Thursday, January 03, 2013

Last words on tyranny

Man of a Thousand Disguises, otherwise known affectionately as “Uncle Ho” to his followers. Ho had presided over summary executions and purges of political opponents and former party colleagues deemed a threat to his leadership. One biographer noted how a comrade of Ho would meet with him in a cordial atmosphere one day only to be executed the following day on Ho’s order. The myth and mystique of Ho, however, remain largely unsoiled in Vietnam as any criticism of his leadership or past deeds would be equated with an act of national treason or with being an enemy of the state and the Communist Party of Vietnam, a charge that has normally landed critics and dissidents in prisons and education camps throughout Vietnam - School of Vice
Image: google
“The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything.”
        -Clarence Darrow

“Under conditions of tyranny, it is far easier to act than to think.”
        -Hannah Arendt

“Every tyrant who has lived has believed in freedom--for himself.”
        -Elbert Hubbard 

A mother tends to her child amid another round of violent forced evictions in Cambodia [image google]
“Hateful is the power, and pitiable is the life, of those who wish to be feared rather than loved.”
        -Cornelius Nepos

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”
        -Thomas Paine

“Tyrants are seldom free; the cares and the instruments of their tyranny enslave them.”
        -George Santayana

“The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins.”
        -Soren Aabye Kierkegaard


Anonymous said...

Khmer people stop being stupid anymore,unite together to fight against our common enemies(yuons)
and we will prevail because they
cannot fight against us when we are united.This is the most
important thing in the politics.
Don't forget what pOL pOT said that
Yuons use khmers to kill khmers to
hide the truth to the world,so to avoid being condemned by the international communities.The khmer
Rouge is not 100% khmer,probably
at least 50% is yuon,that is why
no body understand that why we
and the international communities
see that khmers killed khmers.But
the reality is behind the CPP leaders who run to thwe Vietnam to
bring yuons to invade Cambodia.This is done for swallowing Cambodia,not rescuing
khmer people from KR,which they tried
to show this event to the world.
Khmer people !United,we will survive.Hun Sen is noly Yuon's puppet ,cannot do anything good to
Cambodia and Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

In order to fight our common enemies[Yuons] we must eliminates its puppet from within our society,the puppet of our enemies are our real enemies, nothing differences they all our enemies,"live free or die...."

A quote from an old man in the mountain.


Anonymous said...

“The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything.”

It all started when men started to see themselves as gods. Satan's lie was, "you can be your own god."

Tyrants are not limited to just being a dictator.

Anonymous said...

When time comes I will sacrifice my life for the good of my mother-land called CAMBODIA. Those Viets and Viet's slaves need lots of luck. All I need is just ONE...

One luck to me!!!

Anonymous said...

I am with you One luck all we need!.
Down with traitors!.....
May god be with you,May your soul be blessed on advance!
.......khleang moueng....

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Mr. School of Vice for the good quotes.

A Happy New Year to you, your family, KI Media Team, their families and to all Cambodians who truly love and put their country ahead of their interests!

“Every tyrant who has lived has believed in freedom--for himself.”

but certainly not for others as for his freedom to roam anywhere he wants it to, it must infringe upon that of others. A tyrant never understands the concept that his freedom ends where another person’s nose begins.

Hun Sen, in his own words, spoke proudly of his willing dependence upon the money of an unscrupulous tycoon like Ly Yong Phat for any natural disaster or state emergency even though such a money comes from the blood and sweat of poor Cambodians. This man has been in power for almost 30 years and still has not understood the concept of proper and fair taxing system where the have are taxed properly so the state can use the money to perform its duty and governmental functions including helping the have-nots help themselves to become productive citizens of the country.

It is very unfortunate and sad that in Cambodia such a lunatic appears to always manage to get himself a top job and stays there even though he possesses such a scary amount of stupidity and foolishness!

Cambodia as a country and Cambodians as a people, have a long way to go to become a society where the rule of laws prevails and nobody including the prime minister and the king can be above it.

As a people, Cambodians need to understand that the hardship, injustice, and plight of those unjustly evicted from their lands by a few people in power belong to everyone who calls themselves Cambodian or a resident of Cambodia and not just for those who are directly affected. Cambodians need to learn to stand up, shoulder to shoulder, to help those directly affected by this land grabbing and social injustice if they ever want to live in their dreamt world of America or western society as such societies did not just happen to be formed instantly and naturally.

To folks who love to see new Cambodia, we have a lot of jobs ahead of us to do; the long road to achieving a decent Cambodia may be quite steep and tiring, but let us all do everything we possibly can till the last breath of our lives to educate the silent majority and help our brothers and sisters in Cambodia fight for their rights and freedom so that tyrannical bondage imposed by a few fellow Cambodians can be forever broken in our beautiful and unforgettable Cambodia!

Long live the spirit and desire to see a new Cambodia where freedom, justice and respect for human rights prevail!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

Dear K.I.
How come you forget the Mother of All killers by the name of Mao Tsetong of China and Joseph Stalin of Russia? And many others like:
-Sadam Husein
-Moma Kadafi
-Yugo Chavez
-Fidel Castro
-Sodom molosavich
perhaps the name that you forget to mention is an idiot name Pam Van Dung of Yieknam the creater of killingfield the secret face behind Khmer's atrocity during Khmer rouge regime 1975-1979?.How can you K.I?


Anonymous said...

