Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Obama's arrival in Cambodia



Anonymous said...

CIA and FBI are already known and inform the President about the issues that are facing Cambodia today.
Cambodian people must rise up and make very big loud noises so President Obama could intervene otherwise, president Obama can't help as international law but Cambodia people is the only key to make loud noise like Libyan people did to Gaddafi, Tunisian people did to President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egyptian people did to President Hosni Mubarak. Cambodian people can do the same to Hun Sen.

So the key is Cambodian people must rise up and make big noises so President Obama can intervene.

Anonymous said...

Khmer people hope that President Obam will delivery a speech about Human Right and dictatorship before he depart from Cambodia.

Please Mr President! don't forget to give speech!

Anonymous said...

How many human being that Samdach Decho Hun Sen murdered so far after 1979 to present day?

Can anyone guess the number? Do the President Obama know about these too?

Anonymous said...

Simple question! How many human being that Hun Sen murdered so far from 1979 to present day as he in power right now?

Anonymous said...

No samdach Decho Hun Sen closed the door and bully President Obama about what is really mean by Human Right? and he shows all the documents during Vietnam war, half millions of Cambodians were death by B-52 Bomb. Samdach Decho Hun Sen ask question back to president Obama "Were these victims not Human being and deserve Human Right too?" and President Obama can't say a word afterward.


Anonymous said...

Regardless of the imperfect feeling, it was awesome to see Air Force One with its majestic presence. God bless America and Cambodia. It is a mixed feeling because, on the other hand, the clique did not deserve that honor...