តេជោសែន - "ចាំខ្ញុំផងលោក ឆាវ៉េស ខ្ញុំសុំទៅជាមួយផង"
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Hugo Chavez
was a former paratroop commander and self-styled "subversive" who waged
continual battle for his socialist ideals. He bedeviled the United
States and outsmarted his rivals time and again, while using Venezuela's
vast oil wealth to his political advantage.
Chavez led one coup attempt,
defeated another and was re-elected three times. Almost the only
adversary it seemed he couldn't beat was cancer. He died Tuesday in
Caracas at age 58, two years after he was first diagnosed.
តាមប្រភពពីទួលក្រសាំងបានឲ្យដឹងថា សម្តេចតេជោក៏មានជំងឺមហារីក ដូចលោកឆាវែស នេះដែរ។ ក្រុមវេជ្ជបណ្ឌិតនៅប្រទេសសិង្ហបូរីបានឲ្យដឹងថា សម្តេចមានអាយុមិនលើសពីពីរឆ្នាំទៀតទេ។
សង្ឃឹមថា សម្តេចនឹងខិតខំធ្វើល្អនៅនាទីចុងក្រោយនៃជីវិតរបស់លោក។
តើតេជោ សែន រស់បានដល់ពេលណា?
How long can Decho Sen survive?
You are so proud of yourself to have send this post.
Am not sure that this information will able to be reading in Phnom Penh or in other cities in Cambodia.
It means that kind of attack most every day onto the Cambodian government just for us, who are now living outside of Cambodia.
Very sure most of us visited our country very oft and can see the wrong and right, what going on in our country. Please wake up, use your mind and brain and try to evaluate the whole situation.
The great danger of our nation is not from the Cambodian government or from some people like Mr. Hun Sen, Mr. Sok An or Mr. Sok Kong etc…
Of course Mr. Sok Kong is not a real Khmer descent, but his family have integrated into our Cambodian society, like most of us, who now live outside of Cambodia. Most of us have integrated into the new society and can call the new country as our second home. The family Sok Kong clan provide and help to develop our country in his ways. Most of his project have help many poor Khmer to have job and can support their own families for the next generation.
Most of the place, where Mr. Son Kong set up help from 200 to 400 poor Khmer people to have a job for their daily activity, like the most the big Hotel Sokha in our country. One of this place give 200 to 400 Khmer people place to work and make money. Sure we all have been travelling to Bokor mountain and seen the infrastructure development in this area, with a good road communication from the base to the top of the mountain and of course they are still working to develop the area. From my mind, I can say it is right or wrong, this question we better let the people, who has more responsibility of environmental to make the decision.
The real danger of our nation is from the invisible aliens, most of them live as anonymous in all over the big cities of our country. They are more or less isolated from our society, they did not have direct contact with our Khmer people. Most of these invisible aliens are from other part, but sure you all might know about these invisible aliens.
I use a lot of time to talk discuss and watch the situation inside the country and from this poor experiences, I can say something positive about the future of our nation.
Am just an ordinary Khmer.
The opposition and its stupid supporters have invented million stories against the PM Hun Sen and keep insulting and attacking him as their daily business, but non of those methods ever worked in their favour. Thus their only last hope is cursing PM Hun Sen to die by cancer as Hugo Chavez. Please wait at least another 40 years to see this thing might be happened to him :):) But at the mean time, let him runs the country and you guys keep crying out louder like crazy kid.
Pi Anh.
So funny photos thanks for sharing, after Hugo's death of cancer it show time is running out on our strong man Hun Sen as he'll become weaker day-by-day..
Sok Kong, helped create 200-400 jobs for everyday Khmer?
By sending in millions of Youn to live in Cambodia and be protected by the CPP? Do you think the ordinary Khmer will be able to afford to live in the Bokor Mountain?
Think again Mr Alien from Planet Youn, the only Khmer living in Bokor Mountain will be earning $50 a month, and be living as house slaves, accepted by idiots like you with no brain.
Your suggestion is that we Khmer becomes slaves to the Youn SOk Kong is better then being house slave in Thailand and Malaysia because the Youn Sok Kong is now integrated into the Khmer culture?
