Friday, January 11, 2013

លេខ១! Number 1! Numero Uno!


Anonymous said...

His bitch looks much whiter than him.

Anonymous said...

Where is Ah Ping Ang. Here is going to come in and make stupid comments about Sam Rainsy being a traitor and a killer again.

Anonymous said...

Hey! If this bitch is good enough for Le Duc Tho and she is good enough for AH HUN SEN!

After Le Duch Tho has fun this bitch produced a son name Hun Manet and now it is AH HUN SEN turn to take care of this bitch and the son! This bitch can't ask for a better slave than AH HUN SEN!

Anonymous said...

This white powder bitch must die!

Anonymous said...

The pagoda boy has been manipulated by this Viet pussy.

Anonymous said...

What a shameless fool!!!
PolPot 2.0 under vietcong CPP

Anonymous said...

Opposition keeps using KI-media to insult PM Hun Sen, it will shut the door for fugitive Sam Rainsy returns to Cambodia for good.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Ah Pi Ang aka Khmer in Sydney CBD

KI has nothing to do with Sam Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

To 11:54AM

Shut your pie hole Vietshit! AH HUN SEN has more to prove to Cambodian enemies than to Cambodian people! AH HUN SEN needs Cambodian enemies more than he needs Cambodian people! If this how AH HUN SEN want to govern over Cambodian people so be it because judgment day is waiting for AH HUN SEN!

Anonymous said...

KI-Media is belong to SRP. Most KI members are the active members of SRP in overseas such as a con man Pang Sokheoun is secretary-General of SRP in Sweden but he tries to hide himself under name as political observer (sic).

Anonymous said...

How do you do, too valuable people around Sam Rainsy and too valuable lotus revolution leaders?

How is your national icon Angkor Watt temples? We are Vietnamese so proud in making billions of American dollars by selling stone by stone of your too valuable people Angkor Watt temples.

Are you too valuable people around Sam Rainsy and too valuable lotus revolution leaders still coward and opportunistic? if you are, just come and eat dog curry with Uncle Ho.

Kneel before uncle Ho, too valuable people!

Anonymous said...

Looking down at your hero is like looking down at your parents, You dumb fuck are so jealous of their beauty. Your parents might be very dirty and ugly that's why you dumb fuck are stupid and look like my shit. Too bad your fugitive leader career is in the shit right now, as for that he can't help your sorry asses anymore. What a bunch of savages! Long live Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Sooner and later you dumb fuck can't bark anymore because we Youn will eat all your dogs, and give bones to your criminal leader ScamSr to chew on. We Own your land and your people, and you dumb fuck can't do nothing about it beside bla bla bla for shit! Long live Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Ah Pi Anh

You too will not be able to bark anymore because the yuon will finish off your dog and its pigsy killer. It will serve your dumfucked brain right.

Anonymous said...

I'm fucking sick of you dumb fuck ScamSR's followers bla bla bla all the times in Ki-Media shit, but have no gut to bla bla bla in-front of my hero and Youn face to face, what are you dumb fuck afraid of? bring all your families and your outdated revolution to Cambodia to see if you could help your beloved country and your fugitive leader. Don't just sit behind your desk and bark using the same old useless ideas that no one listen or read beside your few hardcore Ki_shit, What a bunch of bla bla coward savages! you dumb fuck bla bla in Ki_shit, we Youn taking more lands and cut down more forest for our mansions. hahahha you dumpsters can't do shit about it except receive and earn more suffering! Long live Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

ScamSR career is depend on Youn, if ScamSR don't bow down to our Youn hero, we Youn will not let him come home, and as soon as he come to Cambodia, we Youn will cook him alive in Kok Prey sor! so now what is your next move? well, you have two options, either eat Youn's shit or blow up your brain! hahahah, poor scamSR's followers can't help their master at all beside bla bla bla in Ki-shit. Long live Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

Ah Pang Sokheoun is fugitive savage, once he come to Cambodia, I'll make sure his brain will be eaten by the croc! He's so dumb, even his mistress Sokunthear Som fools him again and again, Sokunthear Som is a single slut with a daughter looking for an ugly man like Ah Pang Sokheoun to fuck and lick her cum, Good thing his wife divorce him. what a coward and cheater he is?

Anonymous said...

