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Theary Seng |
The New York Times
Theary Seng, president of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia, said, “President Obama should have met with the human rights community and activists challenging the Hun Sen regime, and while then and there, offer a public apology to the Cambodian people for the illegal U.S. bombings, which took the lives of half a million Cambodians and created the conditions for the Khmer Rouge genocide.”
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Four decades after American warplanes carpet-bombed this impoverished country, an American president came to visit for the first time. He came not to defend the past, nor to apologize for it. In fact, he made no public mention of it whatsoever.
President Obama’s visit to a country deeply scarred by its involvement with the United States did nothing to purge the ghosts or even address them. Mr. Obama made clear he came only because Cambodia happened to be the site for a summit meeting of Asian leaders, but given the current government’s human rights record, he was intent on avoiding much interaction with the host.
“How are you?” Mr. Obama asked Prime Minister Hun Sen when he showed up, unsmiling, for a meeting made necessary by protocol. “Good to see you.”
Those, as it turned out, were the only words he uttered publicly to or about Cambodia during his two days here. In private, aides said, Mr. Obama pressed Mr. Hun Sen about repression. While they usually characterize even the most hostile meeting in diplomatic terms, in this case they were eager to call the meeting “tense.”
But the president’s public silence disappointed human rights organizations that had called for a more explicit challenge to Mr. Hun Sen’s record of crushing opposition. And it left to another day any public examination of the United States’ role in the events of the 1970s that culminated in the infamous “killing fields” that wiped out a generation of Cambodians.
Theary Seng, president of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia, said, “President Obama should have met with the human rights community and activists challenging the Hun Sen regime, and while then and there, offer a public apology to the Cambodian people for the illegal U.S. bombings, which took the lives of half a million Cambodians and created the conditions for the Khmer Rouge genocide.”
Gary J. Bass, a scholar of war crimes at Princeton, said Mr. Obama passed up a chance to publicly exorcise a painful history. “It’s a missed opportunity for Obama,” he said. “Obama is right to evoke America’s better angels, but that’s more effective when you give the complete story.”
White House officials were sympathetic, but they said the focus of Mr. Obama’s stop in Phnom Penh was on the summit meeting, organized by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or Asean, not on a visit to Cambodia or the relationship between the two countries.
“It’s not a lack of appreciation; it’s the circumstances of the visit,” said Benjamin J. Rhodes, the president’s deputy national security adviser. “President Obama’s always willing to confront the history we have in the nations we visit and believes it’s important to acknowledge the past so we can move beyond it. The fact is, this particular visit was structured to focus on the summits that the Cambodians were hosting.”
Some activists said that Mr. Obama’s visit would help Cambodia’s transition.
“The U.S. president’s visit to Cambodia is an important part of that process,” said Youk Chhang, a survivor of the genocide and executive director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia, a private research group. “Cambodians look to the United States more than any other country as a beacon for leadership on human rights and democracy issues as well as what can be achieved by a free and fair market system.”
Michael Abramowitz, who directs the genocide prevention center at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, recently visited Cambodia on a fact-finding mission on the Khmer Rouge trials.
He saw value in Mr. Obama’s visit. “Even though President Obama would likely not have visited Phnom Penh were it not for the Asean meeting, the presence of the first U.S. president on Cambodian soil has enormous symbolic importance,” he said.
Left undiscussed during the visit was the grim history between the United States and Cambodia. President Richard M. Nixon, trying to cut off North Vietnamese infiltration into South Vietnam, ordered a secret bombing campaign that dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of explosives on Cambodia from 1970 to 1973. The United States also backed a coup that ousted Norodom Sihanouk as head of state.
Many Cambodians responded by joining a Communist resistance, which led to the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, a bloodthirsty guerrilla group that went on to orchestrate a genocide that resulted in the deaths of 1.7 million people between 1975 and 1979, when the group was pushed out of power by Vietnamese forces.
Even today, Cambodia is struggling with that history. A United Nations-Cambodian war crimes trial is trying the senior surviving leadership of the Khmer Rouge on charges of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
The United States has supported and helped finance the trials, although human rights groups complain that the Cambodian government has been tampering with the court.
