Thursday, November 15, 2012

Applying Civil Disobedience Techniques with Anti-riot police

13 Nov 2012
By Mu Sochua

My message to hundreds of anti-riot police after more than 2 hour confrontation with youth:

“We are one people and we are one nation. We need to find solutions that will bring Cambodia’s soul back”

When in Washington D.C., I took a class in Active Civil Disobedience.

I applied it on the day I confronted the anti-riot police: they are not our enemies. bring them into our camp.

” Solution for civil servants and our police force is about serving the people with decent salary and dignity and honour”.

I learned also that engaging everyone and engaging people is best.

I said: “When Obama won his re-election yesterday he said that America has won and he thanked the American people.“.

Even after the youth agreed to disperse, the youth leader Suong Sophoan was prevented from leaving the scene.

We ended the morning at the royal palace to pay our last respect to Father King.

One thing I fear most is that one day this type of confrontation will turn very violent.

Getting police to be part of us. We are not enemies. We are One people, One nation


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mu,

You made good comment to lessen the friction between Khmer and Khmer.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy: Hero or Coward
Sam Rainsy please show the world your courage and be inspired by Cambodian peoples. Don't be a weakling, coward stay in France afraid being arrest and imprison in Cambodia. Think of Gandhi and Mandela they have the courage to fight for suffer for their people, spending many year in prison. Now, the world is watching, show the world, the world leaders of your conviction and courage. Be a hero and force Hun Sen to arrest and imprison you in front of President Obama and ASEAN leaders. Go to Cambodia now and let the government arrest you, if you are afraid of being arrest and imprison. Please stay in France enjoy the easy life and step down as an opposition leader. Let someone else lead that has the courage and willing to sacrifice for his people and his country. A leader can not be a coward. A leader must be a hero to his followers. This is one thing u can learn from Hun Sen.
Please stop reply using profanity, and racial epithet.
Cambodian Reformer.
Cambodian Reformer

Anonymous said...

There will be a tremendous amount of political and popular gain to be obtained by Mr. Sam Rainsy if he were to take the advice of 12:04 AM above by returning to Cambodia to face the jail sentence during the Asian Summit in Phnom Penh.

His political plight will be in broad daylight and his courage would earn him more respect and, of course, votes and trust among the electorate. Without a doubt his arrival in Phnom Penh unexpectedly at this time would put Hun Sen in a clumsy and precarious position of deciding what to do with Sam Rainsy.

More likely than not Hun Sen will arrest him despite strong objection from western leaders, but the negative pressure created on Hun Sen and his government by the imprisonment of Sam Rainsy will have far reaching and more serious consequences for Phnom Penh than the inconvenience of Mr. Sam living in Prey Sar jail.

It is certainly a suggestion to be considered seriously if one wants to play Cambodian politics which are usually dirty and can be deadly.

Well, you can't be a cook if you are not willing to be dirty and get burned every now and then.

Anonymous said...

I sometime think that people who response with profanity and racial epitaph, racial hatred against Vietnamese or Thai, or any Nation are Hun Sen or Vietnamese spies to discrete the opposition to show that people support the opposition are crazy and racial fanatic.

Anonymous said...

it is not that hun sen would jail rainsy but he would kill him. ok, let have sam rainsy dead. please go back asap mr rainsy, coffin has been prepared for you.

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen kill Sam Rainsy, his legitimacy to rule Cambodia will be destroy in the eyes of the world leaders and Cambodian people. If Sam Rainy die in Cambodia Hun Sen power will also die.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy should be happy that Hun
Sen arrest and imprison him, or better Kill him, and become the martyr for Cambodia and save the Cambodian people. He is the only one person in the world that Hun Sen can not imprison or harm.

Anonymous said...

7:27 AM and 7:30 AM


Ah Kantorb and Ah Kwack will "Kway" Sam Rainsy after those leaders get out of Cambodia.

Sam Rainsy should go back if and only if he got assurance from the Yuon slave Hun Sen and the super power countries and the UN that his punishment has been exonerated.

People are so sick with your kind of suggestion.

You got to know that Cambodia is controlled by Vietnam and it will do anything to kill Sam Rainsy.

Once Sam Rainsy is incarcerated, this evil nation Vietnam will find ways to kill him for example by poisoning him, staging fighting amongst inmates and kill him, etc...

How about both of you cut your own penis to show to the world that you are brave, and grinding your penis in the garbage disposal to prove that you are not selfish.

Can you make this deal? If you can, then Sam Rainsy will go to Cambodia to let Ah Kantorb kill him.

Don't be a coward, big mouth talkers !! Make this deal !!

Anonymous said...

8.5 AM

haa..your suggestion is spot on, man. why didn't Hun Sen come to see Pol Pot when he lost to the yuon duyring the 1977 border fightings ? Why did he have to run away ? No one is so chichened like Hun sen. this guy fears even his opwn shadow, this relfects in own vicious actions persecuting anyone opposing his rule.

Anonymous said...

8:35 AM,

Remember that 7:27 AM and 7:30 AM are simply ordinary people expressing their opinion so, as a Sam Rainsy's follower, you should be open minded and learn to tolerate different opinion; otherwise, why should any Cambodian trust your party if you talk like a dictator already even though your party has no power?

Also remember that Sam Rainsy wants to be a leader of Cambodia so the expectation of him is of course pretty high!

Send your comment to Mr. Sam and see what he has to say about it!

Anonymous said...


Yes, true, I got your point, but be realistic. How many times did Hun Sen try to kill sam rainsy ?

If Hun Sen paly s by the rule, SR would have no hesitation to go in. No rule of law in srok khmer, please be open minded ! If the court system is independent, SR would go in, but his return will be only a mattter of time.

There is no martyre with brainless murderers, no hero, don't confuse things please.

Anonymous said...

Mee Sok Whore mentioned Obama 5-10 times in her speech. Is she going coo coo in her head?

Anonymous said...

7:30 AM

Don't be a plagiarist!

If you like someone's idea, learn to quote it properly and don't use it as if you wrote the whole idea.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia becomes suffer because of smart PhD like Dr Viet Mong Hay lead khmers to wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Smart PhD like Dr Viet Mong Hay has heap of Khmer heros blood in his hands.

innocent Khmers Blood on your hands Dr Viet Mong Hay.

Anonymous said...

These policemen are very coward toward Vietnam take Koh Tral island.

These policemen are very good at kill innocent khmer people.

These policemen sell their mothers for a can of cold beer from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Smart PhD like Dr Viet Mong Hay is more than happy to sell Cambodia for only a can of cold beer from uncle Ho.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen gives more crude oil to Chevron Company and President Obama comes and make friend with Samdach decho Hun Sen as you see.

More crude oil to Chevron mean more friendship between Samdach Decho Hun Sen and President Obama.

At the end, Human right doesn't mean any thing to USA as long as more crude oil in return. That's the way it is!

Anonymous said...

The stament of 7.27 am above, you should not pretending you're good guy, you should not hide you self behide domocracy in the US, you should get out and go back to own ccp, sham of you..