Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Vietcong factory in Cambodia DISCRIMINATES against non-CPP Cambodian applicants

Fertilizer factory won’t hire non-CPP members, workers claim

Tuesday, 04 December 2012
Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post

Workers applying for jobs at a fertilizer factory in Kandal province claim they were passed over in favour of applicants who were members of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP).

Prey Treng II village chief Hang Suon and two job applicants told the Post yesterday that Five Stars International Fertilizer Factory, located in the provincial district of Kien Svay, won’t hire non-CPP members.

Opposition supporters, they haven’t been allowed to work in the factory. About 25 to 30 of my relatives applied to work, but they were not selected,” Suon said.

Villager Bun Thoeun said that after his application was held up, the factory manager informed him he had to apply through the Samraong Thom commune chief, Buth Sovann.

When contacted by the Post, however, Sovann rejected all the claims against the factory’s alleged discriminatory hiring practices.

“They applied directly to the factory. I just certified on an official letter their address, otherwise they aren’t received,” Sovann said.

I do not have time to personally receive their application forms.”

Moreover, she said that there has been no politically-driven discrimination in hiring employees.

The Post could not reach the company owner or factory manager to ask about the allegations, which were further undercut by a member of the commune council’s admission that he had no “documented evidence” of discrimination.

“They hinted that if [anyone] wants to work, they must resign from the opposition party,” said Samraong Thom commune first deputy chief Ly Lin, a member of the opposition Sam Rainsy Party.


Anonymous said...

This is a very coward and ignorant
political party. This kind of action virtually showed their real color that they are ignorant, coward and incapable to encounter with their opponents.

The incapable people just dare to race with himself only so he has to do whatever he can to get rid of the opposition parties even that trick is real dirty or cheap.

Why should keep such a cheap leader and his followers ? what a shame. Better get rid of them immediately.

Anonymous said...

The same as Ki media as evidences and experiences KI media like the comments who talk bad thing about Hun Sen and Norodom Sihanouk and other but it is ver censor if anyone comments about Sam Rainsy party or try to improve Sam Rainsy party such as 1997 grenade attack justice, Ki media keep delete like Hun Sen media the block Ki media.

To us as members of Sam Rainsy party can see clearly that Ki media = Hun Sen media censorship,

the life of sam rainsy supporters are just creat passport for sam rainsy keep negotiate with Hun Sen for his opportunuties, no real justice after 15 years of serving sam rainsy party and the victims died for bullshit because of sam rainsy don't want to find real justice for them at America and international courts.

No justice! they use our death as their passport for negotiate with Hun Sen after 15 years. That is Sam Rainsy policies, no justice for his supporters but he try negotiate with Hun Sen all the times for his opportunities.

If we ask about justice for his supporters they accused us as youn dog. Cambodian people must think twice before you follow the same foot step as us.

Anonymous said...

Saw logo of the webpage - Nam Sao is Vietnamese name. How ridiculous! What on earth is the fucking Vietnamese thief on Cambodian land has that company name Nam Sao. Fuck you, Viet Gook!

Anonymous said...

4.55 AM

fucking fake SRP members, go to hell yuon dogs

Anonymous said...

5:41 AM

Fake or not fake where are the justice for Sam Rainsy supporters that died serving Sam Rainsy party?

Where are the justice at America and international courts? Or Sam Rainsy is using our death members as passport to negotiate with Hun Sen for the past 15 years.

Cambodian people are questions Mr Sam Rainsy Where are the justice for your supporters at America and international courts? Is it hard for you to sue Hun Sen at America and international courts publicly and transparancy? Or are you still keep using our death members as your negotiate with Hun Sen if Hun Sen block you you cream that you will sue Hun Sen but if Hun Sen gives green light you will stop sue Hun Sen for the past 15 years????

It is sad for our death members that support you Mr Sam Rainsy!

The voice of the death members of Sam Rainsy party,

Anonymous said...

Justcie for the killed people or members of srp ? why don't you use your fucking brain to blame and drag the killers which are your dog Hun Sen clan to face justice ? why do you idiots always twist the story around ? You fucking idiots act as if you are not Khmer and human.

You fucking idiots and killer groups will be be hang when there is a change in govt in future. Those killed didn't die in vain and have not been forgotten - it is forgtoten by your killer gangs. Scores of people have been killed in the last 20 years and you fucking idiots never bothered to even investiggate but blame and victimise the innocent instead.

Stop your fucking pretentions and expect people to be fooled by your cheap dirty tricks. it only works among your stupid low life groups and ignorant peasants who are functionally illiterate.

Anonymous said...

5:54 AM and 4.55 AM are the same Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater called Pi Anh. This person like 5:54 AM and 4.55 AM never stops rubbing nipples and virgina while watching Vietnamese dog eating masters in Hanoi who play their short penises to get erected behind the computer.

Pi Anh is worried about losing Hun Sen who wants to resign and join the U.S. ally after he proves the good records of Human Rights. Hun Sen is afraid of his angry Vietnamese bosses who pressure on him to hurt his own Cambodian people. Hun Sen is scared of his Vietnamese dog eating masters who try to kill him if he is tired of doing what his masters of Vietnamese dog eating nation told him to do for over three decades. He wants to enjoy life in Western world and wants to be protected by Westerners from his killer Vietnamese bosses in Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

7:35 AM is Viet and CPP Youn that support Hun Sen

Anonymous said...


4,000 riel