Mr. Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge commander, has ruled Cambodia for decades with little tolerance for dissent. Opposition leaders have been jailed and killed, and his allies have been seizing land on a large scale, according to human rights groups.
That complicated the question of Mr. Obama’s trip. Past presidents have confronted American actions; President Bill Clinton made a trip to Vietnam in 2000 to reconcile years after the war, while George W. Bush, during a trip to Eastern Europe, expressed regret for the Yalta accords, which he viewed as allowing the Soviet Union to control the region for decades after the end of World War II.
But Mr. Obama was reluctant to engage in a discussion of America’s responsibility in Cambodia while the current government is so repressive. Such a discussion could serve to elevate rather than diminish Mr. Hun Sen, American officials said.
Mr. Obama refused to make joint statements with Mr. Hun Sen, as he normally does with leaders hosting him, on the assumption that any criticism of the government would be censored, but the pictures of the two leaders side by side would be used to validate the Cambodian leader.
Instead, Mr. Obama used almost their entire private meeting to press Mr. Hun Sen on human rights, aides said. He emphasized “the need for them to move towards elections that are fair and free, the need for an independent election commission associated with those elections, the need to allow for the release of political prisoners and for opposition parties to be able to operate,” Mr. Rhodes said.
Even if Mr. Obama did not address the past during this visit, Mr. Rhodes noted that the United States government has been supporting the genocide trials and efforts to dispose of unexploded mines and ordnance.
“We have done important work to help the Cambodian people move forward with their tragic past,” he said. “We want to continue that support.”
Big Asshole Teary Sick,
Stop destroying Cambodia with your erratic ideas.
We dropped bombs on the yuon only bitch.Shut the fuck up.
Ms Theary Seang! what a great khmer American hero!
You are doing the right things for the silence victims abuse of Human right under Mr Henry Kissser B-52 illigal bombing on innocent khmers victims.
Keep up the great work Ms Theary Seang!
Cambodian people need you to educate them more about B-52!
Theary Seng,
You did not understand the confusion when posting the dart game of Henry Kissinger. Some people in the world might think that Cambodia might against the U.S. President and the U.S. Officials to visit Cambodia. It looks like a generalization of people thinking. You need to be careful what you are doing.
Cambodian victims of land grabbing and all kinds of political motivation are needing help instead of posting the picture of Henry Kissinger.
That is not a very smart thing to do.
You are creating the conflict between in the White House, Democrat and Republican party over the Henry Kissinger. So, that is no way to reach the Cambodian victims of CPP regime like a Modern Killing Fields with different kinds of CPP strategies.
You should think about it. You are a little screwed up.
Khmer Yeurng.
Again, it is for Theary Seng.
What you thinking, Theary Seng? One step at the time.
We need to raise issues in Cambodia that is like ship is sinking under the Vietnamese puppet who does not care about Cambodia and abused the power using the weapons and military to threaten people of Cambodia.
You need to think what is a top priority for Cambodia country today?
You want the U.S. officials to help many problems, Human Rights, Election coming in July 2013, Issues of Dictator Hun Sen (a Vietnamese Puppet) and the U.S. demands of about $400 millions that corrupted CPP Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen owed after Khmer Rouges destroyed American ally Lon Nol.
Khmer Yeurng.
ង្វៀងសេង ធារី :
(មានសេរីភាពគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ជាយួនក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ,
សេង ធារី :
-ខ្លួនឡាំប៉ាថា គ្មានសេរីភាព ក្នុងការលេងល្បែងកូនក្មេង
ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ :
(អារដ្ឋាភិបាលចោរហ៊ុន សែន,វាស់ដីឲ្យខ្មែរដើរ)
-គ្មានសេរីភាពក្នុងការតស៊ូប្រជាមតិ ទាមទារ
ដីធ្លី,ផ្ទៈសម្បែងដែល អាយួនហ៊ុន សែននិង
ដែលបានវាយធ្វើបាបរឹបអូសឆក់ប្លន់ ប្រមូលទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិខ្មែរ,
ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ :
ក្មេង គប់ព្រួញឆ្កួតៗ-ឡប់ៗ មិនគ្រប់ទឹក....
