Tuesday, March 19, 2013

វត្តខ្មែរ ឡូវែល ឆ្លើយតប ការចោទប្រកាន់ ក្នុងកាសែត ឡូសាន់



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ខ្ពើម, លោក នួន វាសនា ធ្វើមើលតែខ្លួនហ្នឹង យកចិត្តទុកដាក់នឹងខ្មែរណាស់ពេលដែលត្រូវការសន្លឹកឆ្នោត ឬការគាំទ្ររបស់ខ្មែរនៅឡូវែល តែការអនុវត្តន៍ជាក់ស្តែង លោកឥតខ្វល់ខ្វាយ ពីវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ ពីសង្គមខ្មែរនៅ ឡូវែលបន្តិចទេ ។ លោកជាសមាជិកគណៈកម្មការ វត្តក្រោមនៅឡូវែល ដែលគេឯងដឹងថា ជាក្រុមគាំទ្រគណ:បក្សប្រជាជន ។ លោកនិង ក្រុមលោកបានយកវត្តអារាមខ្មែរដែលជាទីឃឿនវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ ជាទីសក្ការ:បូជារបស់ជនជាតិខ្មែរ ធ្វើជាសមរភូមិស៊ីសាច់ហុតឈាមឈ្លោះជាមួយក្រុមមួយទៀត (វត្តលើ) ដែលមាននិនាការគាំ ទ្របក្សប្រឆាំង ដើម្បីយកវត្តតាំងមូលមកកាន់ កាប់សម្រាប់បក្សខ្លួន ។ ទង្វើដ៏ថោកទាប អន់ថយនេះ បានធ្វើអោយមានការប្រះឆារច្របូក ប្របល់អាប់អួរក្នុងសង្គមខ្មែរនៅឡូវែល ។ ក្រុមលោក នួន វាសនា បានបញ្ជូនលោក សម មាស ដែលជាកូនអុកពួកបក្សប្រជាជនទៅ បង្ករនិងប្រឌិតរឿងរាវដល់ព្រះសង្ឈវត្តលើ ដើម្បីបំផ្លាញវត្តលើអោយរលាយតែម្តង ។ លោក សម មាស បាននាំក្រុមខ្លួនទៅជេរ ប្រមាថដៀលត្មិះ ព្រះសង្ឈវត្តលើយ៉ាងថោកទាប និងបង្កររឿងមិនចេះចប់ដល់ព្រះសង្ឈ ។ ទង្វើដ៏ថោកទាបនេះ តើសម ជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ សង្គមឬចង់អោយសង្គមបានល្អឬទេ? ឬក៏គេមានផែនការណ៍អ្វីផ្សេង?

Anonymous said...

ថោកទាបណាស់ យកវត្តអារាមជាទីលានប្រយុទ្ធ ដើម្បីក្រុមបក្សរាងខ្លួន ។ កប៉ាលធ្លុះធ្លាយមិន នាំគ្នាជួសជុលបែរជានាំគ្នានាំគ្នាកាប់កប៉ាលយ កដំឈើសម្រាប់ហែលឆ្លងសមុទ្ររាងខ្លួន ។ វត្តមានបញ្ហាស្អុយរលួយជាង១០ឆ្នាំហើយមិនរកដំណោះស្រាយបែរជាខាំគ្នាដូចឆ្កែវត្ត ។ ឯណា ទៅគំរូល្អដល់កូនចៅ ដល់សង្គមជាតិ? បើព្រះសង្ឈ បើមនុស្សសកម្មជនសង្គម អ្នដឹកនាំសង្គម មានចរិតបែបនេះតើចង់ទុកអ្វី ជាគំរូដល់សង្គមនិងក្មេងជំនាន់ក្រោយ? តើវាសនាគ្នាទៅជាយ៉ាងណា?

កំហុសខ្លួន អសម្ថភាពរបស់ខ្លួនបែរជាមក ដៀលជេរខ្មែរ ថោកទាបណាស់។

Anonymous said...

អស់ពីជេរយួន​ មានតែជេរខ្មែរគ្នាឯង អស់មានអ្នក
ណាជេរ ចុងបំផុតមានតែជេរខ្លួនឯង​-- គ្រួរសាឯង។​​

Unknown said...

ចារិកខ្មែរគឹចិងហើយ នៅទីណាដូចទីណា ខ្មែរជាអ្នកចម្បាំង កុំភ្លេច! គឹច្បាំងបានតែគ្នាឯងនិងហើយ

Anonymous said...

