Facebook: Bushba Angkor
The greatest leadership of Sihanouk over the last 50 years, from independence to complete VN slave/colonization through numerous wars and genocides which left Cambodia and Cambodian people nothing but myriad sufferings and miseries and Cambodians reduce to nothing as people and nation.
Sihanouk was great suppression and Political sabotage in Cambodia at all time live...!
one of the most stupid and low life on earth was sihanouk and his bloods!!!!
The great dictator king Father of Cambodia and the great king Rouge, was responsible for the deaths of 3.5 million khmer and the 8 million vietcongs living in cambodia.
Sihanouk's death heralded the end of the career of a "KING" responsible for overseeing one of the worst genocides of the 20th century history.
Follow an interesting debate on this topic on facebook
Just full of hate and bitter misleading, "leadership of Sihanouk in the last 50 years", Sihanouk's rule ended 1970.
stupid! mixed picture of dictator from another country, the king rule end in 1970 when coup of state by Lon Nol. The king also spare freedom, for example, Siri matak or Lon Nol, they were against the King policy but those people still given high position in government by the king...these people are not capable of leading the country but they ambitious so they made coup of state. They betrayed their head of state...ambitious but incapable....how come they throw the blame to my king.....crazy....
So when will your Barbarians (Cambodians) unite and move on fight against the silent invaders (Viets) instead of bitching this same story that billion people already knew?
Where are your plan how you could outsmart Sihanouk, outsmart his ancestors such as King Ang Doung, etc..?
You Barbarians do not put paper and draft your plan how will you do better and/or will you play strategy to clean up your enemy (Viets) from your country?
Stop diverting and dividing the unity of your people, but working and educating them to see the real expansionism of Viets since 1500's is about to finish.
Put aside the same dead story but pick up what have left and marching toward if you think freedom may be your hope.
Do not call yourself កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ when you still roaming barking the same story.
You all are not កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ
but BARBARIANS, Primitive clowns.
Norodom Sihanouk's Legacy :
" A national Hero who later became a Traitor "
Well, I dont mind people express their opinion but please come up with some acceptable valid arguments and common sense
3:44 AM
If you look closer to Khmer contemporary history, sihanouk was never been a hero but ever traitor since the beginning,
Keo Cham,
I think you mess up with the real purpose of the posture and you have a lot to learn from sihanouk and Khmer history.
To 3:34 AM
Sihanouk's track records are Khmer history.
A Khmer leader, let alone any Khmer should learn this lesson :
A success one man makes.
A " Hell on Earth " one man makes !!!
Learned from this lesson, we now can UNITE, love each other, and fight against our common enemies.
Cambodia has lost a patriot. He made some mistakes but he loved Cambodia. He always work to benefit Cambodia. He was not a corrupt leader nor he tried to get rich from it. He died with no wealth. All his wealth given to the poor and the needy. He always loved his own people whether they are rich or poor... He always fought for national interest. He fought for Koh Tral until he was disposed by the KR.
Hun Sen is no where near Sihanouk. Contrary, he is exact opposite of King Father for the way he treat his people and protecting the country. He is not even equal a hair of Sihanouk's leg. Cambodians might see development but the country has paid a high price for it. The poor are being forced out from their homes and their farmland to benefit the rich and corrupt money from foreign investors. Justice system are being used to jail people and politicians alike from expressing their view. The poor is getting poorer while the rich are getting richer. Hun Sen protect rich people, in turn, use them to stay in power and for his political gain. He allows Vietnam to move borderline inside Cambodia. He signed treaties to give away Cambodia biggest island Koh Tral to Vietnam and he jails those who defend it against Vietnam. These are just a few pressing issues concerning our national interest but he does nothing to protect it; instead, he does the opposite and what do you call this? I called it a TRAITOR.
3:47 AM
The goods and the bads that Norodom Sihanouk made are everywhere.
We are surprised you asked .
With sihanouk's death, Cambodia has lost an ever traitor to the nation and it is a good sign to beginning something new. Too bad that Khmer had let this traitor dead without judging for all the crime and acts of treason committed. To his death, Sihanouk always worked for yuon interest at detriment of that of Khmer people. Sihanouk almost archive every single yuon’s demoniac plan against khmer, without sihanouk’s active assist, yuon cant archive their plan to such success
These Cambodians are real Primitive people. I agree that they are real Barbarians. We outsiders see nothing improves in their community but the same style of killing each others among themselves.
These Barbarians just keep posting and talking the same dead story blaming King Sihanouk, until all the towns and streets will change to Vietnamese.
These Cambodians are too evils, and they will never change.
4:08 AM
Barbarian such as yourself is good in being dumb if you are Khmer. But if you are Yuon you are a good Yuon spy in dividing Khmers.
