Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mere Christianity -- Part 7

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (Part 1)

Mere Christianity (Part 2)

Mere Christianity (Part 3)

Mere Christianity (Part 4)

Mere Christianity (Part 5)

Mere Christianity - Part 6

I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic -- on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg -- or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. 

– Mere Christianity

Listen to the full audiobook


Anonymous said...

GOD save KiMedia from those individual invading Kimedia with church brainwashing stuff. Cambodia is mainly buddhist. Let us be stop bothering.

Anonymous said...

8:58 AM
If Cambodians are majority Buddhists, you should call upon your Indian man Buddha not GOD to save KI Media. The fact Buddhists in Cambodia are fake, they are 99% are absolutely EVILS. They are more practicing Snae, Ap & Tmub, and do Ampeu destroy others.

Anonymous said...

Why do the churches approve slavery? Why? Can Christinity explain?

Anonymous said...

11:42 AM

If any one on earth don't do what the church said, they must die as anti-god.

Church have the right to murder anyone that is not follow the chruch order. Anyone that kill unchristinity that is consider as serving the chruch and god.

Anonymous said...

no religion talks about hate but love. e,g look at the ten commendment e.g do not commit murder, or buddha's teaching 'love is the only answer in life or muslime 'we all are brothers and sisters', killing one another in the name of religion is right. Jesus once said ' many will come in my name and manipulate my rule'. So, Christain's killing is not come from god but from wicked people like king ta regime, Pol Pot regime and Hun sin regime who constanly corrupting people around him. In Christain you have only one chance in life, either heaven or hell, whereas buddha's teaching, you have up to 500 years to be reborn to repay from your previous sin 'sin of the father and the mother and yourself' etc. which is not as strong as christain 'one chance only'. so, it is wicked people who decided to commit all the crimes and then would use the religious name to justify it, hmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

is not right *

Anonymous said...

11:58 AM
You must be evil Christian.
_ You insulted people who do not beleive in YOUR God

Anonymous said...

6:04 PM

What is better, to be insulted now or be found betrayed later after you die? All Buddhists has been betrayed by Buddha religion. You will find yourselves in wailing and gnashing of teeth because of this betrayal. I did not write the previous comments that you refer to.

I warn, the greatest life disappointment will be that you have been betrayed by someone you trusted. All hope will be lost forever never to be another chance of redemption.

NOT all Christianity are equals. There are a lot of God-fearing Christians that you have not met.

It seem that Christianity to KI blog readers is that of the Catholic Faith kind of christianity. Well, I'm not of that persuasion of beliefs. I don't trust the Catholic Church and the Vantican. I believe that the Catholic Church System is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Churches or Cults like Buddhism provided for evil or hostile humans such as all of you who cannot live in peace with others.

However, when power and wealth corrupted them or you, Churches and Cults like Buddhism create more harm and more evil deeds opposite to the original teachings of the founders.

It does not matter they are Churches or Buddhist temples who collect money from others so they can live in luxury life style, they are toward the same evil paths.

The Catholic Church was the very first Church after Christ resurrection, He sent Saul later Paul to Rome, then Peter (Simmon) to Rome to conquer Rome through spiritual means not by force.
Because Rome was at that time the center of the planet Earth.

As I said it was not the Church but it was humans who corrupted. That was in the past history not after Elizabeth I ruled England.

True spiritual people do not need to be religious (go through Church or joined the Buddhist gangs), they simply can pray and communicate with the mighty light/ electromagnetic field (GOD) in the universe through the mind/soul via a Telepathic Communication.

There are million years technology ahead of humans known as intelligent life who are truly spiritual creatures and believe in GOD without joining Cults. Without truly spiritual beings do not hope to free yourself from sufferings as you are facing. You all will be born again and face more sufferings deeper than you are facing now.

Since after WWII 1940's all world Scientists including Einstein are very spiritual people. That also after they met face to face with the extraterrestrials from other solar systems who visited earth and took them a few days to land on earth, but it may take humans for million year life to visit them based on Einstein E=mC^2. They are faster than Einstein's speed of light, now all Scientists realized that Einstein's relativity is WRONG.

Humans are being WARNED. Only true spiritual means will help free them from destroy themselves.

Follow famous American Scientist like Dr. Michio Kaku, you humans will learn more about your stupidity and hostility blind you.

Anonymous said...

Einstein did not believe in personal God but he believed in Universal God, the unknown mighty light in the universe whom he referred GOD.

