Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cambodia seeks only justice over border dispute with Thailand

26 March 2013

PHNOM PENH: Cambodia believes the International Courtof Justice (ICJ) will give justice to the country over a disputed border area surrounding the 11th century Preah Vihear Temple with Thailand, Xinhua newsagency reported.

Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Koy Kuong said: "What Cambodia needs is justice. I think it is also justice for the other side," hetold reporters on Tuesday.

"We don't want the other's property and we don't want to lose our legal assetto the other."

Cambodia and Thailand are scheduled to give their oral statements on thedispute to the ICJ in the Netherlands from April 15 to 19.

The court is expected to issue a decision on who owns the disputed landaround the Preah Vihear Temple later this year.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong will lead aworking group made up of border officials and legal experts to attend the oralhearing next month.

Cambodia and Thailand have had sporadic border conflicts over territorialdispute near the Preah Vihear Temple since the UNESCO listed the temple as aWorld Heritage Site on July 7, 2008.

However, Thailand claims ownership of a 4.6-sq. km scrub next to the temple.

Last month, Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh and Thai counterpart SukumpolSuwanatat had lunch near the temple in the hopes of reducing tensions betweenboth countries ahead of the World Court's oral hearing.


Anonymous said...

Siem thugs are thieves and for them to be better than Khmer and they have to steal what to belong to Khmer! No Khmer should believe a single word from the Siem thugs' mouth because their action will speak louder than their words. So just observing their action is more than enough to judge them!

Anonymous said...

Why we Khmer have to respect the decision of other.

This territorial is always belonging to the Khmer descents around the world and not to someone else or Thai or some idiot race.

Khmer is Khmer and Thai is Thai, we will never mix into one.