Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tukh Soak Khmer Mchas Srok


By Mr. Koy Vanna


Anonymous said...

It is so meaning full song , i admire your courage and good hart to think about our khmer people. Please keep to continue ...........

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy Lamentation

My eyes stream with rivers of water over the destruction of the daughter of my people.
My eyes weep ceaselessly; there is no respite, until Lord Buddha look down and sees from Nirvana. My eyes make me so upset as I see my daughters are being evicted from their homes at Bong Kok Lake.

Those who are my enemies for no reason hunted me down like a criminal. They forced me to live in exiled like a fugitive. They threw hand grenads at me; I thought, "I am finished."

I called on your name, Lord Buddha, from the bottom of the rubbish and dead bodies. Didn't you hear my voice? Were your ears closed at my sighs, at my cries?

Lord Buddha, do you defend my cause? Lord Buddha, do you see how I have been wrong? Will you judge in my favor?

Have you seen all their vindictiveness and all their plot against me? [referring to CPP]

Have you heard their taunts, Lord Buddha, and all their plots against me? Behold their sitting down, and their rising up; I am their musick.

I ask that you repay them, Lord Buddha, as their deeds deserve. Give them hardheartedness as you curse on them.

Let your fire come down from Nirvana and consume them off the face of this earth. Let their cycles of bad Karma be ended from my enemies once for all. [Oops...Ah...Buddha is too compassionate to honored such request]

Disclaimer: The author does not claim accuracy of the nature of this lamentation.

Anonymous said...

Too sad to see and hear the song of suffering caused by Cpp thugs upon their own people! When will the leaders of srok Khmer realizing that they hurled our people? When will the leaders of Cpp thugs stop create more suffering on its own people? Who is benefiting from all of these chaotic? -Yuons/Chens...Cpp Hun sen just leech a little bit after them.Wake up all khmers people!

Yobal Khmer