Einstein said :
"The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. So to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that which is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms-this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness."

Dr. Mihio Kaku was born in the US, and his father also born in the US. Dr. Kaku is very well respected and very famous Physicist in the world. Through him, we know all scientists are Spiritual people, because they realized they knew too little about many things in the universe.
They just witnessed there are beings out of space who are highly intelligent than humans, and those creatures are very spiritual beings.

Humans are too aggressive and hostile, they will never end the sufferings.

Anonymous said...

Humans in/from Cambodia are primitive mammals. They keep making Buddha stones to worship and they are so proud of it, since this stone arrived in Cambodia around late 13th century then their Kingdom declined.

Buddhism cult destroying Cambodia and making the Cambodians going crazy. They are choking each others designed by another hostile mammals aka Yuon.

Anonymous said...

When all Christian men go to heaven, I have to look after their women whom they would've left behind, that's a very hard job!

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

ទម្មិឡស្រីយួនសេង ធារី ជាសាតាំង,
ប្រើកលល្បិចបំភន់ភ្នែកអ្នកជឿព្រះ... ដោយពុតធ្វើខ្លួនជាអ្នកបំរើព្រះ១00% !
Theary Seng, definitely you are NOT an angel.

Anonymous said...

Baay Kdaing 11:06 PM.
You seem to have some sort of skill how to read and think better than other mammal your own kind.

Attacking other beliefs who are superior than yours only make you even more stupid and lower than dirt.

Instead of being miserable primitive mammals for 800 years blindly following other nationality (Indian men), why cannot you explore more why are your kind of mammals so dumb and so stupid?

How about explore your dark dumb dimensional to a light hybrid grey alien like Dr. Michio Kaku one of a world greatest Scientist on God, on everything you named it, then you may be able to free your kind of stupid mammals from Yuon dogs.

Anonymous said...

11:18 PM
I saw TS in PP twice, I thought she was black woman. How can she be Yuon if she is so dark like Michelle OB. The different between TS and Michelle OB is that TS is pretty cute and Michelle looks so ugly likes a Reptile.

Anonymous said...

Cambodians/Khmers are being severely punished by GOD (The mighty light/Electromagnetic field of the Universe). Because these Khmers are fake Buddhists, fake everything, they only practice Witchcraft, Snaeh, Ap, Tmub and Ampeu to harm each others.

Khmer Buddhists are the MOST Evil creatures ever exist on this planet earth. They are small population and they soon will be disappeared scattering everywhere like Gypsies.

Tep Von is an evil head monk and so all his monks everywhere.
Leaders of Cambodia are the most evil men/women, they are sold.

Anonymous said...

In earlier day, people were very savage to each other, killing each other and using each other head as trophies etc.,
Then, someone came up with a noble idea by creating some thing called God to make people believe in the consequence of good and bad deeds.

From then on, people try to create the image of their god base on their imaginations and because people have different imaginations, they create different god and different religions,then people start to have conflict because people start to think that their god is the real one, not the others.

God was created to make people people believe in right and wrong but people exploit them as the business and political gains in all religions.

What supposed to have people with faith and less savage has the opposite effect because people take religions too seriously and start killing each other in the name of their god.

The next world war three will not be between super powers but religions.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

To 12:24 am.
Go ahead show your STUPIDITY to the world !

Anonymous said...

1:36 AM
That is what your kind of primitive minority Cambodians think.
barking but eating and shitting on Christians' land who are superior to yours.

Anonymous said...

1:36 AM
You Cambodians remain primitive until the end, eh?. GOD to all the world Scientists and to all the Extraterrestrials (Highly intelligent beings in other solar systems) is Mighty Unknown Universe with the Electromagnetic Field...the Type 4 above all. Humans are type ZERO. Scientists can no longer prove so they agreed that those Mystery mighty powerful electromagnetic field/Light in the Universe all of them are to be ONE Mighty GOD.

Dr. Kaku admitted that no scientists knew where the DNA came from. This is only one small matter. How about anti-matter?

We humans cannot travel to anywhere more than Mars. Because we are not highly spiritual enough like those extraterrestrials. They believe in Mighty electromagnetic field (GOD). We are dumb and so evils. Dr. Kaku said to the world to keep our minds open.

But you Cambodians are just minority group, and your little population, people are 99.99% are dumb, so stay dumb.

You already lost the land to Viet Dogs, then practice your Gypsy life style among the people who are so superior to yours.

Keep barking, you Cambodians are good of being dumb.