Tuesday, January 29, 2013

CNRP Bonn Phka Samaki Update




Anonymous said...

Khmers must love Khmers, because only Khmers united together will be able to protect their homeland, heritage and custom against foreign aggressors especially Vietnam colonialist who invaded and occupied a big portion of Cambodian territory including our beloved Island, Kah Tral After 1979.

We, the overseas Cambodians who want to ensure that Human Rights are fully respected and true Democracy totally implemented in our birth country, must support our patriotic leaders, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to win the national election first and then use all legal means such as International court of Justice at the Hague and the United Nations based on Cambodia Map deposited at the UN in 1963 and the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement (1991 PPA).

Sam Rainsy is the best Kaun Khmer patriot who dares to declare that Vietnam is the new colonialist that annexed most of Cambodian territory. That is why he is the only Khmer that Vietnam is afraid of. Vietnam try by all mean to eliminate him from Cambodia by using its puppet government and kangaroo court in Cambodia to deny Sam Rainsy in entering Cambodia. This is the 21st century; Vietnam can not colonize Cambodia as the last century. The 1991 PPA signed by 19 signatory countries including Cambodia and Vietnam will protect Cambodia against Vietnam's occupation.

If Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha win the election in July 2013, the new Cambodian Government headed by Sam Rainsy will use the 1991 PPA to rescind all unequal treaties between Hun Sen Government and Vietnam from 1979 to 2005. No matter how sneaky Vietnam is, it will not be able to hide its bad intention any more. The world knows that Vietnam is not a honest nation. Vietnam is a thief who never respects its promise.

During Vietnam American war, King Sihanouk of Cambodia helped Vietnam by offering a sanctuary or a hiding place near the border of Cambodia and Vietnam to protect Vietnamese and Vietcong from US bombing. In return Vietnam repays the debt by taking a big chunk of Cambodian territory including Kah Tral.

If Vietnam wants to be a good neighbor of Cambodia, it should have let United Nations take over Cambodia after removing Pol Pot from power in Phnom-Penh.

Vietnam should never have occupied Cambodia for 10 years from 1979 to 1989 and sent 6 millions of Vietnamese illegal immigrants to exploit the natural resource of Cambodia and annexed a few thousand squares kilometers of lands and 30,000. square kilometers of maritime territories including our big island Kah Tral.

We must fervently participate in this Worldwide Fund Raising Event for the National Rescue Movement to save motherland, Cambodia from Hun Sen's tyranny and Vietnamese occupation.

Anonymous said...

To 2:48 AM,

Your comment is excellent and filled with patriotism. We will follow your appeal to actively participate in this worldwide funds raising event.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I agree.
Let support this bonphka to reach its goal

Don't forget to reach out laymen and laywomen at buddhist temple. They are very generous people. They give a lot of money to Wat.