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My ongoing and recent visits to Malaysia and Cambodia’s many other neighboring countries (Singapore, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia) are a slap on the face of the Hun Sen government and its Kangaroo court which has handed down ludicrous sentences on me on the basis of trumped-up charges decried by the international community.
I can assert that, wherever I go, especially in ASEAN countries, there is nobody with the right mind to believe in the politically-motivated charges levied against me by the Cambodian authorities.
Everybody understands that the only reason for those groundless charges is Hun Sen’s fear with regard to a challenge from me as the leader of a united democratic opposition at the upcoming national elections.
Sam Rainsy
President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rainsy.sam.5
នៅឡង់ប៊ិច មានអាគុន, អាហ្គារី អ៊ឹង, អាភីធើរ ឡង់, អារីឈើសាន, មីសំផឹងសុទ្ធា សាន, អាហ្គារី ហ្វ៊ុលហែម...និងឆ្កែអង្គែស៊ីជាច្រើនក្បាលទៀតជឿរដ្ឋាភិបាលអាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន ។ ព្រឹកៗ ពួកហ្វូងឆ្កែទាំងនេះទៅប្រជុំក្បាលផឹកកាហ្វេនៅហាងMy Lyនិងជជែករឿងនយោបាយរបស់ពួកវារហូតថ្ងៃត្រង់ទើបបកក្បាលទៅឱ្យប្រពន្ធធាក់នៅឯផ្ទះវិញ ។
Believe or Not!!! Mr. Sam, you're still not being able to come and join your party here. Those Asean leaders told you what you want to hear so "they are right mind" And Those who told you what you don't want ot hear, you may consider "wrong mind". Please tell when you will come back " before " or "after" the election. Don't just say you will be bacvk one day. I know you will be back no question about this. If you choose not to come back, I'll stay home on the day of election.
4: 38 am talks like a little baby
learning how to talk politic.
Rainsy has no body gard as many as Hun Sen does. Rainsy has no
military support from foreingers as Sen does from Viet nam.
Rainsy is jut one person with ideas to rule the right way to save Khmer.
if you want Cambodia to be ruled by Yuon let it be that way.
20 years plus from now there will be no Rainsy nor Sen but suffering Cambodians living under Viet control like Kampucheakrom Khmer are now.
if you are Yuon, I do not blame you, but if you are khmer, you are the most idiotic khmer.
one khmer from stockton, CA
Not only no body believes Hun Sen but even Hun Sen doesn't believe himself.
Baay Kdaing
Yes, Hun Sen is afraid of Sam Rainsy. He wants to win an election without being challenged by the only person who can defeat him in the present circumstances.
frankly speaking how HE.Skunk bouk cy managed to win the election? look! Skunk bouk cy surrounded himself with cruel and childish people. I have seen most 0f them are conform to anything that touch their eye ear and feeling. they belong to bunch of follower a blind follower to be exact they are absolute down to earth dump follower, aren't they ? and HE.Skunk boukcy how you manage to be success in anythings with these people. you can't? didn't you?.MikeReply
. Ruincy not skunk buokcy he seem good man. Good Education and got a lote a mount of gut wasnt he ?. He Ruincy Sam lack of concert blue print and no diaciplelinary to make things happen right ?. He Ruincy Sam was alway under influent from people around him right ? Most of his job was Don by other and 90 degree gon wrong right ? Now we all can clearly see him Ruincy Sam he is not absolutely not leading man wasnt he?. He appeared weak very weak on ton of voices body guisture and mantality wasnt he? Now we can clearly see raincy is not a leader in any field wasnt it right ?. And we clearly see Khmer future are not need flaw and weak leader to run our country right ? So now you agreed with me raincy is a only tools a very bad tools in political game right ?. And raincy are playing bla bla trick to reach out to our pocket only right? MIKE
Crazy Mike,
I keep telling you that you need to take your mental illness pills regularly, otherwise people will not read your comments because they are so stupid.
By taking those pills, you might be able to express your opinion reasonably and that what your Doctor has insisted on you to do so.
Mike is one of R VC bloodsucker!!!!!he loves to discriminate against our khmer polititical leaders, to fuel thing up, to get their way in order to control srok khmer. Fk of VC killer, we will not let you crook to control us no more OK?!. Hun Sen is now moving into the right direction is part of the Chinese influenced and would not allow you to badge in no more, because enough is enough!. Fk off VC bastered son of a B...!
