Thursday, November 01, 2012

ដែកជោរ ពីមុន ... និង ឥឡូវ - Hun Xen: Before and Now

ពីមុន មិនសូវពួយ
ឥឡូវ ពួយរលុក


Anonymous said...

Can someone make Hun Sen dance Gangnam Style? I think KI has enough of his images and funny comics of him....of course his wife mi ka chrouk too and all the whole cpp gansters dance Gangnam style... I am sure it will go to be a worldwide hit too! Pi Anh would love it too. LOL...

Stay tune live from KTV....Television Kampuchea.

Anonymous said...

While he have almost absolute power, cambodia is going absolute zereo.

Anonymous said...

Let me see your before and after picture then. Afraid of people laughing at your pic to death??

Anonymous said...

Sam Dech Ouv Death, Khmer people are so said by losing him but if Hun dead Khmer people will make a big dance party BUT the Viet people living in Cambodia are said for his death, right?

joy said...

Hun Sen in red?????

Khmer rouge?
Khmer Blood?

Anonymous said...

if you gives an idiot power, he will be a puppet.

if you gives a warrior power, he will conquer evil.

Hun Sen let evil conquer him against his people! Thats an idiot for sure.

Anonymous said...

សង្គមខ្មែរសព្វថ្ងៃគឺ ជា.....គុក......
របស់អាគណប័ក្សប្រជាជនយួន (អាCPP)។
(សម័យPol Pot)
-អាឌុច គឺជា....មេគុកS-21!...