Thursday, November 29, 2012

ជំរាបសួរ«ចំពោះ»លោកប្រធានាធិបតី (គឺតម្រង់ឲ្យចំពោះ)


Anonymous said...

She is a dumb khmer first lady. When did the last time you guys see her SOMPASS some one? none. She does't know any things about sompass.

Poor khmer leader

Anonymous said...

That not a Khmer first lady that is a second hand wife of hun sen lol

Anonymous said...

She was Viet born original. Of course she is dump and she doesn't know all Khmer traditional Sampeas.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen : President Obama! What is your qualification so far?

President Obama : I just have a few Samdach!
Hun Sen: Can you show me, Obama?

President Obama: Ok!

I just have bachelor of law!

Hun Sen: That’s ok, I’m much better in term of academic, Just look at mine as below PhD qualifications:

1991, an Honorary Ph.D. in Political Science, the National Political Academy, Hanoi.
1995 an Honorary Ph.D. in Politics, the Southern California University for Professional Studies, USA.
1996, an Honorary Ph.D. of Law, Iowa Wesleyan College, USA.
On April 10, 2001, an Honorary Ph.D. in Political Science, Graduate School of Dankook University, South Korea.
On November 15, 2001, an Honorary Ph.D. in Political Science in the field of Foreign Relations, the Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand.
On April 10, 2004, an Honorary Ph.D. in Political Science, the Irish International University of the European Union, Cambodia.
On September 15, 2004, Hun Sen has been accepted and sworn in as a member of the Bar Association of Cambodia.
On March 21, 2006, an Honorary Ph.D. in Political Science, the Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, received during his official visit to the Republic of Korea.
On June 28, 2006, an Honorary Ph.D. in Education for Locality Development, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Thailand.
On January 29, 2007, an Honorable Ph.D. in Education, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, along with the Hanoi National University of Education.
On September 21, 2007, an Honorary Fellowship of Companion of Commercial Diplomacy, the Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats (ACCD), England.
July 2008, the Honorable Professor of Diplomatic and International Relations, the Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
On 7 January 2009, an Honorary Ph.D. in Economic, the Woosuk University of the Republic of Korea.
On 3 June 2009, an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Political Science, Korea University of the Republic of Korea.

Anonymous said...

Like KHMER ROUGE Slogan saying
If there was no GOD DAMNED SIHANOUK there is NO North Vietnamese , Vietcong and KHMER ROUGE with Genocide and Killing Fields.
CHUM TEAV BUN RANNY and SAMDECH DECHO HUN SEN were created by our only Great King Father

Anonymous said...

Khpeum Chang Kha Uot Kheung Mi Kanhchrouk and Ah Hun Sen Chun Kbot Cheat pictures!!

Anonymous said...

If there was no King Sihanouk, there would be no U either. Your ancestors may have been slaved and killed by the foreigner already.

Anonymous said...

replied to 12:49 PM

You are funny guy. You are right, Hun Sin has more PHD degrees than MR. Obama. However, Hun Sin's country is the poorest country in Asia. This is an embarrassment to the Cambodia.

Even Hun Sin's son, WestPoint Hun Maggot could not bring the standard of living of Cambodian to be better.

They need to look at themselves in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Hun Sen gave Cambodia the freedom to live the way they thought best. Under CPP, There is no persecuttion in Cambodia, its people enjoy freedom of speech and liberty. There are lots of forests, animals, water, and rich farmland for all Cambodia to be used and prouded of. In addition of peace and prospirity, Cambodia now a day welcome all foreigners included Youn to live and work in Cambodia. ScamSR and his followers might have to sit down and creat an other party name after Pi Anh.ahahahahahahha

Anonymous said...

So shit anh, Cambodian are born without freedom and only hun sen can give freedom right? fucking moron get a clue prick. Your words are so good in theory but in actual it stink like Phnom Penh sewage go and clean your dick asshole and if SR is ScamSR the CPP must be a scumbag plus king of scamming get the picture yet? moron still doing his round after being rejected from the cpp.

Anonymous said...

កុំបន្ទោសគាត់ គាត់ធ្វើបានប៉ិនហ្នឹងវាអស្ចារ្យហើយ ព្រោះអ្នកស្រីប៊ុនរ៉ានីមិនមែនខ្មែរទេ ណាក៏គាត់ចេះរបៀបរបបខ្មែរ ចូលឆ្នាំយួនគាត់ទៅអុជធូបកុងម៉ាតើ លោកហ៊ុនសែនធ្លាប់ប្រកាសហើយតើ យាយហ្នឹងអង្គុយនៅផ្ទះអានតែវប្បធម៍ចិនយួនទេ ដណ្លងគាត់ហុកឡងឌី យួនសុទ្ធមើលម៉ុងកប់ខ្មោចទៅ រើសយកពិធីការក៏យួនដែលបានមិនចេះឲយោបល់