Wednesday, December 05, 2012

2012 a Bad Year for Basic Freedoms, Activist Says


Anonymous said...

KI media deleted commemts that related to 1997 granade attack.


It is meaning no justice for any supporters that died in serving Sam Rainsy political party at all.

Sam Rainsy will never find justice for his supporters at America and international court at all but in fact he use these as his passport for negotiate with Hun Sen after 15 years.

The supporters Sam Rainsy party today must accept that if you die in serving Sam Rainsy party, Sam Rainsy will not care to find justice for you at America and international courts and you die for nothing as 1997 grenade attack victims.

Current affair,

Anonymous said...

The same as Ki media as evidences and experiences KI media like the comments who talk bad thing about Hun Sen and Norodom Sihanouk and other but it is ver censor if anyone comments about Sam Rainsy party or try to improve Sam Rainsy party such as 1997 grenade attack justice, Ki media keep delete like Hun Sen media the block Ki media.

To us as members of Sam Rainsy party can see clearly that Ki media = Hun Sen media censorship,

the life of sam rainsy supporters are just creat passport for sam rainsy keep negotiate with Hun Sen for his opportunuties, no real justice after 15 years of serving sam rainsy party and the victims died for bullshit because of sam rainsy don't want to find real justice for them at America and international courts.

No justice! they use our death as their passport for negotiate with Hun Sen after 15 years. That is Sam Rainsy policies, no justice for his supporters but he try negotiate with Hun Sen all the times for his opportunities.

If we ask about justice for his supporters they accused us as youn dog. Cambodian people must think twice before you follow the same foot step as us.

Anonymous said...

Fake or not fake where are the justice for Sam Rainsy supporters that died serving Sam Rainsy party?

Where are the justice at America and international courts? Or Sam Rainsy is using our death members as passport to negotiate with Hun Sen for the past 15 years.

Cambodian people are questions Mr Sam Rainsy Where are the justice for your supporters at America and international courts? Is it hard for you to sue Hun Sen at America and international courts publicly and transparancy? Or are you still keep using our death members as your negotiate with Hun Sen if Hun Sen block you you cream that you will sue Hun Sen but if Hun Sen gives green light you will stop sue Hun Sen for the past 15 years????

It is sad for our death members that support you Mr Sam Rainsy!

The voice of the death members of Sam Rainsy party,

Anonymous said...

4:43 AM, 5:02 AM and 5:57 AM are the same Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater called Pi Anh sitting behind the computer and rubbing virgina while watching Vietnamese dog eating masters who play their short penises in Hanoi.

The person like 4:43 AM, 5:02 AM and 5:57 AM is worried about losing Hun Sen who is not going to be a leader in Cambodian in the near future or in 2013 because Hun Sen wants to show his good records of Human Rights and want to be protected by the U.S. officials. Why? Hun Sen is so afraid of his Vietnamese masters in Hanoi who are so angry with him after the U.S. officials talked to Hun Sen his Vietnamese bosses in Hanoi are very bad and put pressures him to oppress his own Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen block Sam Rainsy than Sam Rainsy will scream he will sue Hun Sen but If Hun Sen allow green light Sam Rainsy stop sueing Hun Sen. The deaths of members and supporters of sam rainsy have no meanning for sam rainsy at all but as tool for him to use for creat his opportunities again and again and prolong suffer to Cambodians

Voice of the death members and supporters of Sam Rainsy,

Anonymous said...

Is it so difficult for Sam Rainsy find real justice at America and international courts for his death members and supporters? or Sam Rainsy is using the death as his tool in negotiate with Hun Sen to prolong suffer to Cambodians????

Anonymous said...

LOL @8:42 AM and 8:50 AM who spent too much time and energy to post nonsense comments on Ki-Media about Mr. Sam Rainsy.

What a loser!!!

8:42 AM and 8:50 AM are very bad Vietnamese posters who tried to confuse the readers about Mr. Sam Rainsy who is a hero of all Cambodian/Khmer people.

Mr. Sam Rainsy is very popular now among the Cambodian people and people around the world.

8:42 AM and 8:50 AM are trying to make all up about Mr. Sam Rainsy when pretending to be a support of Mr. Sam Rainsy. No one blamed Mr. Sam Rainsy except the one who posted the comments to blame Mr. Sam Rainsy.

If the poster like 8:42 AM and 8:50 AM posts the comments against Mr. Sam Rainsy, that poster is not SRP member.

That is how the Vietnamese dog eaters are all about. They cause a lot of trouble in Cambodian society.

We will write the article about Vietnamese Dog Eaters who are real troublemakers in Cambodian society because they want to steal Cambodian land, Cambodian Natural Resources, Cambodian Islands, Cambodian Sea, Cambodian Successful businesses around the world, and beyond.

The more The Vietnamese dog eaters cause troubles and make all up agai, the more Cambodian/Khmer people will spread the words about the Vietnamese dog eaters' bad behaviors, bad/ill-intention toward Cambodia, secret Vietnamese Killers of Killing Fields who used Khmer Rouges as the scapegoats around the world, and more and more bad things about Vietnamese dog eaters.

The world will know better and better about the very bad Vietnamese people like Pi Anh, Hun Sen's Yuon wife, CPP Yuon crooks in Cambodia. So, they can hide if they try to hide and make all up stories.

So, Vietnamese leaders and supporters of Communist Vietnamese leaders are very bad, except the good Vietnamese people who love democracy.