My 1960 generation knows only Sihanouk, Lon Nol, Pol Pot, and Hun Sen.

Sihanouk sided with China until his death and never helped Cambodia people and her country; except, to help his son to get the throne.

Lon Nol tried to fight Communist Khmer Rouge along with American to defeat Indochina Communist countries like China and Vietnam.

Pol Pot tried to kill all Khmer people, but failed to eliminate our people from the earth.

Hun Sen is the worst Youn agent who tries very hard to make sure Vietnam gets everything they want by giving away Khmer land, deforest, land grabbing, 99 years concession, killing Khmer people, etc...

Hun Sen is very dangerous to our nation and he aught to be taken away by force. HE IS CAMBODIA TRAITOR.

Anonymous said...

One luck to me @3:33AM,

When there is one, there will be more to follow. All it takes is one to start!

Anonymous said...

“All national liberation struggles are bound to prevail”

-Long live the Great Khmer People!
-Long live the descendants of Angkor!
-Down with all traitors and collaborators!

Anonymous said...

Look at Ah Ho Chi Minh's face. He looked dumb and evil.
He is Vietnam's hero because he wanted to destroy Cambodia and lao.

Anonymous said...

Using perseverance, persistence, and dislodge bad perceptions from our mind to save our motherland

We need to strengthen our mind and start emancipating our country from this sickening Yuon's slave Hun Sen and his master Vietnam by firmly demanding Hun Sen to rescind any agreements relating to Angkor Wat between him and the thief Sok Kong.

If Hun Sen refuses, we commence a peaceful demonstration denouncing Hun Sen's act of treason about Angkor Wat.

Do the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramid, the Tah Mahal, etc… controlled by foreigners?
If not, Angkor Wat must not be controlled by a devil Yuon Sok Kong

We got to learn something from the painful history during the Pol Pot era.

During the Khmer Rouge regime, we stayed quite and let the Khmer Vietminh killed us at will – just hoping and praying that the Khmer Vietminh were not going to kill us. That mistake has led Vietnam to conquer Cambodia and installed its puppet government.

Likewise, this time, allowing the Khmer Vietminh to kill our soul or spirit will not help Khmer people and Cambodia either. Angkor wat is Khmer soul and we have tacitly let Vietnam kill it. We have not mounted any fierce fight against this neo-colonialist Vietnam about Angkor Wat.

To produce a different outcome, we got to insert a different input.

Staying quite – Som Ter Ross – has been our habit or norm (for some of our people). We got to change that if we want to see something bright for our country.

Protect whatever we feel is right for our country – make an ultimate sacrifice if necessary.

Hardening our mind by understanding clearly our weaknesses.
For our part, we must abandon these 3 notions:

1- “Ah Nah Kor Dauch Anar”. This saying implies that you accept the status quo: the one who is in power is good, no need to change. It is contrary to our thought.

2- “Oss Chet Heuy Reung Khmer”. This means you have no perseverance, no patience. Why do you “Oss Chet” when Vietnam is still swallowing Cambodia?
Perseverance and determination are the keys to help our motherland survive this monster Vietnam.

Think about this: how long did Vietnam plan to swallow Cambodia? If Vietnam has that “Oss Chet” attitude like us, it would not have accomplished its goal of colonizing Cambodia.

3- “Oss Chumneur Leu Khmer”. This statement is so irresponsible. You are Khmer and “you Oss Chum Neur Leu Khmer”? What is the adverse repercussion of such statement? It is enormous and catastrophic.

If you have not died and reincarnated to something that is not Khmer, you must have “Chum Neur Leu Khmer”. All Khmers are not the same; there are Khmer traitors and Khmer nationalists. Stop generalizing that all Khmers are bad and when you did that – all Khmers are bad - you have accidentally selected Vietnamese as your master.

Do not wait for somebody to drop from the sky to lead Cambodia, it will never happen. We must select Khmer to lead Khmer.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Yes, depend on the real Khmer history:
Hun Sen is very dangerous to our nation and he caught to be taken away by force. HE IS CAMBODIA TRAITOR and GANT GANSTER in 21st century of Khmer history and worst Chey Chetha II.

Anonymous said...

Ah Ho Chi Minh looks like a mentally retarded person.

Anonymous said...

Ah Ho Chi Minh was/is the god angel for Sihanouk and Hun Sen or totally the entire CPP thugs.

Anonymous said...

I think KI should keep all comments so that people can see different views about Cambodia.
We need to know about the CPP and its master Vietnam's ideas too.

Anonymous said...

K.I should translate into Khmer language and publish on the main sources of informations so Khmer people whose can not read english can understand that we khmers all over the world cares about them and theory suffering result from forced evictions or killing of khmers innocent people and who are the causes behind all the problems in srok Khmer these days.....
If majority of khmers whom can read the messages on the web about their corrupted leaders ,all hell will breaks loses in srok Khmer now,but too bad most of khmers people didn't have access to the informations highway.Publish all these comments in Khmer language please dear K.I...Thanks

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...


Where: Kingdom of Cambodia
Cost: 1,000,000 zillion riels
Size: 1,000,000 acres of land
Date: Grand Opening 01/07/2013
Time: Midnight/12:00 AM sharp
Ceremony: Elite Class/High Class

Anonymous said...

School of Vice, please delete the nonsense comment of evil Yuon/Vietnameese Dog eater's comment. Thank you!