Now, listen up your maggots! Why is it so difficult for you dumbfuck to forget the past; the past is the past. Yes, all of you need to learn how to forget the past, and try not to dig up the past and cause trouble for Cambodia and its people, and instead have all of you come together and unite with your savior. Yes, with your savior (my strong-man Samdach Hun Sen), he the one who saved your sorry asses from the holocaust. Without your savior, you wouldn't have the occasion to chitchat with anh.
I'm relatively elated and ecstatic to have seen all of you killed each other over little thing, because you dumbfuck are NOTHING but another dumb and ignorant savage. In other words, you people are equivalent to "Panong" (Phnong). Is this how you sign up more opposition and other rivals for your cause.
In addition, it is critically imperative to remember to re-apply for your public assistance (food stamps and SSI)before the end of the month, because I don't want your children crying and cursing you because you don't have food on the table . Also, most importantly, whatever you do, don't forget your child-support payments, because I despise deadbeats. Sorry kids, I feel your PAIN.
Before I disappear from your ugly faces, I want to remind you that as the general election looms,I want ALL OF YOU vote for your savior (Samdach Decho). Remember he's the ONLY ONE who can save Cambodia from the suffering.
I recall three decades ago, Phnom Penh, the Cambodia's capital, as I marched into the city, it was punctuated by the emptiness of buildings and houses and filled with broken roads and bridges, and now the city has morphed into a proud, beautiful and vibrant city. I'm certain that you can guess who transformed this ghost city into a beautifully developed city.
As a democratic country, we not only an ASEAN member, but the chair of ASEAN. Because of this remarkable achievement, we have received numerous praises around the world, even the leader of the free world (Barak Obama) and other leaders. Yes, you dumbfuck should be proud with all these achievements. Remember it is okay to be critical, but it is not okay to be cynical, particular with my government and country. Again, I welcome criticism, but not cynicism. hahahah Pi Anh
Pi Anh,
you recall three decades ago, Phnom Penh, the Cambodia's capital, as you marched into the city to free us all from the grip of Khmer Rouge and I thank you for that.
And now, it's our turn to free Cambodia and her people form your evil leader, Hun Sen and his master, Hanoi!
Those villas, shiny Land cruiser and range rovers new bridges and new freeways don't mean a thing if you are a foreigner to your own country.
Baay Kdaing
Pi Anh
you keep on comparing your decho's work as vibrant but how many people are out of work, how many people are fleeing their hometown in search of getting the jobs from their neighbouring countries, how many illegel viets are in srok khmer continuing, how many people evicted from their homeland, how many land concessions have been made to the corrupted officials and outsiders, how many educated people being locked up or killed because of speaking truth, how many people died from being robbed by the CPP, how many people been killed and fed to the crocodiles to cover up their crimes of the CPP (evidence from who killed chea vichea),
how many under-aged children work, how many children do not have the chance to go to school because of difficulty at home (parents died from HIV), how many women are still being abused by their men and got away with it, how many real perpetrators ( choc mon dat who shot workers) been charged, how many begger are on the street, how come the whole phnom penh city is so stink, how come rubbish are everywhere, where is the management system like city councils to represent such a service in each town,
how come roads are so dusty and damaged, where is the health care system, why do people die just through minor sickness, and more.....why compare to Pol Pot regime, where others like Israel, Japan and more went through the same thing but do much better then decho,,,,So, don't tell me you Decho Hun is the best. It is you son of a VC sucker trying to brainwash my khmer people to believe that you Decho is the best but in fact you are using decho to do whatever you want in your way just like you did to Kingta and Pol Pot. The VC promised kingta and Pol Pot the world but only to be betrayed by your bloodsucker VC...
but I hope, decho Hun Sen got my point now. I don't think Decho is stupid like kingta and Pol Pot anymore. To you a Pi anh, you can keep on trying your luck but luck comes with time only and now time has changed for good and time is running for you VC sucker!!!!
ភស្តុតាងដែលថាហ៊ុន សែនជាអាយ៉ង៖
ឯនៅទល់ដែនខ្មែរជាមួយយួន ដែលឃើញហ៊ុន សែនលើកទ័ពទៅប្រឈមមុខេជាមួយទ័ពចោរយួនទេ???
ខ្មែរយើងភ្លើណាស់់ មិននំាគ្នាលើករឿងយួនឈ្លានពាន
ប្លន់ដីខ្មែរមកពិចារណា គិតតែនៅសំងំស្ងៀម។ពិបាកអីគ្រាន់តែសាមគ្គីគ្នា?
