Wednesday, October 03, 2012

"Why The Justice System in Cambodia Is Not Independent?" - Audio Editorial by Heng Virak


Anonymous said...

Chaul Ach Leu Kbal Ah Knhom Yuon Hun Sen first. Ah Niss Thork Cheang Ach Reak.

Anonymous said...

Hun is sooooo dumb, dumber than a dog. He doesn't know that is also one of the losers in khmer history. Come on, Khmer rise! get him before it is too late. Let burn his house down. let shoot into his helicopter or airplane that he is in.

Anonymous said...

បំណាច់អួតខ្លាំង ខ្លាំងដើម្បីខ្មែរ
១- បំណាច់អួតខ្លាំង ឱ្យខ្លាំងត្រឹមត្រូវ--កុំខ្លាំងល្ងង់ខ្លៅ សាហាវចោរព្រៃ
កុំខ្លាំងដាក់ខ្មែរ ដែលខ្សោយក្រក្រី--ទល់សាសន៍ដទៃ ទម្លាក់កន្ទុយ ។
២- បំណាច់អួតខ្លាំង ខ្លាំងគេគោរព--កុំខ្លាំងអាងទ័ព អាមាត្យរពុយ
អំបូរទាំងមូលចោមរោដូចរុយ--ប្លន់ដីប្លន់លុយសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនៃជាតិ ។
៣- បំណាច់អួតខ្លាំង ខ្លាំងដើម្បីខ្មែរ--កុំខ្លាំងធ្វើឆ្កែ បំរើយួនវៀត
ខ្លាំងបែបល្ងីល្ងើ ទង្វើក្បត់ជាតិ--សម្តីហួសមាឌ សារធាតុនៃខ្លួន ។
៤- បំណាច់អួតខ្លាំង ខ្លាំងដើម្បីខ្មែរ--ប្រេតរដូវខែ កត់ត្រាចូលក្បួន
ទង្វើហូរហែ មេខ្មែរខ្ញុំយួន--ចារហើយបញ្ជូនដល់យមរាជផង!
៥- បំណាច់អួតខ្លាំង ខ្លាំងដើម្បីខ្មែរ--កុំអួតពូកែ តែឫកអាយ៉ង
អំបូរទាំងមូលសុទ្ធចោរយង់ឃ្នង--មិនដែលឃើញម្តង ចាប់ចងផ្តន្ទា ។
៦- យុត្តិធម៌កាឡៃ នៃខ្មែរអាយ៉ង--បន្លាចចាប់ចង ពូជខ្មែរអ្នកជា
អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ ត្រូវតែពុះពារ--ទើបកម្ពុជា ផុតពីយួនត្រួត!

Anonymous said...

We all know that "Justice" was not independence. What else in news in the Kangaroo Court. Cambodia is a lauhging stock of Asian countries. Cambodia can't even self support herself.

I can go on and on.

The point is we have dumb people vote or comply with dumb government. people crawled for king Sihamony in the 21th centry. in the mean while, these useless king did not even care its people. How did we know that? look at our neighbors economies.

Takeo said...

Hun Senscourt is to silencing opposition parties. Sam Rainsy must never return to Cambodia no matter what, even the United Nations couldn't help any Khmer to be release from Hun Sen's jails. No party will win an election under Hun Sen's yuon slave. Hun Sen got all power and money. Sam Rainsy don't risk your life under Hun Sen's feet.

Anonymous said...

The reason is simple

Cambodia is still under Vietnam Occupation!

They never left! Cambodia was never freed since they occupied.

Anonymous said...

It was hoon sen not the court who sentenced Mam Sonangdo to prison.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

All traitors will be in hell, that is a guarentee as 'the wicked will be doomed'. After all, we all are khmers and should never be used to kill each other. If khmer doesn't love khmer, no one in the world will. Therefore, if you have khmer blood in you, you would do anything for our nation. We have to stand up and look around and see, who is interfering with our internal affair? e.g. almost all of our polical leaders are 'EX-KR'. Their aim is to exterminate khmers. So, what can we do? Well, keep on telling the international community that we are not independent and that we are being controlled by other nations and we need total rescue e.g from the EU and UN to help us e.g how they did it to Syria and Iraq etc. Aonther approach is to ask both Viets and Chinese to help us, by allowing to run our country with our way of life and not taking advantage of us and our downfall. Every country needs to be independent with state savereignty and we don't want foreigners' manipulation in the name of helping, because there two kinds of help 1) to help to rebuild with an honest way and 2) to help to destroy in a tricky way. E.g if you are to build like roads, housings, university, sewage system, cleaning water for drinking/cooking etc is good but if you are to give financcial support only to benefit the corrupt officials then you are helping to kill innocent khmers and also to help them gain more power which mean you are helping to create more evils and therefore, you are as good as an evil itself.

Anonymous said...

For 33 years under the DUMB Vietminh Hun Sen, Khmer are still drowning in sewage water, while the Vietminh Hun Sen swimming in golden shower with Sihamoni.