Monday, March 11, 2013

សម្តេចតា នរោត្តម ស៊ីហនុ មានព្រះបន្ទួលពីរឿងយួនឈ្លានពានខ្មែរ


Anonymous said...

King Father Norodom Sihanouk should be given credit for this speech; he proved beyond reasonable doubt that He had never intentionally worked for Vietnamese interests, but for his own country.

It was too bad that he could not always put Cambodia's interests at the critical moment ahead of his and that the other Cambodian leaders were stupid enough to fight each other and among each other at the very moment when unity for the survival of Cambodia was needed the most from them.

FUNCINPEC and its short-sighted and ludicrous leaders still have not understood what unity means by not joining forces with the CNRP. The survival of their monarchy is better guaranteed in the long run with CNRP rather than with the CPP.

Pissed Off

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Mr. Pissed Off,

I am not using the standard or the view of the 2013's and applying it or looking back into Sihanouk's era, but isn't all of that resulting from the so-called Sihanouk's flip-flop politics, just as it is commonly known to the world? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihanouk flip, after Mi Monique blow his "job", he flops.

It is good that he went to hell before the 2013 election.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kalonh Chuck,

Let us not forget that the commonly known or called flip-flop politics, for the lack of a better word, of Sihanouk in the 60s was tremendously influenced by the unnecessary pressures created mostly by the Khmers themselves through their foreign backers.

While Cambodia was at the critical junction and surrounded by physical wars in Vietnam and Laos and ideological wars between the communist and free worlds in Indochina thus SE Asia, the Cambodian potential leaders were divided so badly; each including Sihanouk put their own interests ahead of the nation. Each had failed to work together for the common good of the country even though each knew full well that Thailand and much more Vietnam posed a serious and deadly threat to Cambodia's survival as an independent nation with full ability to maintain its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Lon Nol and Sirimatak who preferred the free world of America could not even work with Son Ngoc Thanh, the leader of the Khmer Serei forces from South Vietnam. Son was himself being used by the Americans and the Thais to cause problems for Sihanouk while his forces operated in the border areas of Thailand and South Vietnam; however, he made little headway. On the side of the spectrum of which Sihanouk was in the middle, but yet with a leaning toward the left as the North Vietnamese was gaining the upper hand on the war, we had the Khmer Vietminh and the true Khmer Rouges supported by North Vietnam, China and the Soviet Union to a much lesser extent.

Well, history repeats itself as we speak right now with some Cambodians are still serving the interests of Vietnam and others not willing to join with the CNRP to form a united front against the CPP. We have various much smaller political groups; some prefer to work with the CPP and others as independent groups. The formation of the CNRP is the right thinking in the right direction. If the rumour of Prince Norodom Ranariddh joining the CNRP is true and he is coming in with good intention to work for the common good of the country, we can hope that others can begin to think of putting the interests of Cambodia above everything else since without her survival the existence of their political parties will be history.

If anyone waits to see the perfection in the CNRP before helping to support or joining it to free Cambodia from the CPP and thus Vietnamese influence, then they might as well be prepared to live under the CPP for a long time to come.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:06 AM,

You are not helping at all, sorry. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Don't even trust this flip flop king. He kept the truth with him to the grave. He had no intention to help khmer and the country. His mind and soul was for youn and his mainsanig kacheupp Monique. when he was king, he exchanged khmer krom for independence. I had never heard from Sihanouk to claim back khmer krom from youn as a king , as a leader of the country. He did not work hard enough to protect the country from his neighbors tiger siam and crocodile youn. He betrayed his own people and his country. There is no forgiveness for him.
He must be brouth to international criminal court for committing crimes to kill his own people.

Anonymous said...

8:34 AM, thx for your opinion.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Mr. Pissed Off,

Your response as I see it.

Para 1: Definition or what's lead to the so-called "Sihanouk's flip-flop" politics.

Para 2: External environment/pressure (the world around Cambodia?)

Para 3: Internal and External discourses.

Para 4: Khmer, who they are really...

Para 5: CNPR, your bleak assessment!

Wasn't Sihanouk the Captain of the ship back then as seen by the entire world?

