Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Mourners See Former King’s Face in the Moon

Photoshop conveniently came to the rescue!
Suy Heimkhemra, VOA Khmer
04 December 2012
“But for some Cambodian people, they are so traumatized they no longer use their thinking - Venerable Tormou Pang Soda, head monk at the Phnom Penh Thmey pagoada, in Kampong Cham province
PHNOM PENH - Amid a deeply superstitious population, another rumor is spreading, with mourners claiming they have seen the face of the late former king, Norodom Sihanouk, in the moon and other places.

Photographers and designers along the city’s riverfront, near the Royal Palace, where the late king lies in state, have begun selling posters with his face superimposed over the moon to illustrate these visions.

“I really saw him, although some people say it is an illusion,” said Pich Lamey, 73, from the city’s Dangkor district, who held one of the illustrations in her hands.

So too with Thou Phal, 62, from Battambang province. “It’s not so clear, but you can see the king’s face,” he said. “You can’t see it if you aren’t paying attention. But if you truly pay attention, you will.”

Photographer Phat Vireak, 22, said the visions have helped him earn a lot of money, between $1.25 to $2 a picture. “I have sold more than 100 pictures,” he told VOA Khmer recently.

The late king’s visage has appeared in other places, too.

“I didn’t believe in the pictures of the king in the moon,” said Touchyim Vannith, a 23-year-old student. “But it was unbelievable to me when I saw the face of the king father in the smoke of the candles.”

Others say he has appeared in the clouds.

Sihanouk, a revered figure throughout much of Cambodia, died in Beijing on Oct. 15. He will not be cremated until February, giving many people a chance to travel to the capital and mourn in front of the palace.

For social scientist Somchan Sovandara, a lecturer at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the appearance of the king’s image in inanimate objects is “an illusion.” “It happens when people feel like they miss or love someone so much,” he said.

Cambodians are especially superstitious, he said. This is due in part to traditions that are handed down from one generation to the next. But they were also traumatized by the Khmer Rouge, which destroyed educational institutions and killed intellectuals, he said.

“People no longer have critical thinking to judge whether it’s true or not,” he said.

Kim Ley, an independent researcher, said some Cambodian beliefs are healthier than others. “In Cambodia, because there are many things that science cannot prove, they are superstitious,” he said.

This can be dangerous, he said. It allows economic opportunists to pray on the unwitting, allows gossip to spread and frighten people and can have negative health effects, such as when people believe soy beans will protect them from disease, he said.

Venerable Tormou Pang Soda, head monk at the Phnom Penh Thmey pagoada, in Kampong Cham province, said that Buddhist teachings ask people to think carefully on something before putting their belief in it. “But for some Cambodian people, they are so traumatized they no longer use their thinking,” he said.


500riel_toilet said...

KI. Everytime you run this story you make the khmer people look even more stupid.

This is hun Sen people

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if khmer people are stupid or ignorant completely. Workship the King who was once head of Khmer Rouge who killed two millions of innocent Khmer people during Khmer Rouge rule? He and Khmer Rouge are Communists and they worked together as team. Prove to me if I am wrong. Since he was brought down by Lon Nol's coup, Sihanouk never visited any countries other than communist countries, namely China, North Korea. I wish he goes straight to hell for the crime he committed.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihanouk did not directly kill 3 million Khmer people, but he had helped the Khmer Rouge to seize the power and killed Khmer people.

Lmorm Chhup crazy Chear Muoy Ah Sdach Lob Sihanouk Heuy!!

Kit Rork Plov Doss Sray Chear Muoy Ah Sdach Chkuot Thmey Hun Sen Heuy Bamplich Ah Sdach Kbot Cheat Sihanouk Touv.

Anonymous said...

All of the above statement are correct. Thank for writing them.

I was born in Cambodia and lived through the horrible Khmer Rouge and killer Sihanouk regime. I had sufferred many lost in families.

I can not understand my dumb people of Cambodian were crying for this stupid and murderered of its own people. All his friends from Communist China and North Korean. Go on You Tube, you will see the dumb Sihanouk embraced the those two evil of axis countries.

May be that is why the Cambodian country are so poor. Stop blame other people. We should blame ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Xihanouk is the most dumbest politician people on the planet earth.

His wife is evil and his son is stupid. RAnarid is a womanizer and stole money from the selling real estates. His king son (possible gay) can't even dance.

They kicked the American and invited the VietCong to come into the Cambodia.

Welcome to the dumbest country in Asia.

