Friday, March 08, 2013

[Thai] Army chief: Landmines not ours

File Photo by Busaba Sivasomboon

8 Mar 2013
Bangkok Post

The landmine that injured three rangers of the Suranaree Taskforce near the Cambodian border in Surin province on Tuesday did not belong to the Thai army, Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said on Friday.

One mine was triggered by a Thai soldier, and 11 others were later found closeby.

"We will check who planted the landmines there, but we did not put them there. Someone else did," the national army chief said.

"I ask soldiers along the border to exercise caution and I feel for them because being a soldier means you have to risk your life."

Gen Prayuth said he had instructed the 2nd Army Region, which oversees the Suranaree Taskforce, to look into the issue and send a protest note to Cambodia via the Thai Border Committee

On Thursday, Defence Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat also insisted that the landmines found at the scene of the explosion did not belong to Thailand.

The mines were planted about one metre across the border into Thai territory, ACM Sukumpol said.

Phnom Penh is still silent on the discovery of the landmines on the border.

Both countries are signatories to the Ottawa Treaty, which bans the use and stockpiling of landmines. Cambodia has suffered severely from landmines planted during the Khmer Rouge regime, and was among the leading nations pushing for the treaty.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why didn't they say the 4.6km area around Preah Vihear temple not their either?

Anonymous said...

មករកស្អីក្បែរដីគេ? សមមុខហើយ។

Anonymous said...

"...did not belong to the Thai army, Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said"

=Thailand is one of the countries around the world that knows how to manufacture landmine! The burden on Thailand to prove that it Cambodian landmine!

If AH Prayuth wants to bullshit and he better have proof! Otherwise don't blow hot to get attention!