នំាគ្នាឈប់គំាទ្រហ៊ុន សែនទៅ ហើយរួបរួមគណៈ
បក្សជំទាស់ទំាងអស់ជាធ្លុងមួយ ហើយវានឹងផ្ដល់
Hounting ghost was the Bouksy polilitical plartform Mr. Bouksy and his dump klance uncover all negative garbarg past to make point for critiscism only right ?. They laoded ful of garbage in brain how you lived your life with dirty garbage every day Mr Bouksy . Shut your skunk mouth and if you going to preach any ways please preach someyhings that benefits learn Lord Buhda he never mention any negative garbage dirty stupid mouth like skunk Bouksy te. Wasnt it right? MIKE
A fugitive Sam Rainsy is in desperate situation. After lobby the U.S and European Union to help him but it doesn't work, now he turns himself to ASEAN.
A convicted criminal Sam Rainsy must aware that ASEAN has the rule not to interfer each other internal affair and each ASEAN member has right to veto. Thus, his trip to some ASEAN countries seeking for helping him means nothing at all. It proves that he is hopeless and deadlock.
Please keep crying out in exile fugitive. Your political career is already dead in the water.
Pi Anh.
Both Mike and pi anh= a son of a bloodsucker of a VC lol, now you can run but you can't hide scumbag lol. It is better to die honoring the country then to die as a traitor but for you Pi anh, you will die as a thief! and as a murder of all times.
Nobody believed Mr. Hun Sen but they still needed him.
Of course not most of us believed Mr. Sam Rainsy, but the people can't trust and don't need him.
Mr. A:
- Uneducated
- Behave like a crazy dog
- Put his soul under his master's control
- Does not care about territorial integrity, etc...
Mr. B:
- well educated
- Honest
- Competent
- Courageous
- Patriotic
Which one should Khmer people choose as their leader? A or B ?
មិនត្រឹមតែអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មឺ ភ្លើ ឆ្កួត ល្ងង់ទេ ឥឡូវវា
Oh shut up, you're dumb mother fucker yourself!!!!! It was just a turn , not a remarkable my ass, you're dumbshit! You and your dumb master prepare to learn how to speak Ah khee banh YOUN.
Have Bouksy ever calling on to the world for help Khmer from Youn invading? any one heard about it so far .non non right? So how does all of you think Mr. Bouksy could recue Khmer?. It absolute cristal clear that Bouksy is a giant cheater .wasnt it right?.Mike
1:47 PM
I hope you know Mr. Sam Raingsy soo well, wenn you said,
- well educated
- Honest
- Competent
- Courageous
- Patriotic
អង្គុយលើចង្អេ ហើយខំប្រឺងលើកខ្លួនឯង
Mike keep trying hahahaha VC bloodsuck and murderer of all times. The truth will always be the truth...you are so dumb and you think you are smart hahaha and yes, off course you are smart but in what way? hahaha
Bouksy can you show me what you have achieved sofar. Anythings you have don in business in politic and in your work place. Nothing right? does anynone could tell or know this weakness madness gay Bouksy had achieved Anythings ?. Now you can clearly see Mr. Bouksy is a giant spoil son of corrupted and Khmer cheater Sam sary right?. You are not happy with a cheater right ? Arent you? .Mike
Yeh. Rainsy not kmher anyways. I agreed he is very weeks and cant be a right leader . PI ANH and Mike you are right ?
He/she has the rights to voice his opinion just like you no body is an idiot in here even Mr Rainsy himself has his own opinion as well.The beauty of democratic is that everyone entitle to his/her own opinion phrase respect it.
Khmer in D.C
Fugitive Sam Rainsy is a symbol of loser. Like father like son, he will surely live in exile for good as his father. Sam Rainsy's political career is dead, long live Sam Rainsy :) :)
How many pecent you think Bouksy be able to recue Anythings in Cambodia Youn siam thugs and corruption ?. What make you believe in him? Dont you think Rainsy is not the right leader ? Share your oppionipn please. Mike
I think it is the other way around. No body believe Sam rainsy and Kim Sokha the voters show them the result already why in the world these two monkies don't accept it. Whoever, people trust they voted for in the last election and they will show in the next coming election, Sokha and Rainsy should stop complaining about Hun Sen and start worring of how to win the election. For my point of view I see that people of Cambodia don't trust these two idiots. Can only blaimed others for their failer. What an asshole!!!; in this life you will never become a good leaders.
sith phila.pa
pol pot Khmer rouge was ,in manipulation, created by
Yuon. Stupid Khmer like pi anh does not understand that.