-រឿងល្បែងគប់ព្រួញនេះបើសេង ធារី ខ្លួនពិតជាខ្មែរ...មានភាពក្លាហាន ពិតប្រាកដគួរណាស់តែត្រូវមានរូប
នៅភ្នំពេញសព្វថ្ងៃនេះដែល ECCCកំពុងត្រូវការ មានដូចជា:
-អាយួនខ្មៅ ........ហ៊ុន សែន
-អាយួនខ្មៅ ........ជា ស៊ីម
-អាយួនខ្មៅ.........ហេង សំរិន
-អាយួន............ហោ ណាំហុង
-អាខ្មោចយួន........ហូ ជីមិញ
I don't know or ever understand what Lok Srey Thearay Seng is trying to do. But who am I to say who is right or wrong, after all each of us has a duty to do or to destroy something we believe of.
Some born to do good and some born to do bad, it depends on each person's destiny.
Men rise then men fall since the beginning or men were created. What goes up must come down and is never wrong. Hun Sen rises and Hun Sen will fall.
The time is not in our hands but in GOD's hands. HE Controls.
Pross Pov
តើសេងធារីជានរណាពិតប្រាកដ?បំរើយួន ឬ ខ្មែរ?
យើងគួរពិនិត្យ ពីឫសគល់ជាមុនសិន។ហេតុអ្វីសេង
ធារី មានដំណែងនេះ អ្នកណាផ្ដល់ឱ្យ?
មានទីលំនៅនៅ បឹងកក់ បុរីគីឡា ដីក្រហម និងទី
ផ្សេងទៀតជាដើម តើ គ្រានោះសេងធារី កំពុងធ្វើអ្វីដែរ?
ក្នុងឱកាសជួបព្រឹត្តិការណ៍សំខាន់ អូបាម៉ា-ហ៊ុនសែន ទើបឃើញនាងចេញបន្តធ្វើសកម្មភាព បែរប្រឆាំងទៅ
នឹងលោក ហង់រីគិសសីងគ័រ ព្រមទាំងមេខ្មែរក្រហម
យៀកមិញមួយចំនួន។ ចុះអាមេឃាតករនៅនឹងមុខ
ស្រាប់ មេចក៏សេងធារីមិនរើសវាយកមកលេងល្បែង
ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់ ស្លាប់ជាច្រើនលាននាក់ ដោយសារល្បិចដ៏សាហាវហ្នឹង ព្រោះវាស៊ីរូងផ្ទៃក្នុង
បន្តិចម្ដងៗរហូតដល់ដួលស្លាប់មិនដឹងខ្លួន រួចហើយ
ទើបក្រុមពួកវា ប្រកាសយករួចខ្លួនថា ជម្ងឺគាំងបេះដូង
ឬក៏ជម្ងឺថ្លើម ក្រពះ....។
ស្នេហាជាតិខ្មែរ យើងជាខ្មែរត្រូវមានការយល់ដឹងជាមុន
Everyone using KI Media is sick of having having to look at Theary Seng's photos.
This article is not about her, why put her photo on top?
She is a professional victim doing whatever to take the stage, silencing the real victims and the real human rights activists.
She was right I agree with her on almost all points, American should apology to Cambodian victim; American killed Cambodian more than 500, 000 and destroyed the whole infrastructure, property even though wildlife such as Kou Prey disappeared.
Before China step in, American totally ignore Cambodian, now Cambodian found oil then American step in to support dictatorship by providing the scholarship to his three sons and almost 20 years quiet with human abuse in Cambodia; American support Hun Sen corrupt crony by providing their companies access to American market cause land grab from poor in order to build their farms and factories. American sent military aid to corrupted Cambodian government in order to supress Cambodian who dare to voice against the regime like we see during ASEAN meeting.
Obama top security advisor said Obama talk “tense” to Hun Sen on human right but who know they might talk about oil instead because no journalist allowed inside the room. Obama should warn Hun Sen that if Hun Sen still abuse Cambodian American will ban on all export that have corrupted Hun Sen cronies involved.