គ្មានបានការ ឈ្លោះតែគ្នា៕

Anonymous said...

Please bring some constructive argument to improve community instead of pure trash. No need to add insult to insult. If all of you went on race insult, let go on. Need I remind, those involved in community or social activity so far in Cambodian society are chen or yuons or both. These cronies have nothing better to do than corrupt people and society for personal greed. They don’t know how to run social and national affair but sinister small family affair. Chen, yuons are the most corrupted people that why Mao discerned the necessity of culture revolution to clean up those corrupt low skin. Unfortunately those cronies run away from China to Cambodia and elsewhere to corrupt other society. Cambodia was quite better under the influence and leadership of Khmer than these cronies chen yuons over centuries now. Just look at M. sinoun and most of his colleges, these people can barely open up their hybrid eye to see the world, both physically and mentally.

Need some more?

Anonymous said...

Meant, noun veasna

Anonymous said...

លោក នួន វាសនា បន្ទាប់ពីជាប់ឆ្នោត មានឈ្មោះនៅតំបន់ឡូ ក៏ទៅជួបហ៊ុន សែនភ្លាម ដើម្បីចង់បានតំណែងនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ដូចរដ្ឋមន្រ្តីក្រសួងយុត្តិធម៌ អង្គ វង្សវឌ្ឍនា តែកុំសង្ឃឹម។ មានតេហ៊ុន សែន ប្រើឲ្យកំទេចអ្នកជំទាស់នៅឡូវែលតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

Anonymous said...

Lok 2:54 AM ដូច្នេះវាមិនខុសពីលោក សម មាស ទេ បានទៅស្រុកខ្មែរជាមួយ ស្រីកំណាន់ នៅ Califonia យកលុយកាក់សមាគមខ្មែររៃ អង្គាសពីឡូវែលដើម្បីជួយជនរងគ្រោះ កោះពេជ្យ តែមិនដឹងលោក សម មាស យកទៅណា ។ ទៅស្រុកខ្មែរទៅជួបនិងដើរ លេងស្រីញីបនបាជាមួយពួកបក្សប្រជាជន ក្រាកៗ ។ ត្រលប់មកឡូវែលវិញសេបគបស្អិត រមួតជាមួយសាចញាតិពួកបក្សប្រជាជនក្រាកៗនៅឡូវែល ហើយដើរញុះញង់បំផ្លាញខ្មែរឯទៀត ដើម្បីប្រយោជន៍បុគ្គលខ្លួន ។ នៅពេលដែល ពួកបក្សប្រជាជនធ្វើបុណ្យ៧មករាកន្លង នៅឡូវែលដើម្បីអរគុណយួន លោក សម មាស មិនត្រឹមតែទៅចូលរួមប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ តែបានប្រកាសក្តែងៗអរគុណយួន ថា បើគ្មានយួនមកជួយទេ ខ្លួនហ្នឹងប្រកាច់ងាប់ បាត់ទៅហើយ ។ ពិតជាចោលម្សៀតមែន ។

Anonymous said...

The KhmerPost USA has lost its journalistic integrity if it had any before it ran this one side article. How can the KhmerPost USA run an article on something that is so important to the interest of the community without interviewing all parties involved; I.E. those people interviewed int the Lowell Sun. such as Sam Meas, Sambath Soum, Denys Moueng or Sarith Sath?

The article is full of inaccuracy and falsehood. For example, regarding the money raised, per Mr.Samkhann Khoeun's report to one of the training class as of March 2012, a total of more $250,000 were raised. In the letter to the Lowell in early Februray, in which Samkhann Khoeun wrote for Ven. Sao Khon, stated that the total money raised was $500,000. In this article Ven. Nhem Kimtieng stated that the money raised was only $250,000. Question - why is there such a big discrepancy?

Sam Meas, as a member of the Executive Committee and the Chair of Budget and Finance, has every right to see the financial records of CKBM. He has the right to demand an audit to ensure that the donation made to CKBM is used as intended and for the benefit of the community; not for individual benefit. Question - if there is NOTHING to hide and no money is missing, why can't the financial records of CKBM be opened and audited by an independent third party? What are Sao Khon, Nhem Kimteing and Maya Men afraid of?

