous to post the comments for the bloggers to read and confuse, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater.
Dumb Yuon Dog Eater @3:22 PM, how good and nice to poise the food and beers to kill people of Khmer nation and the world?
Be careful. Khmer people will put leaflets around the world, saying "Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters who killed to steal Khmer people and neighbor Laos."
So, watch out your mouth, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. You will be sorry while anyone there finds you via IP address through hacking. This Dumb Yuon Dog Eater is still dumber and blind that someone is watching behind. How stupid is that learning to be so smart through deadly Ho admiration in the grave, but very dumb.
Dumb Yuon Dog Eater @3:29 PM is still drinking with deadly Ho in the grave.
The Youn CPP dog is here again asking for beer. Did his boss take away his land and burnt his house, nows hes begging for money to buy beer?
What a dumb Youn CPP dog. HAHAHA.
Why dont you Youn CPP dog go help your Youn country instead of being a stupid Youn here?
Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eater @5:19 PM/4:52 PM/4:46 PM/4:43 PM/4:41 PM/4:33 PM/4:26 PM/4:24 PM/4:20 PM/4:14 PM/4:10 PM/4:07 PM/4:03 PM/4:02 PM/3:58 PM:
How much time do you spend to bark on Khmer website? What do you want from us, Dumbo?
You and your Vietnamese folks are thinking like wild animals. You are so evil and dare to say anything you want like the stupid Yuon/Vietnamese pig Sok Kong who used the hidden Vietnamese faces hiding in Khmer/Cambodian country and control Hun Sen to control Angkor Wat and allowed Indian to copy the Angkor. How dare and disrespect the stupid Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters have done. The world is watching over your dog eating nation that robbed everything from Cambodia to feed stupid Yuon/Vietcong Dog Eating Economic.
Go away, landless Yuon/Vietnamese gooks. Glad China kicked your Viet/Yuon Gooks out of China. You and your Yuon/Vietnamese gooks were so smart to play victims of others by asking China, Soviet Unions and King Sihanouk to fight against America and then asked America for help. How betrayal and hypocrite stupid Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters are.
It is stupid to talk about the success of stupid Yuon/Vietnamese pig Sok Kong who is a real thief stole everything from Cambodia when the Vietnamese dog eating hidden faces hiding in Cambodia to protect him and control Viet/Yuon puppet Hun Sen.
Update from hell:
Sihanouk just broke Ah Pham Van Dong left leg.
The agreement between Yumphubal and Sihanouk regarding taking Hun Sen to hell in 2013 is still binding.
Hun Sen will join Ah Ho Chi Minh who is currently in coma (after Sihanouk hit him with a rock in the head from behind) in 2013.
Khmer people kept hoping that this crazy dog Hun Sen will be awaken and denounce Vietnam colonisation on Cambodia but he never did.
So Sihanouk got to make a deal with Yumphubal to take Hun Sen to hell to live with Ah in coma Ho Chi Minh.
phila,pa @8:56 PM is another Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eater!
Why Hun Sen? You should know that Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eating Leaders in Hanoi control Hun Sen, a Vietnamese puppet. Also, Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eating Leaders in Hanoi have ordered Hun Sen talk stupid against higher educated Khmer people, Khmer/Cambodian journalists, Khmer/Cambodian environmentalists and activists, and Khmer victims of land grabbers, and beyond in Cambodia.
So, what is wrong with your stupid brain? You did not see the problems in Cambodian, stupid Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eater called yourself phila,pa.
Ki-Media should delete the nonsense comments from the illegal Vietnamese bloggers on here. So that Khmer bloggers/readers and bloggers from around the world can see and know what has happened in Cambodia today.
Let's focus on the best possible for Cambodia/Khmer Nation's future and Cambodian Children's futures.
Reading the comments posted by the Yuon or Vietnamese who are against the Khmer/Cambodian people's will and put Cambodian/Khmer people on disadvantages.
Why the Vietnamese bloggers are here to post the comments? This is ridiculous.
Thank you for the update of AH Narook from Hell.
How are the 3 millions people murdered by Ah Narook?
Are they sending AH narook anything from heaven? Or are they visiting Ah Narook?
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