American should pay $50, 000 x 7000, 000 Cambodian victims (1970-1975), China should pay $50, 000 x 1.7 million Cambodian dead (1975-1979) plus 5.3 million Cambodian victim, and Vietnamese should pay $50, 000 x 100, 000 Cambodian dead (1979-1985) and return property stolen from Cambodia plus Koh Tral and Koh Krachak Ses, and border encroachment must return to Cambodian and take illegal migrant home.
ហេតុអី ?
មីស្រីឆ្កួតយួនយៀកកុង មេចលាចល
ង្វៀងសេង ធារីដ៏មហិមានេះ ធ្វើល្បិច លើកបង្ហាញOBAMAនូវ
(រូបមុខHENRY KISSINGERគប់ព្រួញ)
SOSអ្នកតវ៉ា,ដីធ្លី,ផ្ទៈសម្បែង(BEUNG KAK)
-ក្នុងគោលដៅ កំទេចកំលាំងអ្នក(BEUNG KAK)?
ហេតុអ្វី អាមេរិកាំង ទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែក បេ៥២លើមក
កម្ពុជា? សូមមេត្តាជ្រាប់ ក្នុងនាមជាឪ ពិតជាមិន
ហេតុការណ៍ដ៏សំខាន់មួយទៀត អ្នកដឹកនាំប្រទេស
បានអះអាងថាប្រទេសខ្លួនមិនចូលបក្ខសម្ព័ន្ធ ក៏ប៉ុន្ដែ
ដូច្នោះហើយ អាមេរិក ការពារនឹងឧបត្ថម្ភគ្រប់យ៉ាង
ដល់របបលន់នល់ វាគឺជាតួនាទីរបស់អាមេរិកដើម្បី
ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ដ៏អស្ចារ្យមួយទៀត គឺ អាយួនយៀកកុង
ដែលយើងហៅថាខ្មែររំដោះពិត ដោយអាយួនទាំងពីរ
ខ្មែរ រហូតស្លាប់គ្នាសល់នាឆ្នាំ៧២និង៧៣ ព្រោះយួន
ម៉្យាងអាយួនយៀកកុង ភ័យខ្លាចទ័ពរំដោះយើងបែរ
ចុងកាណុងទៅរកវាវិញ ទើបអាយួនទាំងពីរ ខាងជើង
ក៏ដូចអាខាងត្បូង រកមធ្យោបាយកំទេចកងទ័ពរំដោះ
សរុបមក ទិវារ១៧មេសា៧៥ ចូលមកដល់ អស់លោក
មាននៅចាំទេ កងទ័ពខ្មែរក្រហមដែលបានជ័យជំនះ
រួចធ្វើដំណើរចូលតាមទីក្រុងនានា ស្ទើរតែអស់ក្មេងៗជំទង់
ខ្លះស្ពាយកាំភ្លើងមិនផុតពីដីផង ហេតុអ្វីដូច្នោះសូមពិចារណា!
ដោយសារតែអាយួនខាងជើងប្រាប់ កូអកដោណេ ទៅអាយួន
ខាងត្បូងគ្រានោះជាសម្ព័ន្ធមិត្តជាមួយអាមេរិកាំងដែរ បញ្ជាឱ្យ
ទាំងបីដាក់ក្នុងសហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន ដែលមានខ្មោចអាហូជីមិញ
ខ្វះឬលើសត្រង់ណាសូមជួយបំពេញឬដកចេញផង សូមអរគុណ!
There are people for Theary Seng, there are people against Theary Seng.
What Theary Seng should think?
She should do whatever it takes to at least help Cambodia. She must be careful that Cambodia is already infiltrated by Yuon in all political stripes, they are waiting to kill any Khmer who dare to go against their genocidal policies.
10:35 AM
May be during the conversation between Kissinger and Zhou, Pham Vam Dong was informed by Zhou that Kissinger is going to smash his last dangerous game.
It is in a top secret document "Phone Conversation between Kissinger and Zhou" just released by George Washington University (Political Science).
Kissinger has so much hate toward King Sihanouk, he then punished Sihanouk by dropped his thousand bombs on Cambodia before he made his exit. The bombs carried from Utapov Thailand.
or find some in the link below.
