Monday, February 04, 2013
Anonymous said...
Wonder why Khmer is so adavanced and focused into changing writing style system than into something that is more meanigful like technology and science?
10:10 AM
Anonymous said...
Beats me...Man!
10:37 AM
Anonymous said...
As far as I know, Khmer language uses space instead of comma or virgule.
I don't know when did they start using comma.
Besides, I personally think that our language should stop using the "legs" to accommodate the computer keyboard era.
In this world, how many languages that used "legs", "hats", and "hairs" like our language?
It is so inconvenient, and time consuming to type our language.
Look at the evolution of the computer's operating system: Windows
They started from DOS, windows 3.1, NT, windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Vista, windows 2000, windows 7 and 8.
They keep improving to make it better.
We should do something to improve our language too.
Bun Thoeun -
10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
C'est seulement la forme et le style; soyez vigilance sur le fond et le sens des mots ainsi que l'orthographe et la grammaire.
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
សញ្ញា " , " កើតមានក្នុងអក្សរសាស្ត្រខ្មែរយូរ មុនខ្មែរបានឯករាជ្យទៅទៀត ។ តើលោក ឬ លោកស្រីកាឡុញឆឹក ចេះអាន ឃ្លាមួយនេះទេ?
ខ្ញុំមានលុយ២,៥៛ ( គេអានថាខ្ញុំមានលុយ២រៀលប្រាំកាក់ ឬ ២រៀលកន្លះ ) ។ ក្នុងការកត់ត្រាផ្សេងៗ ដូចជា : កំពស់១,៦ម ទម្ងន់
៥,៦គក្រ ខ្មែរយើងច្រើនប្រើសញ្ញា " , " ជំនួសអក្សរ ។ ខ្មែរអានថា " កណ្តក់សញ្ញា " ។
" , " has been in Khmer language for centuries . It has been used to specify quantity
or amount . -
2:38 PM
Anonymous said...
To Bun Thoeun
I disagree with you! Khmer writing is just fine and it is also fine for the computer keyboard! There is nothing more difficult than the Chinese writing and the Chinese people still able to come up with solution!
Cambodian IT people have not challenged themselves hard enough to tackle the Khmer writing problem! There are two approaches to solve Khmer writing system problem. The first solution can be solved through hardware and the second can be solved through software! I wish the Cambodian government would sponsor competition giving top prize to those Khmer people who can come up with the most creative way to solve the computerize Khmer writing system. -
3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Je suis d'accord avec vous, il suffit de s'y mettre ensemble pour surmonter cette difficulté.
Chinois dit : on déplace la montagne en commençant par bouger un petit pierre.
A commencer par vous Bun thoeun ! -
4:25 PM
Anonymous said...
ចង់សួរថា ប៊ីចេងកើតពីកាលណាមកដែរ?
បើគេសរសេរភាសាបារាំងឬអង់គ្លេស ទោះ
ពិបាកអានយ៉ាងណាក៏មិនឲ្យខ្វះមួយតួឡើយ ចំពោះ
ភាសាខ្លួនវិញរិះគន់អីចេះអីចុះ មាន រ អត់ រ
គួរកែអញ្ចេះ អញ្ចុះ តាមនឹកឃើញ កុំភ្លេចថាអក្សរ
ខ្មែរកើតតាំងពីមុនគ្រិស្ដសករាជ ការកែប្រែថែមថយ
យ៉ាងម៉េចកុំឲ្យតែបាត់សំណៅដើម ។ -
8:00 PM
Anonymous said...
បើអស់លោកបណ្ឌិតៗ ចង់ដឹងឧ្យកាន់តែច្បាស់
សូមអស់លោកសួរទៅអ្នកនាងកញ្ញាសេង ធារី ស្ថាបនិកមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលអប់រំវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរនិង
អក្សរសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ..........វាចប់ទៅហើយ! -
11:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Qui est cette melle séng theary que beaucoup de monde se cachent derrière elle ?
A-t-elle une formation approfondie en langue khmère ? Ou simplement avoir une PhD et une prétention.
1:23 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen (Cambodian/Khmer),
Since when do we use comma "," in our cambodian/Khmer written language???
[Depuis quand est-ce que nous utilisons virgule "," dans notre langue écrite, SVP???]
តើភាសារសរសេរខ្មែរយើង ចាប់ប្រើប្រាសសញ្ញា
ក្បៀស (,) នេះពីកាលណាមក???
នាំគ្នាសរសេរ ស្រែក ប្រាប់ ...។ល។ល។
I am challenging you people at KI-Media to post my comment and see what KI readers think, please?
Thank you.