Why does Sao Khon, a revered Buddhist monk, trash talking Sam Meas and Sambath Soum. I was told that Sam Meas, who is financially secured and has a very well-paying job, was personally invited to join CKBM by Samkhann Khoeun on the order of Sao Khon. Sam Meas was nominated by Sao Khon and the rest of the Executive Committee to be the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee.

Maya Men- a woman who is receiving disability benefits from the State of Rhode Island. How can she has $50,000 to put on a down-payment of a $250,000 mortgage.

Only three people have access to CKBM money - Maya Men, Sao Khon and Nhem Kimtieng. Where is the transparency?

Anonymous said...

បើយើងជាខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់ភាពយុត្តិធម៏ស្អប់ជនខូចខិលក្នុងសង្គម ចូលដៃចូលជើងជាមួយពពួកក្បត់ជាតិ
បំផ្លាញជាតិខ្លាចអីពពួកអាឆ្កែអស់នេះ ខ្មែរដែលរស់នៅទីនេះក្រោកឡើងប្រឆាំង! ប្រឆាំងដាច់ខាតជាមួយពពួក
អា នួន វាសនា និងប័ក្សពពួកអាឆ្កែចចកបំរើប័ក្សប្រជាជន ទាំងនេះ កុំទុកអោយវាធ្វើអ្វីតាមតែចិត្តវា ក្រោកឡើយ

Anonymous said...

មានខ្មែររស់នៅរាប់ម៉ឺននាក់នៅឡូវែល ហេតុអ្វី បណ្តោយអោយមនុស្សខិចខូចទុច្ធរិតមួយក្តាប់តូច (ពីរក្រុមតូច) ធ្វើព្យុះធ្វើផ្គតាមអំពើចិត្ត ហើយ ពួកខាកស្តោះព្រួសទម្លាក់អំពើអាក្រក់របស់ពួកវាលើខ្មែរឯទៀត យករឿងអាក្រក់ អំពើអាក្រក់ ពួកវាមកជេរ ដៀលខ្មែរទាំងសកលធ្វើអោយ សង្គមខ្មែរច្របូកច្របល់អាក្រក់មើលក្រៃលែង ។ តើមានវិធីអ្វីទប់ស្កាត់ពូជពួកឈ្លើង ពូជពួកដង្កូវ សង្គមបែបនេះកុំអោយបង្កើតបញ្ហាដល់សង្គមខ្មែរឬមានតួនាទីអ្វីក្នុងសង្គម? ថានៅ ស្រុកខ្មែរចុះ លក្ខខ័ណមិនអនុញាតិអោយយើងជ្រើសរើសមនុស្សមានសម្ថភាព មានវិនយ័ មានសីលធម៌ មានឧត្តមគតិជាតិ សម្រាប់បំរើសង្គមជាតិ ចុះនៅស្រុកនេះហើយម្តេចក៏បណ្តោយអោយរឿងបែបនេះកើតឡើង បានហើយបន្តក្នុងរយ: ពេលយូរទៀត ។ មកពីមូលហេតុអ្វីទៅ, ល្មមភ្ញាក់ខ្លួនហើយ.... !

Anonymous said...

លោកសំខាន់ ឃឿន, ព្រះអង្គសៅ ឃន, ព្រះអង្គ គិមតេង, លោកសេម មាស, ម៉ាយ៉ា ម៉ែន, លោកសោម សម្បត្តិ, លោក ដេនី មឿង, លោក សាត សារឹត សុទ្ធតែជាខ្មែរ ជាព្រសង្ឃ ជាបញ្ញាវន្ដ ម៉េចក៏និយាយគ្នាស្ដាប់មិនបាន? បើដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាទាំងនេះមិនបានទេ មានន័យថា ម៉ាយ៉ា មែន សំខាន់ ឃឿន សៅ ឃន ញ៉ែម គឹមតេង គឺជាជនពុករលួយ។ ព្រោះបើតាមLowellsun ខាងលោកសេម មាស គេមានតឹកតាង គេនិយាយជាចំហរ និយាយជាចំហរ មានន័យថា មានភាពស្មោះត្រង់។ ចាស់ៗអស់ហើយ ល្មមឈប់ខាំគ្នាដូចឆ្កែវត្តបានទេ?៕

Anonymous said...

Dogs are forever in the push up position.

Anonymous said...

