Thursday, December 06, 2012

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia focus on development [of Uncle Ho's Indochinese] triangle

Conference on trade, investment and tourism for the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam development triangle in Kon Tum.

Thursday, Dec 06, 2012
Saigon Gia Phong (Vietcong Commie Party)

A conference on trade, investment and tourism for the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam development triangle took place in the central highland province of Kon Tum yesterday, December 5.

More than 400 domestic and foreign businesses participated in the conference.

Two-way trade between Vietnam and Laos, and Vietnam and Cambodia is estimated to reach a combined total of more than US$4 billion this year.

Vietnam is investing in 50 projects worth close to $1.7 billion in Laos, and 25 projects valued at $1.5 billion in Cambodia.

At the conference, Pham Thi Hong Thanh, deputy head of the Department of Asia-Pacific Market under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, pointed out the obstacles faced by business circles of the three countries such as transport, lending requirements and low consumer demand.

Youn Heng, director of the Department of Evaluation and Incentives under the Cambodian Council for Development, said his country will boost investment in hydropower, thermal power and the power transmission network in the future.

Besides, firms are facing a workforce shortage in Laos and are challenged by the distance between Ho Chi Minh City and Champassak Province. Multinational trade traffic through the south of Laos via northeast Cambodia to the southern provinces of Vietnam is slow.

Cao Viet Sinh, Vietnam’s deputy minister of Planning and Investment, said in future, ministries and agencies of the three countries need to accelerate the construction and completion of the investment and business law; policies relating to taxes, customs, labor; administrative procedures relating to licenses, investment, business--ensuring transparency, the coherence from the central to local levels in order to reduce the time, costs for investors, improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Cao Viet Sinh, deputy minister of Planning and Investment, stressed that to exploit the regions potential one needs to improve infrastructure, offer incentives to encourage the participation of all economic sectors, and accelerate the implementation of the triangle’s development master plan approved by leaders of the three governments.

The countries also need to complete the investment and business legal framework, policies on tax, customs and labor, and administrative procedures to ensure transparency and synchronicity at all levels of governance from central to grassroots level, Sinh added.

The Cambodia–Laos–Vietnam development triangle comprises of 13 border provinces of the three countries. Initiated by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Vientiane in 1999, the area was established to enhance solidarity and cooperation for socio-economic development, poverty reduction and security in the region.

Meanwhile a trade fair was organized in the central highland province of Kon Tum where handmade crafts by artisans from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were on exhibit.

The fair opened on December 4 and brought together 700 businesses that are displaying their high-quality products in 360 stalls.

The fair is part of a series of events to herald the 8th Conference of the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia Triangle Development Coordinating Committee and the 100th anniversary of Kon Tum Province (February 9, 1913).


Anonymous said...

Vietnam is killing Cambodia and Laos softly.
This is a phase of Ho Chin Minh ' s plans at work.

Cambodia with its better Leaders needs to stop and
destroy Yuon's plans of annexation.
Traditionally, Yuon and Yuon leaders have land expansionism in their blood.
We, Khmers can and will defeat Yuon, if and only if,Khmers become UNITED.
Ho, Lee Doc Tho and other Yuon leaders understood the power of national unity, the very weapon they have used on Khmers to this day.
They selected and put in power a Khmer, named Hun Sen to put a wedge agaist other Khmers.
It's the old " Divide and Conquer ".

Therefore we must remove Yuon's tool ( Hun Sen)
by votes and or by other means.

Anonymous said...

Why must everything be looked at as a politics. This triangle is purely business. You will stop at nothing to politicize every business deals.

Anonymous said...

They have been talking about this triangle since 1999 ? What kind of project takes 13 years and they are still talking about issues? Hahaha.Stupid. This will never get done. 20 years from now it is still talk. Idiot youns.

Anonymous said...

I am just surprised that I have not heard any trade conflict between Vietnam and Cambodia yet. First of all there are so many things that are wrong between Cambodia and Vietnam. Since 1979 the Vietcong leaders always get the upper hand in dealing with stupid puppet Cambodian leaders including signing illegal border treaties, illegal immigration, and illegal border demarcation...

The Vietcong government will continue to apply the upper hand strategy to whatever they want from Cambodia. But the Vietcong government keeps forgetting that this is the business world and it is all about profit and the benefit for the population and without profit the whole business scheme will fall apart! It doesn't matter whether the Vietcong want to push for triangle or square development and if Cambodian and Laotian people don't see any tangible benefit and it will lead to trade war in the near future!

Just do the math!

Anonymous said...

To 12:07 AM

This Triangle business deal is one of the ground works of Vietnamezation of Cambodia and Laos.
Review and analyze Viet's Nam Tien from Dai Viet to Dynasty of the Huns.

Anonymous said...


Takeo said...

Viet developed Cambodia-Laos both countries are in big foreign debts, while all those Viet living in peace and wealthy. All the Cambodian will be forced evicted so every meters of our motherland is free for the Viet people. Stupid Prime Minister and crazy King are brainless and powerless against the Viet. End of Khmer era is happening now. All Khmer must fight the Viet now.

Anonymous said...

Khmer trov jam....NO FARM NO FOOD!

Destruction and poverty in Cambodia are man-made. Viet Chin Minh are parasite!

Anonymous said...

The US and china need to slow down the vietcong.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first blogger that Vietnam is laying the ground work for Vietnamizing Cambodia and Laos.

Anonymous said...

6:03 PM,

Most Khmers, if not all would agree.

Those infrastructures, including roads, highways, dams, bridges, telecommunications, and the likes, in time of wars or border disputes can and will be conveniently controlled by Viet amies.

Anonymous said...

Vietcong/Viet Chin Minh they are brave. Lets look at the statistics...There are 80 millions vietcong; they are evil in number.

Vietcong invades and kills its small neighbor; They are proud of this evil them this is bravery!

Lets look at vietcong facts outside the country...Vietcong/viet chin minh living outside the country are coward under the rules of law.

Vietcong are brave in the land of lawlessness! Evil act, blood sucking, cut throat traits are in their blood.

Under the rules of law, you can find these self-proclaimed "brave" people at the following places:

1. Pho Restuarant - noodle place
2. Nail Salon - at the Shopping Mall
3. Boat fishing - along the Tonle Sap river


Anonymous said...

Maybe we should get our nails polished sometime

Anonymous said...

6:32 PM,
Maybe, we should wake up and defend our country !