Keep on cursing dumb fuck ScamSR's followers, Hun Sen couldn't hear you fuckers, so all the cursing will go back to your fucking asses and your families will receive all your cursing as well. It's ok, my hero still love all you losers. he is like your father, He knew in spite of hatred and wrong doing his kids, he still forgive you dumb fuck. Remember he care and want his people to do well just like him. These days and age with virtual technology and new medicines, your hero Hun Sen will out-live most of you fuckerssss for sure. Please don't be disappoint in a sense that he'll be living longer to see his people happy and enjoy the freedom that has been given by him. Long live Pi Anh.
Lungs cancer that Hun Sen s doctor worry ,the billion dollars that Hun has stollen from Cambodian people cannot buy the
air to breath any too long like Mr.Hugo Chavez .
Réunion du PPC en France 03.03.2013
Mes chers amis,
Nous nous sommes réunis sous la haute présidence SE UCH KIMAN Dimanche 03 mars à 10h30 .
les divers objets que notre président avait mis à l'ordre du jour:
- l'inscription pour les membres ppc france qui veulent aller participer à la campagne électorale de notre parti au cambodge en vue de l'élection du mois de juillet 2013.les inscriptions doivent se faire sous la haute autorité de SE, qui transmettra la demande à notre siège social.ceux qui ont une préférence à un endroit, son lieu natale, par exemple, doivent également le préciser sur sa demande.
- son excellence, notre président, nous avait fait un topo de notre pays, tant au niveau économique qu'au niveau politique: économique:
* augmentation du nombre des tourismes qui a atteint le nombre de 3 000 000 de personnes actuellement
* besoin des ressources humaines encore plus qualifiés
* Besoin de présence encore plus nombreux d'investisseur
* conflit frontalier avec la thailande
après le discours de notre président, la parole était libre à l'assemblée, 3 questions étaient soumises à discussion:
* Mr Lao bun long, notre vice président est toujours opérationel dans son rôle. nous pouvons le joindre à tout moment via son e-mail ( lao.bunlong@free.fr) ou son mobile (du cambodge ). il vous répondra à toutes vos questions à tout moment.
* Le nombre des membres ppc france
* le droit immobilier pour un étranger désireux d'acquérir un bien au Cambodge
* SE nous avait indiqué 3 autres rendez vous cette année:
- la célébration de notre fête du nouvel khmer
- le tenue d'une autre réunion vers septembre pour discuter de la recomposition des membres du bureau de travail
- la célébration de notre fête d'indépendance,60ème anniversaire.
les points de discussion étant épuisés, SE nous avait convié à un repas.
j'attire l'attention à titre personnel afin de préciser que durant cette réunion,à peu près 50% de nos membres ne se connaissaient pas ou n'ont pas eu l'occasion de se connaitre, cela a été l'occasion pour chacun de se présenter l'un à l'autre et resserrer ainsi nos liens d'amitié.
lok sun sreng avait remercié SE de nous avoir offert l'occasion de savoir officiellement lors d'une réunion , établi exprès pour cet évènement, les démarches ainsi que l'ouverture de la campagne électorale 2013.
SE nous avait également signalé qu'il fera faire des mises à jour de l'organigramme des membres du parti en france et distribuer à tous.Nous saurons ainsi , en cas de besoin, vers qui l'on peut s'adresser.
ainsi se clôture notre réunion dans une très bonne ambiance, amicale et fraternelle.
Mille excuses pour les erreurs que je pourrais commettre dans ma rédaction, juste pour informer à titre personnel nos amis, absents ce jour là de la réunion.rien de plus.
Yugo Chavez is gone to hell to hell joint with Sdach Sinorrok,pol pot,Ho chi Minh,Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger will joint them soon,ah Henry Kissinger is in the Hospital now at this moment just pray that Yummabal takes him as well.Henry Kissinger was the killing of khmers innocent by secretly bombardment of kampuchea during 60s-70s killed 600,000 plus khmers' lives perished.I wish you to die soon ah Henry!!!!
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