Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Obama presses Cambodia PM on rights in 'tense' talks

Monday, 19 November 2012
"The prime minister stressed that there are no political prisoners in Cambodia, but there are politicians who are guilty" - Prak Sokhon, Hun Xen's henchman
PHNOM PENH: US President Barack Obama told Cambodia's premier in a "tense" meeting on Monday that his government's human rights violations were "an impediment" to better bilateral ties, a US official said.

Newly re-elected Obama, fresh from a historic jaunt to Myanmar, met Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen for talks in Phnom Penh ahead of joining an East Asia Summit.

"He began by expressing that his trip to Burma demonstrated the positive benefits that flow from countries moving down the path of political reform and increasing respect for human rights," said US deputy national security advisor

Ben Rhodes, using Myanmar's former name.

Obama brought up the need for fair and free elections in Cambodia, and the need for the release of political prisoners, Rhodes added, agreeing that the meeting was "tense".

"He said that those types of issues are an impediment to the United States and Cambodia developing a deeper bilateral relationship."

Obama, the first US president to visit Cambodia, and Hun Sen shook hands before their meeting but the American did not smile during the greeting.

The Cambodian government has faced mounting criticism from rights groups in recent years for what they claim is a growing crackdown on dissidents and protesters in cases that are often linked to land disputes.

But Cambodia hit back at Obama's comments, saying the country was working to promote human rights and had been the victim of a "campaign" to distort the truth.

"Now through this manipulated campaign, it seems that Cambodia has become a student worse than Myanmar," Prak Sokhon, delegate minister attached to Hun Sen, told reporters after the bilateral meeting.

"The prime minister stressed that there are no political prisoners in Cambodia, but there are politicians who are guilty," he added.

During the talks, Rhodes said Obama highlighted the case of prominent government critic and radio station owner Mam Sonando, 71, who was jailed for 20 years in October for an alleged secessionist plot in a verdict that dismayed rights groups.

Dozens of Cambodian villagers faced with eviction staged several small protests ahead of Obama's arrival with "SOS" messages urging the president to help press the government on land rights issues.

Hun Sen, 60, has been in power since 1985 and has vowed to rule until he's 90.

The country's main opposition leader, meanwhile, lives in self-imposed exile abroad to avoid jail time for what critics say are politically motivated charges.


Anonymous said...

Here is the voice of Cambodian-American voters and victim of the Killing Field...

1. Don't give legitimacy to the CPP/Hun Sen/ Vietcong puppet goverment
2. Must promote Human Rights and Democracy
3. Must bring all killers to justice!

Voted for OB in 08 and 12.

Anonymous said...

យើងរង់ចាំមើល តួអង្គពីររូបនេះ លែងស្នៀតអី
ដាក់គ្នា តើ បានលទ្ធផលអ្វីខ្លះដល់ប្រទេសជាតិ

Anonymous said...

ការចាប់ដៃជាមួយឃាតក លោកអូបាម៉ាហាក់
មានអារម្មណ៍ថា អញមិនគួរមើលមុខវាទេ ព្រោះ
វាជាឆ្កែរបស់ចិនផង កញ្ជះយួនផង តែវាទាល់
ព្រោះវាកំពុងបក់កន្ទុយមករកហើយ តែអញ
(អូបាម៉ា)មិនសូវសប្បាយចិត្តជាមួយវាទេ ព្រោះ
សត្វរមិលគុណនេះខាំមិនរើសមុខ វាសើចស្ញេញ
ព្រោះចង់យកចិត្តឲ្យលោះបំណុលប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។

Anonymous said...

Stop communist vietcong and chinese exapansion!

Two evil forces in ASia today:
1. Communist VietNam
2. Communist China


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. President for you brought all concerns from fair election to human rights abuse to Mr. Hun Sen who has ruled the country over two decades by violent forces. Hun Sen must lead the country toward the true democracy not backward toward dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

2:28am You are absolutely right, I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

To 2:28 AM,
the best argument brother I love this. Yes, we can see what MR president dif with this communist guy, Chech Kan touy kwen wir nov tair kwen hei chey.

Anonymous said...

Just want to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank American President Barack Obama for taking a tough stand on human rights, freedom, and other issues in Cambodia and told Hun Sen bluntly what he did not want to hear.

Good for you, Mr. President for not smiling when meeting the strongman of Cambodia who is only strong with Cambodians!

You did indeed show your leadership!