Anonymous said...

all above comments are writen by Yellow shirt group and Lon Nol clic. They are jalous of Khmer King who was so famous and patriotict

Anonymous said...

Please Be Born as you wished as ZOMBIE our King Father.
You were the National Hero in 1954 and 1993 but what happened to you between 1960 to 1975 and then 1975 to 1979.
Oh our Lord King Father ,in 1982, you had dragged more than 50000 KHMER Refugees from the camps in SIAM to go back to CHUM-RUM SAMDECH OV , CHUMRUM SANTEPHEAP and O SMACH where these KHMER children were being granted asylum to come to the third world countries.

Stop Blaming Lon Nol for protecting Cambodian from your invited guests NVA and VIETCONG

Anonymous said...

Pls stop crazy and stupid with this, in fact Sihanouk already went to the hell ( Than Noruok hey)

Anonymous said...

Not only the king
most of KHMER do the same thing .They believe that youn fight KHMER ROUGE to save their live no youn come to take your live slowly

Anonymous said...

7:25 AM
What you said was right, except when you signed as Hun Xen's people, you made every reader vomit.

7:49 AM
Your 1st sentence that Khmers are not all stupid, is well said. But the rest, you still embrace Yuon Strategy condemning King Sihanouk ignoring the Cold War and ignoring the Yuon expansionism since 1885. We are not sure you are Khmer or Yuon.

8:38 AM is purely Yuon, His/her words are lowest class like Hun Xen.

11:07 AM is Yuon who cannot stop dividing Khmers.

12:46 PM is Khmer Unifier.

1:34 PM. You never can understand even if you read, the true documents about Yuon expansionism.

6:43 PM is Yuon who cannot stop dividing Khmers.

10:47 PM is understanding about Yuon expansionism but misreading the facts.

Anonymous said...

LON NOL made the biggest mistake in Cambodian History. Don't deny it.

Anonymous said...

Not Lon Nol but Sihanouk ,
he made the biggest mistake he let the khmer territory to the viet-Cong since 1963.

Anonymous said...

To Sihanouk supporters,

Was it true or not that Sihanouk, North Vietnamese/Vietcongs, and Khmer Rouge worked together as team during 1970-75 war? Without him, the Khmer Rouge would not have Chance to take over Cambodia. The Viets never hate Sihanouk as without Sihanouk the Viets did not have an excuse to invade Cambodia in the 1970's. The Viets during that time played pre-corded voice of Sihanouk who proclaimed that Viets troop came to help papa liberate Cambodia from Lon Nol. People listened and believe in Sihanouk and went to support Viets Troop. In the area in Cambodia where Viets occupied, they started training and arming the people in the liberated zone by choosing Khmer Rouge to lead the insurgence. When the insurgents became fully trained the viets withdraw to Vietnam and let Khmer fight Khmer. Through Peking radio, Sihanouk appealed everyday to Khmer people stating that the insurgents which lead by Khmer Rouge were his army fighting to liberate Cambodia. The war lasted five years with the Khmer Rouge won the war. So no matter how hard you tried to defend Sihanouk, the matter the fact is Sihanouk is trator as without him Cambodia will not in this position.

Anonymous said...

Lon Nol initiated a coup to depose Sihanoul. Peasants from every provinces came to Phnom Penh by busses against Lon Nol with emty hands. But Lon Nol's soldires open fire kill them. Hahahahaha1
Kill own peopl in broad day light. hahahahaha. Is that killing field ?
Open your eye boys!

Anonymous said...

Blame it on Sihanouk himself as he was the one who violated his neutral policy by siding with the Viets in the American/Viets war. Lon Nol troop might killed people who answered Sihanouk call for uprising against the government. Should Lon Nol soldiers did not killed the insurgents they, the soldiers, would be instead got killed. In the rules of engagement, soldiers have the right to protect themselves when their life are threatening. Those insurgents were not armed with guns but they were armed with swords, knifes, axes.

Anonymous said...

1:17 PM,

Lon Nol and his troop might killed some Khmer people of Sihanouk followers but he killed Vietnamese the most at that time. Sihanouk, through his subordinate, Khmer Rouge, killed 2 Millions of Khmers from 1975-79. Those innocent khmers were not armed sir. Unlike Lon Nol who treated Viets as enemy, Sihanouk treated Viets as friend, inviting them to invade Cambodia in the 1970's misled Khmer people into believing that those Viets were his army seeking to wrestle the power back from Lon Nol. Lon Nol might not be a perfect man but he was a nationalist and Sihanouk, in turn, was a traitor.