Thursday, March 07, 2013

A Locust Plague, Shy of Biblical Proportions, in Israel


The New York Times / IHT
 March 6, 2013

Uriel Sinai/Getty Images
An Israeli man ran through a swarm of locusts on Wednesday in the village of Kmehin in Israel’s southern Negev desert near the Egyptian border.
JERUSALEM — For many Israelis, the biblical comparisons were irresistible: locusts were swarming across the border from Egypt three weeks before Passover, like a vivid enactment of the eighth plague visited upon the obdurate Pharaoh [...]

However, as in the time of Moses, Egypt was deeply afflicted [...]

The Jewish holiday of Passover commemorates the biblical story of the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt. Divine punishment in the form of 10 plagues afflicted the Egyptians as the Pharaoh refused the entreaties of Moses and Aaron to let their people go. An east wind brought the locusts that devoured what was left of Egypt’s crops [...]


Anonymous said...

Long, and old tales !!!

Anonymous said...

A foreshadow of the locusts from abyss having the sting of a scorpion to inflict pain on mankind in the earth in the near future. Men will wish to die from its pain but death will escape them until 5 months are fulfilled.

Take warning, this is one of the plagues that will come upon mankind in the tribulation which is drawing nearer every day.

Anonymous said...

Repent your sins,ask god for forgiveness and beg for mercy or facing the pain and agony beyond imagineable on this planet earth because mankinds were so wicked and arrogances the wrath of god will be on mankinds in the near future,are you among them?If you are please repent your sins or it will be to lated.The seven thruimph of judgements follow by senven seals of judgement.Will you espcape these judgements? I pray for those whose are not repent or will face the wrath of of god.

Anonymous said...


don't worry , Be happy.
When it's time for you to go to heaven, I'll be looking after your woman whom you will leave behind.