Who supports Ah Kanh Chas Sihanouk is Ah Jouy Maray !!!
Including :
Ah Jouy Maray HUN SEN !!!
Ah Jouy Maray SAM RAINSY !!!
4:56 AM
Are you human or animal? I am so surprised that some of decent humans converse with Barbarian like you.
I lost all of my family because of Ah Derichan Sihanouk, why I cannot Insult him ? It's really nothing !!!
That 4:56 AM is Hun Sen's people. They use the same lowest class languages. Yeah they are half animal.
5:04 AM
No you cannot insult no body. It was all Karma your family members did and they paid this life. You should accept and pray to save their souls and your soul.
King Sihanouk did not kill your family members, it was the war between the Elitists(US) against Communists. Humans are too hostiles and too aggressive they will never stop wars and or stop killing each others.
You should pray that the souls of your family will not re-incarnate on this earth again, but to a better realm (another planet).
And pray for your own soul. Right now you are possessed by evil.
My reply @ 5:11 AM is to the first 5:04 AM.
5:04 AM replied "I lost all of my family because of Ah Derichan Sihanouk, why I cannot Insult him ? It's really nothing !!!":
-Change your attitude and learn how to accept the law of Karma and Re-incarnation. You must stop adding more bad Karma upon yourself, but pray for the souls of your loved ones, and pray for your own soul that you ll will not re-incarnate in North Korea, where the livings have no choice but to eat the dead bodies of their own family members.
You must fight hard against the evil thoughts in your mind, but becoming a spiritual being, so your next life will have a better chance to re-incarnate a better realm.
The evil inside of you must be removed.
5:11AM you make me laugh. I know what I said. Ah Braet Sihanouk was the only responsable all happened to khmer people.
One thing is sure, he currently fell in the hell...And I continue to insult him until the end of my life. Never I pray for this. I dont beleive it.
5:27 AM
You are lying and don't laugh.
You don't know who goes to hell or heaven. It is Evil inside of you telling you that.
You must not refuse to pray for your family members' souls. Pray and pray that their souls will be allowed to re-incarnate in a better realm.
Pray for your own soul and for the souls of your family members to re-incarnate in a better realm.
The day on your own deathbed, remember my message to you.
Right now your soul sold to evil, that is why you cannot find peace and cannot reach a spiritual level.
Try hard to remove the evil that possessed in yours.
I am Pleiadian, good friend and wants to help
Big stupidity, you insult the wrong person like you have fish bone in your throat and you blame you mum for not cooking fish filet for you.
Prince Norodom Ranaridth and Mr Sam Rainsy betrayed Ex king Norodom Sihanouk at 1993 after win election.
Norodom Sihanouk supposed to be Prime Minister and lead the Cambodia but Norodom Ranaridth and Sam Rainsy betrayed Norodom Sihanouk from leading the country.
Mr Sam Rainsy must remember what had you done to your country and Norodom Sihanouk at 1993 election?
If Ex king Norodom Sihanouk was a leader after 1993 election, Cambodia will not be suffered as today.
Betrayal of Norodom Sihanouk are "Norodom Ranaridth and Mr Sam Rainsy after 1993 election"
Karma of Mr Sam Rainsy and Norodom Ranariddth, they are both serving their karma.
Dear 6:03 AM
I currently live in France where I have an excellent professional situation.I am a euros millionaire in real estate, because I am a hard worker only believe of reality, I hate praying.
However I'm not happy because I could not share my wealth to all dead members of my family that I love. There is a only life, there is no reincarnation.
I enjoy the rest of my life whenever I can insult the best enemy of Cambodia : Ah Norok Sihanouk.
Emotion, resentment are part of our human things but please keep some civilized manners, argument is not an insult and it is much prevail. cheer
Another fact/truth of sihanouk supper policy
6:42 AM
I am one of CPP officer, I am much much richer than you are at France.
Stop show off your few millions Euro, In Cambodia we are talking above 100 millions US dollars upper.
6:42 AM
Yes, incarnation and/or re-incarnation exists. The stars die there are more stars re-born.
Your past life before this present life, you were wealthy, but you were a thief, you cheated others and you killed many who stood up against you. Now, you are given one more chance to do good and to become a Spiritual human being, and you must try.
Humans' wealth such as you claimed is nothing. You and your kind remain suffering from the beginning humans were created until the end, while this Sun of earth is dying and radiating destroying human minds/souls, that is why you are so hostile and so violence.
Humans are not unique. Your earth has produced most aggressive and violence beings, more disasters to come and the dreadful ahead.
Your inhumanity and all humans' inhumanity to each others must cease (stop) before you all can reach a golden age in peace & harmony).
You humans must try to becoming Spiritual people, stop killing and hating each others, stop using cosmic energy or light for your own destructive purposes.