Thank You.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

This is the first time of elected president of America to visit Cambodia in history...and it is the first time that elected president of America must give a lesson to the uneducated Khmer leader, dictator Hun Sen...

Hun Sen and his clans calculate wrongly about president Obama will take side with them to counterstrike China...of course, it is not...Obama has enough alliance to counter China...one Hun Sen whose no one can teach him will go to hell and face with embarrasement...

Sooner or later, Hun Sen can access to China only...Hun Sen will have no place in other countries for his visit...this is the good fortune for criminal Hun Sen...

Anonymous said...

CIA and FBI are already known and inform the President about the issues that are facing Cambodia today.
Cambodian people must rise up and make very big loud noises so President Obama could intervene otherwise, president Obama can't help as international law but Cambodia people is the only key to make loud noise like Libyan people did to Gaddafi, Tunisian people did to President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egyptian people did to President Hosni Mubarak. Cambodian people can do the same to Hun Sen.

So the key is Cambodian people must rise up and make big noises so President Obama can intervene.

Anonymous said...

Khmer people hope that President Obam will delivery a speech about Human Right and dictatorship before he depart from Cambodia.

Please Mr President! don't forget to give speech!

Anonymous said...

How many human being that Samdach Decho Hun Sen murdered so far after 1979 to present day?

Can anyone guess the number? Do the President Obama know about these too?

Anonymous said...

Simple question! How many human being that Hun Sen murdered so far from 1979 to present day as he in power right now?

Anonymous said...

The people have been spoken, actually...SCREAMING...Freedom and justice have been denied in Cambodia!

How come this bloody, ruthless crony is still in power?!

Anonymous said...

After 1993 election Cambodia must be the democratic country but under the state apparate of Hun Sen its people afraid to say the fact this stupid dictator because of the Viet stand secretly behind this regime.

Burma is just moving for democracy and now this country is more better Cambodia, why? Because their leaders are not stupid Hun Sen and they have the nati9onal interest first and not puppet for China.

Anonymous said...

Samdache Decho Hun Sen said "Close the doors and beat all dogs!"

Anonymous said...

Thank You Mr. Obama for teaching this brat, Hun Sen.
I did not for for you but California is your state any way.

Anonymous said...

How much do Hun Sen, Hun sen's familes, relatives friends steal from Cambodia ? How much? Why do Cambodian people are still poor and Hun Sen goverment keep borrowing from oversea? Why does Hun Sen give Koh Tral , sea area, lands to Vietnam? why? and How come all Hun Sen relatives, friends can abuse Khmer people and even murder khmer people at any time? and why do Cambodia court system are only protecting hun sen and his familes, relatives friends?

Anonymous said...

No samdach Decho Hun Sen closed the door and bully President Obama about what is really mean by Human Right? and he shows all the documents during Vietnam war, half millions of Cambodians were death by B-52 Bomb. Samdach Decho Hun Sen ask question back to president Obama "Were these victims not Human being and deserve Human Right too?" and President Obama can't say a word afterward.


Anonymous said...

Scum Rainsy is an outsider looking in and wish he can be part of it all?

Anonymous said...

"There are no political prisoners in Cambodia, but there are politicians who are guilty." This statement alone expressed grave danger and naive leadership of the person who made such a statement. It is like this person is using his arse to think and not his head.
Obama ought to think who he is dealing with in Cambodia. These individuals are or were former Khmer Rouges who care not of rules of law in Cambodia. To challenge these individuals is to hurt them where it hurts most and that is to end and to place sanctions on Cambodia and force China to not indirectly involve in Cambodia internal affairs. Cambodians today are not the same Cambodians who are living in 1975. Cambodians today are educated from Western parts of the world and downunder, and so these Cambodians cannot be lied to or force to accept terms against their own wills, and that they will stand up against the regime sooner or later.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

11:11 AM,

no, nak deuk noam srok yeung mouk men doch sva prey chek te, ko pontae mouk ke sbaek krass khmeuk doch sbaek krobey! You poke that thick skin with a samurai sword, and the sword could still not penetrate their thick skin because they believe that they own Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Please don't send that kind of the picture, because you want to blame Hun Sen by changing the view of this picture from a PC-Work. The US president has a great character and a good personality and did not act like an idiot.

Contrary in the eye of the outside world, the European or good American people would say and blame the US president, after they see this picture. Because is shows, that the US President is not a real friendly person.

Anonymous said...

11:11 AM,