Sen is just viet tool.
stockton man
A "sink hole" will suck Ah Hun Sen to hell soon because his traitorous act is so heavy on Khmer land.
Replying to Shit Pee Lah
In order to give out that such comment, it means that kind of people are not in the right mind.
To respond but for me I am not affiliate with any politic but only what s right and wrong.
The killers are supporting the killers ,the khmer rouge are do support their own ,the youn Viet are afraid to lose Hun Sen out of Cambodia image So make them nervous and try to scold out loud to defend the killer(Shit Pee Lah one of the killer) Cambodians people know very well but just not bother
To respond but for me I am not affiliate with any politic but only what s right and wrong.
AH LOP 8:43 PM
យួនបង្កើត ក្រុមខ្មែរវៀតមិញ!
យួនក៏បង្កើត ក្រុមខ្មែរវៀតមិញថ្មី
គឺ អាស្វាសម រង្សី និង
អាស្វា កឹម សុខា,សង្រ្គោះអាយួនដែរ!
បើខ្មែរចង់យំ អស់ដី........បោះឆ្នោតទៀតទៅ!
ខ្ញុំជឿថាបងប្អូនខ្មែរភាគច្រើនធ្លាប់បានដើរតាមបក្សប្រឆាំងជិត២០ឆ្នាំហើយនៅតែដើរតាមទៀត មិនព្រមនាំគ្នាមកតាមចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរដែលមានលោកប្រធាន សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា ជាអ្នកដឹកនាំដ៏ល្អរកគ្មាន នោះប្រទេសខ្មែរនឹងបានរំដោះក្នុងពេលដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខនេះ
Ta Cyclo
Cyclo is a dying breed now, don't you know that?...so bye bye Cyclo!
Hello Oun Srei @1:36AM,
Teur borng arch york bompong russei rouk prohong kdett Oun Srei aing barn teh? Borng teub taer rearn jess Romanised Khmer thmei thmei pi ah "Sean Masavang" kyom kanjeass Yuon nah Oun nah! Oun kom seuch jomark auy Borng nah kraing lich ach dak sompot oun aing nah!
To all Ah Yuon and Ah Khgnom Yuon,
Sam Rainsy is the best Kaun Khmer patriot who dares to declare that Vietnam is the new colonialist that annexed most of Cambodian territory. That is why he is the only Khmer that Vietnam is afraid of. Vietnam try by all mean to eliminate him from Cambodia by using its puppet government and kangaroo court in Cambodia to deny Sam Rainsy in entering Cambodia.
This is the 21st century; Vietnam can not colonize Cambodia as the last century. The 1991 Paris Peace Agreement (1991 PPA) signed by 19 signatory countries including Cambodia and Vietnam. If Cambodia has a new government which is independent of Vietnam, it can ask the signatory countries to reconvene the 1991 PPA to rescind all unequal treaties between Hun Sen Government and Vietnam from 1979 to 2005 and reclaim all lost territory annexed by Vietnam during that period.
No matter how sneaky Vietnam is, it will not be able to hide its bad intention any more. The world knows that Vietnam is not a honest nation. Vietnam is a thief who never respects its promise. During Vietnam American war, King Sihanouk of Cambodia helped Vietnam by offering a sanctuary or a hiding place near the border of Cambodia and Vietnam to protect Vietnamese and Vietcong from US bombing. In return Vietnam repays the debt by taking a big chunk of Cambodian territory including Kah Tral.
If Cambodia National Rescue Party win the July 28, 2013 Election, Sam Rainsy will be Prime Minister and the new Cambodian Government will petition the International Court of Justice to reclaim the lost territories including Kah Tral from Vietnam based on the October 23, 1991 Paris Peace Agreement.
To all Khmer Nationalists and Patriots, the following history lesson must be remembered.
From Gia Long, Ming Mang to Ho Chi Minh and Dung, they all had designs to swallow Cambodia and Laos. Ask any decent educated Viets, even though they deny it, but deep down they know it is the harbored truth.
Their southward movement (Namtien) is a constant in Viet history - alive and well. The Viet border posts are not defined by any legal border treaties, agreements or international conventions, but by the presence of their people and bamboos on a particular piece of land they currently occupy.
Ming Mang even dreamed of sending en masse the viet people to populate Cambodia, and bred their kids the Khmer way in order for them to grow up there and to naturally take over Cambodia administratively and politically in the long term.
