Friday, March 08, 2013



Anonymous said...

ប្រយ័ត្នសៀមលួច! មិនអីទេសៀមលួចរួចបាត់ ហើយ។

Siam might steal it! Nevermind, it has been stolen.

Anonymous said...

I don't got it....
What the F* is that fingers?

Anonymous said...

12:52 AM, those fingers are to stick in you A**. Now you kow what kind of response you get when you use the letter F*!

Anonymous said...

101 AM

Ok, now I've got it!

Her fingers just good for sticking in the A**, that why these dumb M* f* er so stupid and the viet are so smart and clever!

Anonymous said...

Apsara dancer using their fingers in khmers'tradition thawise the "Title says treasure" Please ask nice if you dont know, you are using "F" word is not appropriate while asking question and expect to get a nice response.


Anonymous said...

1:41 AM,

Funny you should mention about smart and Clever Viet...

Your Viet mother should have told you long time ago about the fingers...The Viet women wear baggy pants. They are using their fingers to squeeze their Virgina left or right after pulling their pants up to pee standing up. They all do that.

Now you understand what those F*** fingers of the mother of yours are it?

Until next time, be F*** nice when asking a question.

Anonymous said...

To 3:48 AM

You're very good.
F**k that f**king stupid Yuon !!!

Anonymous said...

The fucking Youn gooks still doesnt respect our culture and our tradition. Fucking Youn.

Anonymous said...

Could you explain the meaning of those fingers, please. Thanks

Anonymous said...

They mean, I am a virgin, virgin, virgin, virgin …

Anonymous said...

@11:19 PM

កាលខ្ញុំធ្វើការនៅសាលារចនា ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩,
សូម្បីតែ​អាយួន ក៏វាមក ថតVideo យកក្បាច់ របុំាបុរាណ,ថតតាំងពីភ្លេងពិណពាទខ្មែរយើង​...
ពីរ-បីអាទិត្យ ពីលោកអ៊ុំជា សាមី កាលគាត់នៅរស់ដែរ។

Anonymous said...

យួនក៏ វាលួចយកដែរ!

កាលខ្ញុំធ្វើការនៅសាលារចនា ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩,
សូម្បីតែ​អាយួន ក៏វាមក ថតVideo យកក្បាច់ របុំាបុរាណ,ថតតាំងពីភ្លេងពិណពាទខ្មែរយើង​...
ពីរ-បីអាទិត្យ ពីលោកអ៊ុំជា សាមី កាលគាត់នៅរស់ដែរ។