លោក 1:20 AM សំដីរបស់លោក គឺជាសំដីចោទប្រកាន់ទៅក្រុមម្ខាងទៀតទាំងងងឹតដោយគ្មានមូលដ្ឋាន ។ ខ្មែរថា ទះដៃម្ខាងមិនឮទេ ។ លោក សេម មាស និងបក្សពួកប្រហែលជាមានផែនការណ៍អ្វីផ្សេង បានជាចោទប្រកាន់ទាំងងងុលដើម្បីបំផ្លាញក្រុមម្ខាងទៀត ជាទង្វើអគតិថោកទាបគួរអោយឆ្អើម ព្រោះរហូតពេលនេះ លោកសាម មាស និងបក្សពួកមិនអាចរកភស្តុតាងអ្វីមកបង្ហើញសាធារណ:ជន ពីការចោទប្រកាន់នោះទេ ។ បើលោកសេម មាស និងបក្សពួកមានគំនិតល្អ ចង់រកដំណោះស្រាយ ចង់ផ្សះផ្សាសង្គម លោកសេម មាស និងបក្សពួកមិនគួរ ធ្វើបែបនេះទេ ។ មាក់ងាយខ្មែរដូចគ្នា ជារប្រមាថព្រះសង្ឃ វាយឬកច្រឡោមខាម ជាអំពើថោកទាបគួរអោយខ្ពើមឆ្អើមណាស់

Anonymous said...

@5:49 Please be advised that Sam Meas, in the capacity as the
chairman of Budget and Finance Committee and member of the Executive Committee of CKBM, formally requested to have all financial records of CKBM audited at least four occasions. Each requested was rebuffed by Sao Khon, Maya Men and Nhem Kimteng for one reason or another.

If Sao Khon, Maya Men and Nhem Kimteng have nothing to hide, all donations and their receipts were properly recorded and deposited in the bank, expenses were properly maintained with receipts, why are they REFUSING to have the audit as requested. To suggest that Sam Meas and his supporters have ulterior motives when Sao Khon and his group are refusing to have an audit suggest that you are outright biased as the KhmerPost USA. You are refusing to look the preponderant evident without any forethought and,or critical thinking.

If Sao Khon, Maya Men and Nhem Kimten and Samkhann Khoeun have nothing to hide, why not agreeing to the audit? They have nothing to be afraid of if there is nothing to hide?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:56 AM I may not questioning M. Sam Meas legitimacy to review the financial records of CKBM if CKBM bylaw allow so. If it’s not, things should be done at another level, in another circumstance... So, here, I rather question about M. Sam Meas hidden agenda, his behaviors and the way him and his people lead their contestation or deal with other group, so sinisterly inacceptable

Anonymous said...

M. Sam Meas and his people only suspect monk Sao Khon, Mrs Maya Men, monk Nhem Kimten and M. Samkhann Khoeun of corruption and adultery but M. Sam Meas and his people have no single proof of their accusation. If M. Sam Meas and his people cant prove other of their accusation, M. Sam Meas and his people can be accused of defamation perhaps for some vile hidden agenda. សំខាន់បំផុតគឺ លោក សេម មាស មិនត្រឹមតែបានញ៉ុសញង់បង្កើត បញ្ហាដល់ព្រះសង្ឃទេ តែបាននាំបក្សពួកទៅ ជេរដៀលប្រមាថមាក់ងាយដល់ព្រះសង្ឃទៀត វាជាអំពើថោកទាប គួរអោយខ្ពើមឆ្អើម ខ្លាំងណាស់ មិនសមជាខ្មែរ មិនសមជាមនុស្ស មានចំណេះដឹងឬមានគុណធម៌ទេ តើមនុស្ស ប្រភេទនេះអាចមានចេតនាល្អឬសម្ថភាពដឹកនាំសង្គមអោយបានល្អឬទេ?

Anonymous said...