To the ridiculous Vietcong Dog Eaters @12:58 PM, 1:23 PM, 3:27 PM, 3:19 PM, 1:23 PM, 1:08 PM, 11:54 AM

You and your Vietnamese thieves like Sok Kong, Sok An, etc., are only coward and opportunistic, Vietnamese Dog Eating Gook. Your Vietnamese gooks in Cambodia like Sok Kong, Sok An, etc have only stolen $$$ from illegal businesses in Cambodia so the world leaders and people all know about your Vietnamese thieves and killers who were/are behind the Killing Fields in Cambodia and are posted on Facebook. No matter how hard you you tried, but world leaders and educated people in the world know that you and your Vietnamese/Yuon folks and masters are still thieves and killers for more than a century by killing to steal the land and occupy Cambodian or Khmer lands, lakes, islands and sea to make illegal profits and you and Vietnamese thieves/masters and folks are full of yourself and themselves without thinking and feeling of others suffered and lived with pains. Those victims and survivors will take the revenges against you and your Vietnamese/Yuon gooks any times in some years to come. So good luck with your dreaming of stealing and being opportunistic. Of courses, you and your Vietnamese/Yuon dog eating thieves and crooks are coward yourself and themselves. Your comments still tell us as the Internet readers and bloggers that you are still very stupid, barking to defend your evil Vietnamese dog eating thieves/criminal gooks.

The world is watching on you, Vietnamese dog eating gook and thief including your Vietnamese dog eating thieves and killers in Cambodia and master-minded Vietnamese dog eating bastards and bitches in Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

To the bastards 12:58 PM, 1:23 PM, 3:27 PM, 3:19 PM, 1:23 PM, 1:08 PM, 11:54 AM:

Hey Short dickhead, what are you doing to defend your Vietcong dog eaters for? You and evil Vietcong dog eaters should be wiped out of the planet. We don't want your evil Vietcong folks to be on the planet because you and your evil Vietnamese folks are very stubborn and still keep on and on for non stop. The world is watching your shitty mouthpieces and ridiculous and nonsense comments on innocent Cambodian people who have been suffering enough. How far do you and your Vietcong dog eaters want to commit the crimes and murder innocent people like that. Your Vietcong criminals not only killed Cambodian people, but your evil Vietcong gooks killed Westerners and backpackers in Cambodia and sea. In addition, you used Cambodian or Khmer people as the scapegoats because your Vietcong killers and criminals in Cambodia control your Vietnamese puppet in Phnom Penh. There will be a time to ban and put sanctions against your Vietcong bastards and Communist criminals in Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

She is a monster like you hun sen.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen contracted yuons' diseases from Ly Duck Tho's wife Sam Heng [Bunrany] Now Hun sen brain is no longer has Khmer brain his yuon diseases cooked his brain turn it to yuon barbarian's brain ever since he screw Sam Heng after Ly Duck Tho death.

Anonymous said...

To 12:58 PM, 1:23 PM, 3:27 PM, 3:19 PM, 1:23 PM, 1:08 PM, 11:54 AM:

You are either Ah Yuon or Ah Kgnom Yuon; you try very hard to induce khmer patriots to make useless sacrifice or to have all Cambodian intellectuals nationalist and patriotic to get kill by Hun Sen or by your 5th column inside Cambodia, so that Yuon/Vietnam will be able to annex Cambodia.

We will not fall into your trap. We will preserve our intellectual forces so that we will be able to wage non violent or people’s war against our imperialist neighbor Vietnam. We understand that we do not have military force to fight with the puppet government or colonialist Vietnam but we have millions of peace loving Cambodians craving for Democracy and Human Rights will rise up as Arab Spring to demand the application of the provisions of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement signed by the 19 signatory countries including Vietnam and Cambodia.

Sam Rainsy is the only Khmer with international caliber that enjoys the backing from America, France, Great Britain,Germany and Australia etc.
Hun Sen and Vietnam were so afraid of Sam Rainy, they want Sam Rainsy to enter Cambodia so that they will be able to put him in Prey Sar Prison for 12 years as indicted by their Kangaroo Court. The case of Man Sonado proves that the Cambodian Court is not independent; it is only an instrument of the Ruling party to control Cambodian patriots. Sam Rainsy knew this very well. He is not coward as you or Ah Yuon said. He will devote his life for the liberation of Cambodia from the evil of imperialist Vietnam and its puppet government.

Long Live Sam Rainsy and Cambodia!
Down with Hun Sen and Vietnam!

Anonymous said...

10:43 PM

We agree.
Thank you