Saturday, January 12, 2013

ស្អុយអ្វីមិនស្មើស្អុយកេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះ (by Jasmine Kc)


Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុនសែន ស្អុយចេះ? :D

Khmer radio North America. said...

Prime Minister Hun Sen.killing field Khmer rouge regimes Dictatorship.
The UN.with world Community and leader's should arrests these criminal to face real Justice like other in Europe Court.

vichea Thorn said...

Hun Sen. Vah Kimhong. Sok An.this three guys. the Vietcong had secret deal paid out with BIG money after Land deal and other's etc. completed in 2015

Anonymous said...

hun sen must be chopped into pieces
for his traitor being.

ngoab teou a kbat jeat.

Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុនសែន ស្អុយដូចអាចម៍!

Anonymous said...

ជនជាតិខ្មែរដែលខ្លាចជនជាតិបរទេសជាពិសេស ខ្លាចយួនជាទីបំផុត គឺ ពួកអណិកជនខ្មែរនៅបរទេស មាត់បានត្រឹមតែស្រែក មិនជួយអ្នកតស៊ូផ្ទាល់ឡើយ បើបានត្រឹមតែមាត់ទេ កុំស្រែកឡូ ៗ ប្រហែលជា​ប្រសើរ​ជាង ។

Anonymous said...

How to liberate Cambodia from the evil nation Vietnam?

We all have known that Vietnam wanted to swallow Cambodia for a long time ago, but we have never drawn a solid plan to counter Vietnam’s ambition.

After its full invasion on Cambodia in 1979, Vietnam has controlled almost all areas – political, social, economic, military - in Cambodia, including the Khmer soul Angkor Wat.

Recently, the CNRP has requested the puppet government to overhaul the NEC, but its request has been blatantly denied by the government, and the outcome of this 2013 election will be the same – the puppet party will win again.

Even though we know that the outcome of the election will be the same, we should participate in the election because it is extremely difficult for us to fight this puppet government from outside of the parliament. Whatever number of the MPs we get, we fight from there along with the idea of mounting a peaceful mass demonstration to reclaim Angkor Wat back.

One exception value about claiming Angkor Wat is that whoever tries to stop us from taking Angkor Wat back to Khmer will spontaneously, and automatically become Khmer traitor, thus they will be doomed to lose their power.

I am positive that my idea will gain great traction and resonate well with Khmer people after the July 2013 election, because we cannot let this evil Vietnam slowly and surely kill our motherland. We must invoke Mahatma Gandhi’s concept – peaceful march - to push this invader out of our country. In our case, we march to claim Angkor Wat first, and let the momentum of the spirit of nationalism spread to other areas.

I can envision the power of our people are so strong that those Khmer killers cannot stop us from gaining our real independence.

We have denounced the unfair election – by walking peacefully - in the past, but we did not receive favorable response from the international community. So, if we make any peaceful demonstration to deplore the fraudulent election after this July 2013 election again, we will surely not get much support from Khmer people and the international community.

To produce a different output, we must insert a different input.

Khmer people have agreed that Angkor Wat represents Khmer soul, and Hun Sen has allowed a Vietnamese, Sok Kong, to control it. This traitorous act committed by Hun Sen is far beyond belief, but Khmer people have never attempted to make Hun Sen pay for his crime.

Our ultimate goal is to liberate Cambodia from Vietnam. Where is the foundation or a universal motive – support by Khmer people and the international community - for that liberation?

I have thought for a long time about finding the proper and right way to fight this puppet Hun Sen’s government, which has been smoothly facilitated the Vietnamization on Cambodia. And claiming Angkor Wat has emerged as the best choice for Khmer people to fight Hun Sen. The “movement” will get stronger and stronger as time goes by.

For instance, after July 2013 election, first, we demand Hun Sen to repeal any agreements between him and Sok Kong about Angkor. If Hun Sen refuses, then we start gathering people to condemn Hun Sen for putting Angkor under a Vietnamese’s control. To succeed, we must persevere, not behaving like a hay fire, which burn uncontrollably and then dissolve to ashes.

I firmly believe that even the CPP’s members will secretly or openly support our righteous cause to bring back Angkor for Khmer people as well.