What had he done approx. 3 years before the Coup (as the American had put it!) after he abdicated, becoming Prime Minister and just a regular Khmer citizen besides playing music and shooting movies and stuff...

I appreciate your times and responses Mr. Pissed off!!!

Thank you,

P.s. Please ignore typos, if any. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk tried to wash his dirty and bloody hands after he reaslized that he was extremely stupid
that he went to join the vietcongs
and khmer rouge ,created by
vietcongs just to catch Cambodia
on 17 april 1975 to swallow on
7 january 1979.If not,he is a
the worst traitor to Cambodia
(Khmer nation).

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kalonh Chuck,

Firs of all, let me say you are very welcome and thank you also for your comments and questions.

My answer is simply my thought on Norodom Sihanouk, a quite controversial politician of our modern time and the responsibility of the governed with respect to the governor.

It is without a doubt that Norodom Sihanouk had allowed filming personal movies, acting as a main actor, composing and singing his songs to distract him from the myriads of problems faced by Cambodia at the time when he was in control of the government and should have been more concerned with the affairs of the state. This failure of responsibility is without a doubt a negative aspect of his leadership. In addition he and his advisors may not have known very well, and yet were not willing to relinquish power and leadership, how to move in a very delicate game of international, regional and local politics and diplomacy when they were faced with such disunity in their small and vulnerable country known as Cambodia. The critical task of preventing Cambodia from falling into and consumed then by the war in Vietnam was not easily surmountable and was made more difficult by the factions of various political tendencies, one of which had been indoctrinated and trained to serve Vietnamese interests at all cost and is currently in power in Cambodia.

Recent Khmer leaders want perks, power and prestige that come with the office of the Prime Minister or President, but are not willing to fulfill their duty to the nation and the people. Unfortunately Cambodian people, even in our present time, are not mature enough politically to understand what is going on in government and leadership to demand the concrete action, responsibility and accountability on the part of their leader. They allow themselves to be abused and still worship their leader. I rest my point by saying that despite all the errors of judgement and action on the part of Norodom Sihanouk, he is still loved and respected by millions of Khmers!

As a people, Cambodians pay least attention to social issues that do not affect them directly. They simply seem unable or willing to work as a cohesive and united force to help their less fortunate and poorer brothers and sisters. Just look at the injustice committed by the current authority in Phnom Penh as far as land grabbing and mistreatment of the poor are concerned; there is hardly any strong public outcry to derail or slow down such inhumane act on the part of the authority. In western world such a barbaric action will be met by strong condemnation from the people of all walks of life! Cambodians are a long way to go to understand the need and plight of the poor even though most of them were poor themselves under the Khmer Rouge and experienced hunger; I guess they have all forgotten about the old day. One would have expected the rich and middle-class Cambodians to understand better the need and condition of the poor given their experience and life under the Khmer Rouge regime; sadly the do not! Will education help? I do not know; but I hope it will make a dent in the mentality of our brothers and sisters. In the meantime I count on my prayers.

Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha appear to be reasonable leaders for the moment, but unless people who vote for them hold them responsible and accountable for every move they make if they happen to be in power, we may see them become corrupt just like any other Cambodian leaders before them who seem to start out right and get corrupted along the way.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

Le CNPR devrait assembler tous les discours de Sihanouk sur les Viets au Cambodge et faire distribuer ces discours sous forme de CD Rom dans tout le pays et ceci dans le cadre de la campagne électorale de Juillet prochain. Ces discours sont des preuves pour convaincre les électeurs du danger Viet.

For the next election, CNPR should put together all Sihanouk's speeches on Viets in the CD Rom to be disseminated in all over the country. Those speeches are valuable proofs to convince voters on Viets danger.

Militant de base

Anonymous said...

