Sunday, November 04, 2012

Mrs. Mu Sochua and Mr. Pal Ham in Philadelphia, PA


Anonymous said...

I'm relatively ecstatic to have heard such a great news that ScamSr will not include in the comming election. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that Hun sen will make his wise decision to ban the opposition leaders and the rest of their supporters for life. Also, those vulchers have a difficult time to wait for raw meat.

You guys are dumbfuck opportunists who are waiting to take advantage of this opporunity to bite anything you dumbfuck can sink their teeth in.

Those shit-brain Khmer overseas loves to creat conspiracy theory to gain more votes. In addition, their offensive propagandistic language only gave them shit and hatred among khmers.

In this day and age, with new technology and the accuracy of information would give Khmer living in Cambodia led to believe that ScamSr and their followers NOTHING but a bunch of pseudo-politicians waiting to get rich and more powerful, which made them realize their second option is NOTHING but empty shit.hahahahah long live CPP, down the toilet khmer overseas and oppositions. ..Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

ពួកអា(ង្វៀង)ទាំងអស់នេះ ដូចជា :​

-ឡៅ ម៉ុងហៃ, ឡៅ ម៉េងគិន,
ឡាយ គឹមហ៊ាង,ឡេង ប៉េងឡុង,
លឺ ឡាយស្រេង,លី ធាងចេក,
-យឹម កិច្ចស៊ែ,យឹម ឆៃលី,យូ ប៊ុនឡេង,
-ហោ ណាំហុង,ហោ ណាំបូវ៉ា,ហ៊ុន សែន,ហែម ហេង,ហេង សំរិន,ហេង ឡាយ,
-កាំង ហ្កេកអ៊ាវ,កៅ គឹមស្ហៀរ,គាត ឈុន,គី តិច,
-សុខ អាន,សុខ គង់,
ស៊ា កុសល់,ស៊ាន ប៉េងសែ,
សាម ហ៊ាង,សេង ធារី,
-អឹង យុក តិចហូ, អេង ឆៃអៀង,
ឱម យិនទៀង,
-ចាន់ សារុន,ចៀម យីប,ជា លាង,ជុំ កុសល,
-តាវ សេងហួរ,តូច ប៊ុនហួរ,
-ខៀវ កញ្ញារឹទ្ធិ,ងួន ធីញ៉ឹល,វ៉ា គិម ហុង,
-ពុង ប៉េងចេង, ពុង ខៀវសែ,ពុង ឈីវហ្កេច,
មួ សុខហួរ,សេង ធារី,,..etc...


Anonymous said...

Pi Anh,
Good analysis. I live in the USA and when these scums came to raise money I didn't give a penny. Please forgive us overseas Khmers. There are a few people like me who are still smart enough to know how stupid most overseas people are. Do you know they have to pay money to go to listen to these opportunists ? They are so gullible and will take any words from SR and SC spoke. Sorry again about the overseas losers.

Anonymous said...

និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន!

Anonymous said...

មន្រ្ដីជាន់ខ្ពស់គណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត (គ.ជ.ប) បានឲ្យដឹង ថា ទណ្ឌិត សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រធានគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ ដែលកំពុងនិរទេសខ្លួននៅក្រៅប្រទេសនោះ ត្រូវបានលុបឈ្មោះចេញ ពីបញ្ជី ឈ្មោះបោះឆ្នោតជាផ្លូវការហើយ កាលពីពេលថ្មីៗនេះ។
លុះត្រា​តែដើរមកចូលគុក១២ឆ្នាំសិន ទើបឈរ