Friday, January 11, 2013

Hun Xen's gift to Yingluck - កាដូ ពីហ៊ុនសែន ដល់ប្អូនរបស់អា សម្លាញ់អាប់

Cambodia to free one Thai spy next month, reduce 6-month jail term for other

Xinhua | 2013-1-11

Cambodia will release a Thai "yellow-shirt" activist on February 1 and reduce a six-month prison term for the other in order to mark the cremation of the country's King Father Norodom Sihanouk, Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana said Friday.

The pair is Veera Somkwamkid, one of the leaders of the People's Network against Corruption and a high-profile activist in the Thailand Patriot Network, and his secretary Ratree Pipatanapaiboon.

Cambodian court, on February 1, 2011, convicted Veera and Ratree of illegal entry, unlawful entry into military base and espionage and sentenced them to eight years and six years in jail respectively. They are being jailed in Prey Sar prison on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodian capital.

"We have already prepared to free Ratree on February 1 during the procession of moving King Father Norodom Sihanouk's body from the Royal Palace to the cremation site," Ang Vong Vathana told reporters. "For Veera, we decided to reduce a six-month jail term for him."

"This is Prime Minister Hun Sen's clemency towards the two convicts," he said.

The release and prison-term reduction for the duos are made after Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra requested to her Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen, according to a statement from Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday.

Veera and Ratree were arrested by Cambodian authorities on December 29, 2010, along with five others including Democrat Party Member of Parliament Panich Vikitsreth, after they illegally entered Cambodian territory to observe border demarcation process.

The five were released in late January, 2011 after Cambodian court suspended their sentences of nine months in jail.


Anonymous said...

The asshole kisser-Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen brain fry by yuon's diseases.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen contracted yuons germs his brain can't function right anymore! He is retarded now like Sihanouk before him contracted yuon diseases as well.

Anonymous said...

អាសែន ,អានេះ មាត់វាស្អុយ ដូចអាចម៍អញ្ចឹង!

Anonymous said...

at this pic sadamnhusen look like a duck or a thug hah hah hah

Anonymous said...

ឃើញទេ តុលាការគឺហ៊ុន សែននឹងហើយ!!! អ្នកទោសខ្មែររាប់មិនអស់ពិសេសលោកម៉មសូណង់ដូមិនព្រមបន្ធូបន្ថយ បែទៅជាគិតគូពួកឈ្លានពានទឹកដីខ្មែរវិញ។ ហ៊ុន សែន គឺតុលាការឃើញទេ!យ៉ាប់ណាស់ខ្មែរ ហ៊ុន សែន! just mentions it on a public forum and those monkey judges definitely know how to read the signal and will take the order. This is a funny judicial system in Cambodia. Easy and simple as that! One man says it all does it all. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Yingluck's hands were cleaned why touching the hands of Hun sick that stains/soaked with innocent bloods that can't be cleaned.Hun sick killed many people direct-indirect the exactly# no one know but his hands were soaked with innocent khmer's bloods,Yingluck hands were pure and clean she should know not to touch murderer's hands Hun sick!!!