The viet strategy to take Cambodia now has been made subtle and easier by their installed minion, Hun Sen.
Don't forget the words of one of our heros, Sok Chhong, at the 1954 Geneva, who lamented:
" What the viet couldn't get by military means, now they can get by legal means..", when he referred to the loss of Kampuchea Krom stamped by the French parliament, with the accomplice of lazy, power- hungry Khmer rulers.
Therefore the most important task for the CNRP after winning the election will be the repatriation of the illegal Vietnamese immigrants back to Vietnam based on Cambodian immigration law.
Cambodians will decide the fate of Cambodia, not Vietnamese.
Since its inception in July 2012, the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) has taken off swiftly and increased its momentum day by day, starting from the provinces of Prey Veng, Kandal, Kompong Cham, Kompong Chhnang, Takeo and spreading throughout Cambodia where the opposition fever is felt stronger and stronger everyday among our compatriots.
Having followed closely the pre-election campaigns all over our country and listened to the reactions of the audiences, I feel confident that we, Khmers, are able to hold the destiny of our country in our own hands.
We will win the July 28 Election, even though there might be some problems with National Election Committee and the absence of Sam Rainsy.
Dear Fellow @ 4:41 AM
We hear and we agree.
CNRP could be our last chance to
Thank you
Khmer Who Loves Khmers
There are fewer people care about what's Sam Ransi has to say because he has lied people times about his coming to Cambodia . When you cried wolf for
nothing , no one care about you when a wolf's actually attacking you . Never
count chicken before it hatches .
8:43 PM is Ah Kantorp Pi Anh. He has been saying that same shit almost 2 years.
Reak Ach and retarded Mike,
We all agree that you both are the only two clowns in this blog to do one thing and that is to destroy Khmer. You both need just to give it up because we Khmer are not falling into your schemes any more. Throughout history, your kind have been our parasite that was designed to suck up our spirit. Time have changed my friend, leaches like y'all will not able to break our spirit because your trick have been exposed. Therefore, stop wasting times barking in this site. Go back to where y'all come from and eat more dogs.
6:28 AM,
Well expressed.
យួនបង្កើត ក្រុមខ្មែរវៀតមិញ!
យួនក៏បង្កើត ក្រុមខ្មែរវៀតមិញថ្មី គឺ :
-អាស្វា សម រង្សី
-អាស្វា កឹម សុខា,និង
-មីស្វា មួ សុខហួ សំរាប់សង្រ្គោះអាយួនដែរ!
បើខ្មែរចង់យំ អស់ដី........បោះឆ្នោតទៀតទៅ!
611am a Mike
you are sic! you need to check up or else it will get worst. Imagine if you are Sam R, and you know that once you step foot inside cambodia, the fking VC psycho like you would put him in jail just like you did to Mam sonando, is not a fair fight, is it? mfk. Again, you think you are smart but what way??? of in a bad way, hahaha. But Sam R. is far smarter than you are dumb cunt son of a VC mfk. There you go, happy now???hahhaha
I frankly agree with you, but its funny watching how dumb the CPP are, they dont even have enough money to pay for a personw ith a real PhD but one with fake PhD from Hanoi.
^^ Are you bipolar? Or just plain...stupid!
Pi Anh,
Are you that ignorant? Really? That's what free education get you? Are you as blind as your leader? I think you are because certainly, you can't convince anyone on this forum about your so-call........ savior.
Please stop sharing your diary with us. Keep it to yourself.
Do you think you can do like him, Pi Anh? You are just a dump of shit. He can persuade the European, the Asian, the American to support him? How great he is! You cannot compare to him at all and even the son of bitch Hun Sen. Hun Sen can just satisfy Youn and Chinese because he is using the property of Cambodia to do so but Sam Rainsy has nothing to give a gift to those countries. Use you fucking brain to think critically the maggot Pi Anh.
wTo all Cambodians around the world,would you all excuse my language,in order to help my spam dach
Hun Sen to stay in power I must manipulated from black to white ,right to wrong for my payroll only,now I
Confess that I was forced to do it in order to survive ,in reality Mr.Ransy is a good leader,educated with high potential of leading Cambodia
That s why Samdach use me and two others Pianh and New Phally to sway the situation
Please excuse us,Mike
4:44 PM,
Is this your true confession ?
Please confirm and convince us to believe you.
Yes, I confess all of the above is true.
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