Monday, February 04, 2013

Sihanouk's Death Is A Loss Of Elite Leader In Southeast Asia

PHNOM PENH, Feb 4 (Bernama) -- The death of Cambodia's beloved former King Norodom Sihanouk is not only the great loss for Cambodia, but also the loss of one of the most important leaders in Southeast Asia, Prince Sisowath Thomico, spokesman for the Royal Cabinet and former aide to the late Sihanouk, said.

"The passing-away of His Majesty King Father was the great loss for the people of Cambodia," he told China's Xinhua news agency in an interview on Saturday.

"We do not measure how much the loss is, but it is the real great huge loss for Cambodian people because he was one of the most revered Cambodian leaders since the beginning of the 20th century," Prince Thomico said.

Prince Thomico recalled that the late King Father had greatly developed Cambodia in the 1950s until the 1960s, turning the country as the most advanced country in Southeast Asia.

"Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, since the independence of Singapore in 1965, had declared that he wanted to take Cambodia as the model of development," he said. "It meant that at that time Cambodia was the model of all Southeast Asian countries. It was the wealthiest country compared to Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, so the whole Southeast Asia, Cambodia was one of the most advanced countries."

He said the greatest achievement that the King Father attained was the independence that was gained from France in 1953.

The main goal of the King Father was to develop Cambodia, starting with developing universities, he said, adding that the country didn't have even one university during the France rule, but after 1953, the late King Father started to build up Cambodia and to build up education.

Also, he developed agriculture and the country became the first rubber exporter in the world and one of the first exporters of rice.

The King Father was not only a revered leader of Cambodia, but also a respected leader recognised by some nations in Southeast Asia and in the world, the Prince said.

In 1956, Cambodia was a member and a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, and then-Prime Minister Sihanouk was recognised as a very active leader for the decolonisation.

"He helped every country in the world and he supported the independence of every country in the world. There were African countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Senegal," he said.

"He also supported the independence of Singapore; he was the first leader in the world to recognise the Republic of Singapore when Singapore became independence," he said. "I think he was one of the most important leaders of Southeast Asia."

The late King Father was one who established diplomatic relation with China, he started in February 1956 during his first visit to the People's Republic of China, the Prince said.

"At that time, there was no diplomatic relation between Cambodia and China, but he was invited by Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai, so he made his official visit in February 1956, " Prince Thomico said. "Since then, Cambodia and China began to build up relationship based on mutual respect, based on the same vision of the region and the same vision of the world."

It was only in July 1958 that the diplomatic relation between China and Cambodia was established, and since then, the late King Sihanouk put the priority on developing friendship cooperation between Cambodia and China.

"King Sihanouk was one of the main advocates for the addition of China to the United Nations," he said. "That proved the level of relationship, friendship, and fraternity between China and Cambodia, and all relations between China and Cambodia were built under this common relationship of mutual friendliness, friendship and understanding."

"His Majesty the King Father used to say that Prime Minister Hun Sen was his successor," the Prince said. "Under the leadership of Prime Minister Hun Sen, I strongly believe that we will further strengthen the friendship between both countries."

"The people of Cambodia are grateful to China for the generous aid for the development of Cambodia, and China becomes the first donor country for Cambodia, so there is no way that Cambodia gives up the friendship relationship and cooperation with China."

Sihanouk died naturally and peacefully at the age of 90 in China's capital of Beijing on Oct 15, last year, and his body will be cremated on Monday evening at a city park next to the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.

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