Friday, November 09, 2012

Cambodia celebrates 59th anniversary of independence [without Sihamoni]

Cambodia's President of National Assembly Heng Samrin (C) greets people during celebrations marking the 59th anniversary of the country's independence from France, in central Phnom Penh, Nov 9, 2012. [Photo/Agencies]


PHNOM PENH - Some 10,000 Cambodians from all walks of life gathered at the Independence Monument for a celebration to mark the 59th anniversary of the country's independence from French rule on Friday.

The celebration was presided over by National Assembly President Heng Samrin, who on behalf of King Norodom Sihamoni, laid a wreath and lit the victory torch inside the Independence Monument. The victory flame will be kept burning for three days.

Doves and balloons were released into the sky as a sign of independence and freedom.

In previous years, King Norodom Sihamoni presided over such important event, but this year, the King failed to attend the celebration because he was still mourning his father King Norodom Sihanouk, who died of illness on Oct 15 in Beijing at the age of 90.

Cambodia gained full independence from the French protectorate on Nov 9, 1953 after late King Father Norodom Sihanouk conducted the royal crusade in 1952.

France ruled Cambodia from 1863 to 1953.


Anonymous said...

It is a worry that Communist CPP under the Vietnamese/Yuon puppet Hun Sen and Yuon/Vietnamese masters in Hanoi to break the Khmer/Cambodia unity in Cambodia/Srok Khmer.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

How come the leaders of free world (UN, USA, EU, International Communities and other democratic countries) haven't said that the Communist Vietnamese-Yuon leaders in Hanoi secretly controlled Hun Sen as Vietnamese/Yuon puppet/dog Hun sen? Hun Sen is an low class educated peasant (never finished High School) has married to Yuon/Vietnamese wife Bun Rany (Khmer name), an ex-wife of the ex communist Yuon leader Le Duc Tho). Hun Manet is not Hun Sen's son, but Hun Manet is a son of former communist Ho Chi Minh's leader Le Duc Tho.

Anonymous said...

The CPPs people said that Cambodia isn't annexed by Vietname or isn't communists but when we asked them who lead the country at the present and where former Vietnam experts are hidding now in Cambodia? Most the Vietnamesse who are living oversea, confirm that Cambodia now is a part of Vietnam ready and in the future Cambodian, Vietnam and Laos is the one country like the former Russia.

Are real Khmers still Khmer Angkor or the slave Viet?

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ និងអាក្បាលត្រងោលបារាជិក កញ្ជះយួន!

Anonymous said...

Ah Gay MI Sampheung Tep Vong,

Stop allowing the Viet monks screw your ass hole.

Anonymous said...

It is so funny to see AH HENG SAMKISS raising his both hands like King Sihanouk!

Let the show begin!AHAHHAHAHAH

Anonymous said...

Ah Kh-nhom Yuon min Chess Nor Khvak Sam Dach Ah Sang 7 Makara Tep Vung Chhkourt! I don't have eyes to look at ah Chhker Yuon taing vong niss!

Anonymous said...

But, when we Khmers must celebrate anniversary of the country's independence from Viet rule in Cambodia? Or we will be the same fake like Khmer Kampuchea Krom?

Anonymous said...

Celebrate our independence's day when we are still under Hanoi's yoke.

Anonymous said...

Where is chea sim?

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is Vietnam and Hun Sen's greatest hero because Sihanouk has helped Vietnam to swallow Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាឆ្កែអង្គែរស៊ី ជើងពីរកញ្ជះយួន (CPP)
Celebrate our (INដេរពងក្ដ) day.....

Anonymous said...

This guy should not be that important...

It is a disgrace to that sacred monument.

Anonymous said...

I already miss the former King who used to provide such dignity and grace to the nation. Look at these monkeys now, they did not even care if their official dresses are properly pressed and cleaned. And what the hell with that top monk with shoulder-exposed robe??? It shows that they do not respect the country, and have no pride.

Anonymous said...

Anyone noticed the color of the robe the other monk was wearing? That robe color is used by the monks in vietcong nation.

Anonymous said...

They (the CPP) celebrated the fake independence . It is so ashamed, Sihanouk got independence from
France in exchanged of khmer krom land. Sihanouk dared not facing the truth. He hid his face in china until he died. I feel hurt, bad and angry for the innocent khmers that they do not know about Sihanouk betrayal. But some people rather live with lies than the truth.