You humans' wealth, mighty weapons are just ZERO type, there is highly advanced civilization million years ahead of your evil beings can stop you any time.
Pray for your own soul and searching for LIGHT through spiritual meditation so you may overcome by the forces of evil. Be good//
Sihanouk is a traitor as well as a killer.since cambodia gained independent from french, he had done nothing to help cambodian but to killed his own people in order to stay in power.he killed whoever try to stand in his way. he helped viet cong and joined khmer rouge to win the war.more lives were lost. not only people fight against him, also people who supported him as well.
more land also lost to viet.
over all SIHANOUK is a real killer.He will go to hell instead of heaven.
If Khmer-American talk about being millionaire I believe, but Khmer-French in France? Yeahhhh sure sure... Liar!
We have kept fighting each others since God knows when? Millions years ago?
Take a look, all 50 missiles were disabled by entities from another planets.
8:29 AM
Yeahh.. I saw you did all the killings. LOL
6:42 AM
Did you count your money correctly?
How much did you collect it from Welfare per month for each of your kid?
Yep Millionaire alright. One EU is one million right?
How many years that you're unemployed both of you and your spouse?
The Khmer Rouge, organized by SIHANOUK in the Cambodian jungle in the 1960-70s, ... Between 1975 and 1978, an estimated over 3 million Cambodians died by the great kingship Norodom SIHANOUK of Cambodia.
Yes, he was our Hero at the beginning. Young King Norodom Sihanouk did mount and lead a national campaign of national independence against the French.
He did it twice.
At first, the French agreed to give a limited independence. King Sihanouk did not agree and fought on until the French government finally signed off the authority and the commands of the Arms Forces, the Security Forces to Cambodia on the night of November 8th, 1953.
He came back to Phnom Penh and publicly proclaimed the National Independence Day
on November 9th.
Lol, most of you are all grandpa or great-grandpa but still fighting and bickering each at other like kids in backyard school,
Be responsible and get a life, will you
hummmmmmm sitting on my couch with a cold beer enjoying reading the dumb fuck Khmer insulting each other, Why don't you dumb fuck meet each other somewhere and shoot each other, so there will be more rooms for my Youn people to resettle. bla bla bla that's all you fucker known best. You stupid Khmer included BA behaved and acted like your fugitive leader which is brave at barking from a long distance. Come face to face with my hero Hun Sen to see who would become headless first!!!hahahahahah Pi Anh.
The more you stupid Khmer keep on barking, the more my Youn people coming to steal your lands, and control your daily life and properties. What are you stupid Khmer gonna do about it beside bla bla bla for shit! Well maybe just stay put or pay your uncle Sam to save your stupid asses! hahaha uncle Sam couldn't even cough a word ScamSR at the Asian's conference. What a shame for your beloved fugitive and criminal leader Pi Anh.
For Bushba Angkor, you have been bla bla bla almost all your life, now it is about time for you to come out from your shit hole and show your ugly face on FaceBook. We Youn don't like to deal with someone that is chicken shit like your fugitive leader ScamSr. I knew you love Cambodia, so as we. Now we own almost everything in Cambodia, We can shit all over your stupid head, you fucker can't do nothing about it beside bla bla bla for more shit. I think Bushba Angkor is a lady boy. Pi Anh
Ah Stupid Pi Anh,
Anh Pee on Ah PEE Anh !!!
Hey shithole fucker Pianh,I thought your mother fucker get shot on the head by Sam s lover already, Oop Phno Penh Post mistaken ,but the shit talker like you one day wll be get shot through your damn big mouth for sure.
Hate that damn mother fucker Pi Anh to the bones
Dear all my Khmer people,please don t pay attention on the king virus, he or she frustrated because
That damn king death and he /she don t have access to get the potty of the king hold on his or her head for instance ,you and I can t imagine some cheaply people ,volunterely received that kind of the job any way. Hahahahhahahahahhahah I am so happy that the killer king go straight
To the hell
Come on Pi Anh, you and few other here are just the yuon paid trouble marker barking from your dark hole. Your purpose is nothing else but bashing and insulting people around to make trouble, to get people to the nerve so people cant talk or discuss in a sane atmosphere then you can bashing and insulting Khmer or people over again and again. That’s your mission and that of your kind here. The method of the yuon and communists is, if they cant convince by the all means used, they confuse. I hope some people here stop to fall in the cpp or yuon trick over again…
The purpose of the posture is mainly educational and informative, the parabola is eloquent and intensely instructive for those who can understand its purpose… I was believing people can understand or learn from it in another way…
Ah Pi Anh is on the Vietcong government payroll to spread false information in favor of the Vietcong government.
To destroy Cambodia is to destroy the Vietcong government. But this time take the destruction to the Vietcong heartland.
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