ការពិតរឿងរាវទាំងនេះ គឹជាល្បិចពួកវត្តក្រោម វាយប្រហារសម្លាប់ពួកវត្តលើដើម្បីយកវត្តទាំងមូល មកកាន់កាប់សម្រាប់បក្សរបស់ខ្លួន ។ គ្មានអ្វី វិបាកយល់ទេ ពួកបក្សប្រជាជនវាដើរស៊ី គ្រប់វត្តខ្មែរស្ទើរដាច់អស់ហើយ ទាំងនេះ ក៏មកពីពួកក្រុមម្ខាងទៀត បែកបាក់ ពុករលួយ អសម្ថភាព មិនចេះសាមគ្គី និងមិនចេះរៀបចំ សង្គមអោយបានល្អ នាំគ្នាអនុវត្តវប្បធម៌អន់ថយ ធ្វើនយោបាយ ធ្វើចលនាសង្គមសម្រាប់តែខ្លួន និងបក្សពួកខ្លួនមួយក្តាប់តូច មើលខ្លី មិនបាន គិតដល់ប្រយោជន៍ សង្គមជាតិជាធំដើម្បីការ ជឿនលឿននិងសេចក្តីថ្លៃថ្នូររបស់សង្គមធំ ។ លុះដល់ពួកវាធ្វើទៅបរាជ័យ ចេញជារឿង អាស្រូវអាក្រក់ក្រៃលែង ពួកនេះមិនញញើតនឹង បើកមាត់សំអុយរបស់ខ្លួន ដៀលត្មេះខ្មែរឯទៀត ចំពោះកំហុសឬអំពើអាក្រក់ដែលពួកវាបានសាងដោយខ្លួនឯង ។ ថោកទាបណាស់ ។

Anonymous said...

@12:14 PM....you seemed to know a lot about CKBM. What do you know about adultery at CKBM? I read the Lowell Sun and the KhmerPost USA, no where did I read where there is an accusation of adultery by Mr. Sam Meas. How do you know about the adultery and between whom? Can you please share with us? do you have any proof?

Again, you failed to answer my question given that you seem to know so much CKBM, if there is nothing to hide, why not let the book be audited? Why are Samkhann Khoeun, Sao Khom, Maya Men and Nhem Kimtieng refusing to show the book...revenue and expenses? If they are honest and religious people, they have nothing to be afraid of. They can prove to the community beyond a any doubt that the donations are put into use properly. And they can refute any allegation by Mr.Sam Meas and his supporters once and for all. Only thieves hide, honest people don't hide anything.

In America, you can always sue people, if you, Sao Khon, Maya Men, Nhem Kimtieng or Samkhann Khoeun strongly believe that you had been wrong by Mr. Meas, for asking for audit, and have evidence to proof in the court of law, by all mean they should sue his pants. But remember, Mr. Sam Meas and his supporters have the right to demand all evidence and cross examine and call witnesses. American courts are not the Kangaroo court of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

@5:49AM.... Let me cut the chase, you seem don't know the whole truth about what is going on at CKBM. My parents attending CKBM temple daily and I've seen and witness with my eyes and ears how Maya Men treating those monks. She uses foul languages when she mads at something in front of Ven. Sao Khon and he didn't say anything, is there any secret going on that we don't know? I was not at the day of Mr. Sam Meas asking for audit, but I was at the temple when a few executive members had a meeting with Ven. Sao Khon, and he agrees lettting them to do an audit. I heard that someone video tape that night and they said nothing about Mr. Sam Meas and others were there swearing or yelling at the Ven. Sao Khon. Whoever said that Mr. Sam Meas and his group disrespect the monks is not true. I know from my parents that they tried to work with Maya Men and Mr. Samkhann Khoeun about the audit, but they didn't want to show it. They just kicked Mr. Sam Meas out of the executive committee for no reason. There was no due process. One of these days, the truth will come out. Then you will know who is telling the truth and who is the liars. After I read the Lowellsun, it was Ven. Sao Khon's answer through Mr. Samkhann Khoeun's email to Lowellsun about $500,000.00 was reaised and Ven. Nhem Kimteng said it raised only $250,000.00. Let me ask you, who is telling you the truth. The Lowellsun also stated that Mr. Sam Meas "CKBM raised bewteen $400,000 to $600,000.00", to me $500,000.00 is between what Mr.Sam Meas's estimation.

Anonymous said...

@8:25 AM No, Lowel Sun didn’t mention about adultery in its journal but I read someone’s post here talking about it while Lowell Sun article was posted out here on KI. And I’m sure M. Sam Meas and his people tried to insinuate it to soil monk and Mrs. Maya Men. It can be right as it can be a total a sordid false accusation from the other part to discredit and soil their rivals. It’s a lowest hit anyway from the other part until it is proven.
As for the audit or demand to show the revenue and expenses by M. Sam Meas and his people, I think it is in the full right of the concerned person not to do it if M. Sam Meas and his people are not in legitimate position to ask for it. If M. Sam Meas mistreated them, ill behave against them or didn’t play fair, why should them? It’s so simple

Anonymous said...

