Friday, March 29, 2013

Huyhn Xen (Hun Xen)'s Directive on Viet Migrants in Cambodia (1986)


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen,

You are old and when you die you should die as Khmer hero by overhauling the NEC and helping the CNRP to win this upcoming election to save Cambodia from the expansionist Vietnam.

Presently, you have the capability to help Cambodia more than any Khmers in the world.

You must leave a historic heroic legacy behind by helping the Khmer nationalists to make a smooth transition to lead Cambodia starting from this 2013.

It is not too late. You still have time to do so and you will always be remembered as Khmer hero.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

True that Bun Toeun

Hun sen should make a smooth transition avoid all futhure conflicts and say 'enough is enough'. The VC and the Chinese crooks 'can run but the can't hide'. Khmers did not kill khmers, it was of these crooks all along. They told kingta and Pol Pot not to be on the US side or else they will be sorry and then, they promised them the world but in the end, they betrayed kingta and Pol Pot.

First, they helped Kingta and Pot Pot to destroy Lon Nol (Pro-US) and then, they created Hang Sarin to destroy Pol Pot. Both goups accused each other of being part of the CIA and KBG and began to kill each other starting from the roots of the educated ones (in order to swallow srok khmer later on) . After both Pol Pot and Hang Sarin showed them the list of those victims of 1/3 dead (2-3million dead out of 6millions). Then, they decided to move into Cambodia.

By then, there was a change of plans, to eliminate Pol Pot and to keep a well trained Hang Sarin to rule the nation. By then, K5 camp was also being create to eliminate the final anti-vietminh which was being controlled by the Hun Sen. Hun Sen killed thousands of them for the benefit of the vietminh. Soon after, he gain more power passed down from the Hang Sarin because the VC saw that he has more potential to be their puppet.

By then, Pol Pot and Kingta realised that they were being betrayed by the VC and the Chinese crooks but it was already too late to save the nation. In the end, Kingta had no where to go except under the refuge of the Chinese in the name of (previous good relationship as 'we are brother') but little did he know that the Chinese were also playing game with him, whereas Pol Pot, he had to hide in the jungle until the day he died.

Now it is time to speak truth for 'the truth and the truth shall set us free'. (Jesus and all other religious perspectives). My conclusion is khmers did not kill khmers, it was the work of the outsiders, like the VC, Chinese crooks who sent thousands war related weapons (in exchange for khmers hard earns rice and fish) and the US B52 bombing which detroyed almost all of khmer infrastures...yet no one in this world is doing anything about it.

Those perpetrators should be brought to justice but NO!. what a shame, however, god knows every move they made, so no need to worry, as 'karma' is on their way, e.g they can run but they can't hide' or justice will be done on earth and in heaven' or the 'righteous will live forever and the wicked will be doomed anyway'....'blessed are those who have eyes to see and ears to hear' and I am glad that I am one of them. So, be blessed everyone...

Anonymous said...

this was old info, stop fooling around,

this info will not help to resolve the issues., already too old

stop fooling around, again, again,

Anonymous said...

millions illegal yuons in camboida, is that old news too?

corruption in the hen govt, is that old news too?

Human rights abused, is that old news too?

Illegal eviction of own khmer people, is that old news too?

Deforestation, is that old news too?

Killing innocent people and jail journalists, is that old news too?

Moving border into Cambodian territory, is that old news too?

Depleting all the natural resources in Cambodia, is that old news too?

Ah Som Pheung His Pleu Men!!