Friday, January 11, 2013

Cambodia puts off Polonsky’s release on bail

Photo: EPA

Jan 11, 2013
Voice of Rusia, RIA

A Cambodian court is not going to consider a release on bail of Russian tycoon Sergei Polonsky and two other Russian nationals yet, their defense attorney told reporters in a phone interview from the Cambodian city of Sihanoukville on Friday.

“The magistrate is still probing the case. The court won’t be able to start bail-out process of Sergei Polonsky and his friends until the end of investigation,” a lawyer said on the conditions of anonymity.

On Wednesday, the three Russian nationals replaced their defense attorneys and the official interpreter, handing over their case to a fresh team of lawyers.

Over the past two days, the investigative magistrate tasked police with arraigning the alleged victims and inspecting the vessel where the incident took place.

Sergei Polonsky and two other Russians have been charged with intentional violence and illegal detention.


Anonymous said...

Dear foreigners,

Cambodia is a lawless country.

She is ruled by the animals.

Anonymous said...

9:35 PM,

Cambodia is full of high ranking Vietnamese/Yuon CPP officials who are real thieves, crooks, criminals working side by side with Vietnamese installed Prime Minister Hun Sen (Vietnamese dog/puppet).

Hanoi masters have been controlling Hun Sen and Hun Sen has been afraid of being killed by his Vietnamese Secret agents if he turned against his Vietnamese masters and secret agents who are Yuon/Vietnamese CPP ranking members (thieves, crooks, criminals).

American, Australian, Europeans, UN or International Community leaders are still clueless, not knowing that Vietnamese leaders and secret agents have been ordering and telling Hun Sen and his CPP comrades what to do to hurt real and high educated Khmer people who are unarmed civilians including Cambodian/Khmer children.

Evil Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi and their Vietnamese crooks and advisers in Cambodia have been slowly destroying Cambodian and killing Cambodian intellectuals and intelligent Cambodian people who are highly educated and very smart.

Anonymous said...

I am not a CPP supporter, but please stop put down and look down on your own country as if you even actual Khmer anyway. Cambodia Judicial system is not up to international standard yet but we are getting better that is on criminal side. On political side it is one side favors CPP. If you are real Khmer please don't advertise to the lawless foreigners to come to Cambodia to take advantage, abuse our helpless poor Khmers. Even if you lived oversea you are still Khmer until you die. Even if some Cambodian don't want to admitted that they are Khmer. I am NRP supporter but I still loved, supported our country.Don't forget not all CPP are corrupted, there are many are good too.

Anonymous said...

Please stop giving Youn all the credits. I just went back to Cambodia two months ago. As far as I had observed there are a lot of Vietnamese immigrants, but the armed forces are still Khmers. MP police are still Khmers. Cambodia had improved a lot since I left 30 years ago. Cambodia still have to improve judicial systems, executive branch, legislative branch but they are getting better each time. Gentlemen our culture and ways of life was based on corruptions, you can switch on/off over night like opposition think it can be done. Yes, RGC of Cambodia still has a long ways to improve the lived of ordinary Cambodian. Please don't destabilize our country, we just begin to develope our nation that had seen so much suffering. PM Hun Sen is the only person who is strong enough to tackle these corrupted officials, sometimes a country like Cambodia you have to operate outside the laws to get things done. Just look at Siam government who adopted western style, now their country is in crises. They can't decided on Preah Vihear cases. While Cambodia is one voice. Siam have thousand voices.

PM Hun Sen needs to enforce immigration laws more to curve illegal immigrants. We don't want Cambodia to become another Kampuchea Krom, but we must also recognize Vietnamese who contributed and helped build Cambodia as of today. We must stop been racist, try to live in peace with our neighbors. We must also never forget the past of our lost land to Viets, Siam, Laos.

Anonymous said...

2:54 AM,

Are you Vietnamese who wrote such a comment?

If you are Khmer, you are still blind. You have only seen small place of Cambodia, everything is going good. You need to see more and need to understand the real issues at the Vietnamese border with Cambodia, Lakes, Islands in Cambodian Sea, and beyond led by Vietnamese puppet. You need to list to Hun Sen who has talked rubbishes. You talked like you have been living in a comfort zone.

You have not seen Vietnamese Sok Kong, Sok An, Var Kim Hong, Hor Nam Hong, etc. in CPP Office Admin and CPP are behind all the problems and Hun Sen right now. They have not dong anything to help Cambodian people.

Please watch your words in your comment. You comment have hurt us, Khmer Patriots and Nationalists, as you are not sensitive. You think like Theary Seng whose parents were Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

Oh ! please STOP label others Khmer Youn when they not agree with your backward thinking. I am full Khmer but I'm been realistic, our ways of anti our thieves neighbors had never works. We must educated ourselves and help build up Cambodia. I am a supporter of FUNCINPEC and NRP. Our campaigns card using anti-Viets never get us to win election against CPP. Khmers are not interest of another war with our expansionist neighbor. We must find a new campaign ideas to kick CPP out. Please learn past mistakes so we can move forward. Be honest DO YOU EVER THINK THOSE CORRUPTED OFFICIALS WILL EVER LISTEN TO SAM RAINSY EVEN IF HE MANAGED TO WIN GENERAL ELECTION ? Opposition don't have any military muscle to enforce any new laws.