@11:21PM.... From what I'm reading from Lowellsun article, there was no single word mention about adultery between Ven. Sao Khon or Maya Men, but there is rumours out in the community way before Mr. Sam Meas and his group of people requested the audit. Please bear in mind that before Mr. Sam Meas and his group proceeded to have a meeting, it was Ven. Sao Khon that agreed to let the executive members to do the audit. I was listening to the meeting twice along with many others, it was always video tape the whole meeting so all the evidence was recorded as I remember. If you are from Lowell area, you should ask those people who often go to CKBM temple.

Anonymous said...

@2:51 AM As if Ven. Sao Khon has a very honorable gesture toward M. Sam Meas and his people

I would appreciate if you can post what you claimed here on YouTube and share with people. Thank

Anonymous said...

Folk, the real thing is, those who want to harm Ven. Sao Khon and his people would be the source of all rumors, adultery as well as about the likely corruption just to harm and destroy the project of Ven. Sao Khon for their very own agenda. It’s impossible that a respectable monk like Ven. Sao Khon who had done so much great thing and has such the great project for Khmer temple all over USA would have an affair with Maya Men or would have any corrupted issue for his personal greed. Ven. Sao Khon had said in the interview with KhmerPost that Mrs. Maya Men has been a great help for community as well as for the temple which can be a hated, a threat or obstacle to the other party.

Anonymous said...

@6:29AM..... I can not sit and laugh at you. Are you that blind? Are you deaf? The truth will come out in the future. Once you have seen the evidence I'm wondering how you will react. Did someone mention about Ven. Sao Khon had an affair with Maya Men? But Ven. Sao Khon did "JAB KYOL" coined rub for Maya Men and that is the fact. What were great things that Ven. Sao Khon have done to the community? Maybe you should go to youtube and search for his name; maybe you see something else.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:08 AM I did search about Ven. Sao Khon on youtube, this is what I found : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kil1c4hxnZM

Anonymous said...

Whoever you dear Angeli, the prayer of Ven. Sao Khon has been heard. Mr. Sam Meas and his group will have their entire life to "Chab Kjal" after they cant prove anything of all their sordide accusations against the poor monk Sao Khon.

Insult monk, lying, disrespect monk, look down on monk or other human is the sever sin according to bouddhiste laws and a grave insult to social code of ethnic. Mr. Sam Meas and his group will soon be punished and go to hell ! Wait and you will see.

Anonymous said...

@9:19PM.... Don't so attach on someone when you don't know the truth. Again, I haven't seen or read anything about Mr.Sam Meas's group insult monk, lying, disrespect monk, look up or down on monk like you have describe in your latest comment. Whatever you heard about adultery it's all from the past. Maybe you should try to do more research before you defend a person. You need to read from the Lowellsun, I did NOT find any words in a full page about "adultery" mentioned in the lowellsun article. Why are you keep accusing Mr. Sam Meas's group. I know you respect Ven. Sao Khon and that is your right, but what the truth is always the truth. You need to be a little bit open-minded, maybe you might see something else that will supprise you. Who will go to where I don't know. But one thing I know, no one can lie from oneself.

Anonymous said...

9:05 AM You are right, it’s better to well know someone or the whole truth about someone before attaching to that person or you will be hurt, eating by the repentance one you wake up and learn that you are all false about someone whom you always trust and accord all your utmost confidence …

I don’t know if you can read Khmer but if you well read the whole text wrote in Khmerpost journal, all mentioned there about how Mr. Sam Meas and his group treated the monks and other people. The monks also talk about “women issue” to which Ven. Sao Khon was victim or be accused by the other party.

Anonymous said...

@8:33PM....I can read khmer with a little bit of difficulty, but I don't write well. Talking about KhmerpostUSA, it's a ONE SIDE story from Ven. Sao Khon. Why didn't KhmerpostUSA interviewed Mr.Sam Meas and his group to full story. Do you call that "FAIR"? This is not a story. It's not fair to both sides. Why Ven. Sao Khon didn't agree to meet with Mr. Sam Meas and his group. As right now you can believe what KhmerpostUSA wrote, but you will be supprised what you don't know. "what you see is not what you see". The truth will always be the truth.

Anonymous said...

4:34 AM I wish that things would be as you mentioned here but it merely leaves no possibility to that.

If you read the title of the Khmerpost, it’s mentioned “Khmer temple replies to Lowellsun journal” It also meant that the Khmerpost already learned Mr. Sam Meas’s side of story reported in Lowellsun journal. I think it is fair enough.