Should Henry Kissinger be charged as a way criminal? It depends on who you talk to. I say "NO". If I were Henry Kissinger, I would do the same? Why? It is a warning sign to Communists that I can take them anytime if I were so desired. But for the sake of the US, where million citizen were angry with that useless war, I had no choice but to withdraw.
I would drop more bombs on Cambodia and on NVN and SVN to dust.
My opinion toward Theary Seng is: she is making an effort to benefit Vietnam instead. Because it was Vietnam who converted their Expansionism on Cambodia to a conflict war, so that they can fool the world. And while the world are eying on that war, their expansionism on Cambodia will be finished without any suspicious from outsiders.
Henry Kissinger is not a WAR Criminal, he was a peaceful man who fought to protect the innocence lives who were used by the Viet Communists.
It was Cambodia's own fate and because Cambodia has been raped and robbed for centuries and she became the poorest nation that lacks of army and intelligent people to defend her.
Don't blame Henry Kissinger or anyone else, Blame on the Khmer Buddhists who destroyed the Khmer Empire until today. It's the Khmer Buddhists who led Khmer nation to downfall to be vanished from the world map.
The Khmer Buddhists are the evil criminals should be dragged to court and be punished for their crimes of wrecking the nation.
Indian men brought Hindu into Cambodia while they ruled/reigned over, Khmers had a great Empire.
Indian men introduced Buddhism while trading to others to weak them, and so Khmers adopted it as a state religion. Not only the Buddhism weaken the nation, it led Khmers to becoming stupid and lazy. The economy collapsed and Sathou the nation fallen.
Indian men again introduced Islam to that South East regions, few nations like Malaysia Peninsula, Brunei, and Indonesia adopted it.
Now the Indian men siding with Yuon claiming that Ho Chi Minh's ancestors were Hindu who built the Khmer empire. Now that Yuon Sok Kong controls over Khmer ancient Temples, what will happen to Khmers?
Now Khmere Buddhists compete with each others to do Buddhism business to make money.
No doubt it Khmer Buddhists are the destroyers of Khmers Empire and Khmer nation.
Khmer Buddhists're the source of all CRIMES brought into Cambodia.
TO Khmer Yeurng.If you think you are smarter and is more educated than Ms. Theary Seng you should lend out your knowledge to help Cambodia and her people but from what I read from your comments,you got much smaller brain than a singing bird,please stay where you're at......Your comment is laughable...
3:16 AM
I read Khmer Yeung wrote the comment, and it does make sense. This person has some concerns about Khmers' future.
I don't know why you have to attack that person and made such a low class comment as who is smarter than who or who has education better than who?
What high or low education has anything to do with the person who has concerns for the nation?
Why cannot you just argue as a civilized people instead of using ah Hun Xen's low class style? You do really have inferiority complex that was why you reacted that way.
From ready Theary Seng'bio, in her blog, her education is just a little BA, and a law degree among more than 7 Million American lawyers who have no jobs. If she earned a PhD instead of BA, then you can brag about her high education. The fact she is not highly educated as you bragged about her.
Just debate or argue as civilized human beings instead of attacking someone who criticizes Theary Seng's work. Don't adopt ah Hun Xen's style, and if you do, you will be bombarded from other readers.
3:16 AM
I read Khmer Yeung wrote the comment, and it does make sense. This person has some concerns about Khmers' future.
I don't know why you have to attack that person and made such a low class comment as who is smarter than who or who has education better than who?
What high or low education has anything to do with the person who has concerns for the nation?
Why cannot you just argue as a civilized people instead of using ah Hun Xen's low class style? You do really have inferiority complex that was why you reacted that way.
From reading Theary Seng'bio, in her blog, her education is just a little BA, and a law degree among more than 7 Million American lawyers who have no jobs. If she earned a PhD instead of BA, then you can brag about her high education. The fact she is not highly educated as you bragged about her.
Just debate or argue as civilized human beings instead of attacking someone who criticizes Theary Seng's work. Don't adopt ah Hun Xen's style, and if you do, you will be bombarded from other readers.
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