Once, we get Angkor back, the spirit of nationalism amongst Khmer people will be risen very high. Then the emancipation to free Cambodia from this evil Vietnam will go to other sensitive areas…..Getting Angkor Wat back to Khmer people will generate a psychological boost for Khmer people to fight the expansionist Vietnam effectively. Angkor Wat will give us a first solid concrete step for our journey to get our independence back from Vietnam, Good STEP BY STEP will lead us to achieve our ultimate goal of liberating Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

12:02 AM

One exceptional value (not one exception value )


Anonymous said...

How to liberate Cambodia from the evil nation Vietnam?

We all have known that Vietnam wanted to swallow Cambodia for a long time ago, but we have never drawn a solid plan to counter Vietnam’s ambition.

After its full invasion on Cambodia in 1979, Vietnam has controlled almost all areas – political, social, economic, military - in Cambodia, including the Khmer soul Angkor Wat.

Recently, the CNRP has requested the puppet government to overhaul the NEC, but its request has been blatantly denied by the government, and the outcome of this 2013 election will be the same – the puppet party will win again.

Even though we know that the outcome of the election will be the same, we should participate in the election because it is extremely difficult for us to fight this puppet government from outside of the parliament. Whatever number of the MPs we get, we fight from there along with the idea of mounting a peaceful mass demonstration to reclaim Angkor Wat back.

One exceptional value about claiming Angkor Wat is that whoever tries to stop us from taking Angkor Wat back to Khmer will spontaneously, and automatically become Khmer traitor, thus they will be doomed to lose their power.

I am positive that my idea will gain great traction and resonate well with Khmer people after the July 2013 election, because we cannot let this evil Vietnam slowly and surely kill our motherland. We must invoke Mahatma Gandhi’s concept – peaceful march - to push this invader out of our country. In our case, we march to claim Angkor Wat first, and let the momentum of the spirit of nationalism spread to other areas.

I can envision the power of our people are so strong that those Khmer killers cannot stop us from gaining our real independence.

We have denounced the unfair election – by walking peacefully - in the past, but we did not receive favorable response from the international community. So, if we make any peaceful demonstration to deplore the fraudulent election after this July 2013 election again, we will surely not get much support from Khmer people and the international community.

To produce a different output, we must insert a different input.

Khmer people have agreed that Angkor Wat represents Khmer soul, and Hun Sen has allowed a Vietnamese, Sok Kong, to control it. This traitorous act committed by Hun Sen is far beyond belief, but Khmer people have never attempted to make Hun Sen pay for his crime.

Our ultimate goal is to liberate Cambodia from Vietnam. Where is the foundation or a universal motive – support by Khmer people and the international community - for that liberation?

I have thought for a long time about finding the proper and right way to fight this puppet Hun Sen’s government, which has been smoothly facilitated the Vietnamization on Cambodia. And claiming Angkor Wat has emerged as the best choice for Khmer people to fight Hun Sen. The “movement” will get stronger and stronger as time goes by.

For instance, after July 2013 election, first, we demand Hun Sen to repeal any agreements between him and Sok Kong about Angkor. If Hun Sen refuses, then we start gathering people to condemn Hun Sen for putting Angkor under a Vietnamese’s control. To succeed, we must persevere, not behaving like a hay fire, which burn uncontrollably and then dissolve to ashes.

I firmly believe that even the CPP’s members will secretly or openly support our righteous cause to bring back Angkor for Khmer people as well.

Once we get Angkor back, the spirit of nationalism amongst Khmer people will be risen very high. Then the emancipation to free Cambodia from this evil Vietnam will go to other sensitive areas…..Getting Angkor Wat back to Khmer people will generate a psychological boost for Khmer people to fight the expansionist Vietnam effectively. Angkor Wat will give us a first solid concrete step for our journey to get our independence back from Vietnam, Good STEP BY STEP will lead us to achieve our ultimate goal of liberating Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

លោកស្ហាល ដឺហ្គោល មិននៅក្នុងប្រទេសទេ
រួមជាមួយសម្ព័ន្ធមិត្ត ដូច្នេះមានតែអ្នកខាងក្នុងទេ
រឹងប៉ឹងងើបបះទើបអន្តរជាតិគេជួយ ដូចលីប៊ី សេរី
ជាដើម អ្នកនៅបរទេសគេមានជីវភាពល្មមរស់
បាន តែគេខ្លាចក្រែងអ្នកខាងក្នុងដេកលក់មិន
ក្រោក ពេលព្រះអាទិត្យរះហើយនោះ ។

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen's criminal