Otherwise, if the monks or Khmer temple refuse communication with Mr. Sam Meas or refuse Mr. Sam Meas and his people access to the record book of revenue and expenses, is not because they have something to hide but because Mr. Sam Meas and his people had grilled all red lights in their way to deal with the monks and it is merely impossible to reestablish any communication or normal relation with these people.

Anonymous said...

@5:44AM.... There is no one in the world can convince you to believe anything, but if you would take a little time and listen to both side in person rather hearing from the news media, then you might have a better understanding. As to the article from Lowellsun, it is maybe fair to you, but did you read the Lowellsun and KhmerpostUSA about how much money CKBM raised? Lowellsun reported that CKBM raised $500,000.00 from Ven. Sao Khon through Mr. Samkhann Khoeun's email, then KhmerpostUSA reported from Ven. Nhem Kimteng that CKBM raised only $250,000.00. Why are two highest monks reported with two different answers on how much money was raised? As for Mr. Sam Meas disrepected the monks, from what I witness and talked with a few people who were there at day, said it was Ven. Sao Khon who direspected all of Khmer community. Again, the truth will always be the truth. When shit hits the fan, this is my email, we will have coffee and celebrate the victory for clean up the corruptions. Lowell_2013@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

@5:44 Am.... Pleased, do you want me to believe that the poor monk disrespected community or Mr. Sam Meas because Mr. Sam Meas and his band come and insult him, yell at him, harass him at his temple (Kott) like bande of angry wolfs and the poor monk didn't even replied to these people. He was desperate , dead of fear of Mr. Sam Meas and his bande, so he just hided in his temple (kott), pray and starve to death

Anonymous said...

I meant, @7:50 AM, not @5:44 Am.

Anonymous said...

@12:01 AM.... I'm trying to understand on both side of the story, but you seem to take sided. I know many people respect monks, and it's very hard to convince you to believe that it was the monks who used a uncivilized words toward Mr. Sam Meas and his group. I know you will not believe it until you see or hear what Ven. Sao Khon had said that night, then I'm sure you will view him a different way. As of right now, we all have to wait to see the evidence. Why didn't answer me about money mentioned in both newspapers? The truth is always stay the truth.

Anonymous said...

@12:01AM.... Are you willing to make a bet with me that whatever the KhmerpostUSA reported in its newspaper is not true?? You have my email. Don't forget to let me know whether the monks are right or Mr. Sam Meas and his group is right.

Anonymous said...

@3:23 AM No, I'm not going to bet with you. I wait and want to see Mr. Sam Meas and his people prove me that, they are not wrongly accused innocent people, destroyed community, Khmer, maltreated and soiled honor of a monk who has scarified his entire life for community and his religion, for their very own agenda or for something else no matter. I will never forgive...

Anonymous said...

And I bet Mr. Sam Meas and his people will never able to do that because the poor monk did nothing wrong…

As for the amount of money raised and being reported different in both journal, Lowellsun and Khmerpost. I think the sum $500, 000.00 reported by Lowellsun come from the claim of Mr. Sam Meas and Khmerpost reported the monks’ claimed was $250,000.00

Anonymous said...

@7:57AM.... I hope you can read English well than you can write because the Lowellsun reported whatever Mr. Samkhann Khoeun sent to them. If you need a copy of Lowellsun article, I still have a copy on my file and I can send it to you so you can read it again. Mr. Sam Meas said it was raised between $400,000.00 to $600,000.00. Mr. Sam Meas didn't say it raised $500,000.00. Lowellsun said it was Ven. Sao Khon's answer through Mr. Samkhann Khoeun's email. It spelled out very clear that it cam from Ven. Sao Khon. I also went to two trainning when CKBM met at Sampov Meas and I still have both power point packets to prove to you that the money was raised up to MARCH 2012 WAS ($269,096.00). How can the monk said they raised only $250,000.00?? If you want to see copy I have, I can show it to you.
I knew you're not going to make a bet with me because deep down inside of you, you will lose the bet. The truth will always be the truth.

Anonymous said...

@6:22 AM It happens of a long text. Perhaps I missed something in Lowellsun article.

If you want to, well, I gonna bet with you. To be honest, I’d rather lose the bet with you than otherwise because I don’t want someone to be that unscrupulous and cruelest being… Just thinking to, it's fearful and hurt enough

If you want to share your article or any proof here, just do it. Otherwise, you can always share with me via mail. Just sent a mail lately.