This killer sihaknuk is a traitor.
since khmer gained independent from france in 1953, he had done nothing for khmer people and the country but to kill khmer who ever try obstract his friendship between chinese moa tsetong,north korean, especilly north vietnam ho chiminh which known to be aggressor
toward khmer for centuries.
How can he said youn invaded khmer?
who let viet cong used our territoty during the war between south and nort viet?
he blamed lon nol for toppled him from power.he blamed pol pot for killing khmers, but who was leader of khmer rouge?.
when pol pot died , his body was cremated with tire and wood and called him a killer.when shihaknuk
the goverment spent million of dollars to cremate his body and called him a nationalist. why is that?.they both are khmer rouge leaders.they both are khmer's killer.but there is a distiction between these two
Pol pot killed viet.
Sihaknuk help viet to kill khmer.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%
Blessed are you who have eyes to see and eyes to hear. You are one of the chosen ones among them all. So, many khmers people have been brained was by this CPP acting to believe that kingta was a good person, mainly because of their stupid culture where it stated that, 'never to talk bad their parenting even if they are bad' Buddha . Whereas in the west, if we ever see bad parenting, we would talk about it and making sure they will become good ones. I witness a few parents in Cambodia and bashed the hell out of their kids and said to their kids to shut up when their kids were big enough to stand what was right and wrong. Those bloody parents took their rights away just like kingta, pol pot and Hun sen do. They shut their critic by jailing them. So, can you see the pattern there????Bloody moron people who rule to ruin from top to bottom. Psycho is!!!!!Kingdom of wonder.......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%
Blessed are you who have eyes to see and eyes to hear. You are one of the chosen ones among them all. So, many khmer people have been brainwashed by this CPP, acting to believe that kingta was a good person, mainly because of their stupid culture where it stated that, 'never to talk bad about parentings even if they are bad' Buddha . Whereas in the west, if we know that they are bad parentings, we would talk about it and making sure they become good ones. I witnessed a few parents in Cambodia who bashed the hell out of their kids and then, would shut them up. Basically, they took their rights away ever since being a child to a grown up and those bloody people like kingta, pol pot and Hun sen, their attitudes are also identical. They shut their critics by jailing them. So, can you see the pattern there????Bloody moron people who rule to ruin from top to toes. Psycho is!!!!! what a Kingdom of wonder is...

Anonymous said...

I used to tell the truth about king Sihaknuk and Monique Izi,ah leukeuh and mee sompheung youn. She is the real youn spy that assign to use her yorny to poison the king loco for youn to take over our motherland. Cambodians people your last chance is to help Ransy and Kem to win over the CPP youn killer s tools. Do not trust the royalist youn slave,the group of leeches monarchy are knowing nothing about take care our sovereign but stupidity. These ignorant monarchy are waste and easy to be youn toolset. Look at ah Sihaknuk as example ,talking front of microphone are one thing in the bed sleeping with youn whore. Now the truth are revealing . For information please visit dated 03-06-13/03-07-13and 03-08-13 all compatriots will understand the caused of the messes that Sihaknuk had fool by the Vietnam through the youn whore wife. Thx

Anonymous said...

Kenton Clymer is Chair of the History Department at Northern Illinois University, USA and was formerly Professor of History at the University of Texas at El Paso, USA. He is the author of "The United States and Cambodia, 1969–2000, A trouble relationship" and other books that focus on American relations with Asia.

On page 94 of that book, "A trouble relationship", we can see a piece of History :

For his part, the exiled Prince never ceased to believe that he had been the victim of an American-sponsored coup. In 1979, Kissinger met Sihanouk in Beijing and assured him that the United States had had nothing to do with the coup. “You must believe that we were favorable to your returning to power and that we did not like Lon Nol. We liked you.”
“Thank you very much,” Sihanouk responded.
“I want you to believe it,” Kissinger pressed on.
“Excellency,” Sihanouk replied, “let bygones be bygones.”
“No. No. No. I want you to say that you believe me,” Kissinger insisted.
To which Sihanouk replied, “I apologize. I cannot say that I believe you.”

Anonymous said...

I love my KING !

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

We are sure you do Mr. 1;24 PM. Thx.

Mr. Pissed off,

Couldn't thank you enough for your insights!!!

We'll see you around. Thanks again, and take care!

Anonymous said...

What a pity for Cambodia and Cambodian.

What Sihanouk said about yuon Hanoi dirty tricks and its ambition is absolutely right but what Sihanouk done after 1991 Paris Peace Agreement is absolutely wrong, direct or indrect after 1993 Sihanouk helped yuon Hanoi to swallow Cambodia and to help yuon Hanoi to exterminate Khmer ectnics.