កញ្ញា ស៊ិនចាន់ពៅរ៉ូហ្សិត ជាជំទប់ នៅសង្កាត់ អូរចារ ក្រុងបាត់ដំបង ចុះពង្រឹង ស្មារតី អ្នកការពារ សន្លឹកឆ្នោត នៃគណបក្ស សង្រ្គោះជាតិ នៅស្រុកសំឡូត ថ្ងៃទី២១ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣។
Miss Sin Chanpeou Rozeth discussed tragic issues in Cambodia today with the "guardians of the CNRP ballot" in Samlaut, Battambang, April 21th, 2013.
She is very effective to get voice through. Cambodia needs opposition voice to develop the country in a democratic way.
she is a brave of ours Cambodian generation. her bravest will admire all khmer youth to understand how their vote that going to affect the future for the country.
You all useless Khmer should never exist in this world .. that is why we Veit Nam the master of you use your own peoples kill your own peoples .. And now we control Hun Sen and CPP... that is why Hun Sen do everything for our mother land of Viet Nam and careless about Cambodia country....
you khmer are so so stupid .. look at your own king have no power and brain to do anything but to dance ballet for us to watch...
Long Live vietnam
-នាងជានារីក្លាហាន ហ៊ាននិយាយ មិនខ្លាចនូវអំណាច របស់ពួកខ្ញុំកញ្ចះយួនពិតជានារីខ្មែរមែន តើមាន
នារីប៉ុន្មានទៀតដែលក្រោកឡើងប្រយុទ្ធនឹងភាពជិះជាន់របស់អំណាចយួន នឹងប័ក្យប្រជាជន
ជយោ!កំម្លាំងសាមគ្គីខ្មែរ ក្រោកឡើងនាំគ្នារំដោះខ្លួន ត្រូវចេះគឹត ត្រូវចេះយល់ពីភាពខុសនឹងត្រូវដើម្បីប្រទេស
ជាតិ នឹងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ...។
@8:46 AM
Go back to Vietnam, you are a useless shithead.
After listening to her - I decided to defect from CPP to CNRP.
When 99 yrs is up and all the Viet companies refuse to give those farm lands back to us, do we have any mean to force the Viet to give us back the lands?
What, if those Viets who live on those lands claim that the lands belong to them?
Miss Sin Chanpeou Rozeth's messages must spread out all over Cambodia during the up coming election campaign!
Baay Kdaing
La prochaine fois je passe à Ochar, j'irai la voir. Son éloquence m'a beaucoup frappé, elle sera certainement la bonne graine du pati. Avec toute mon admiration, je te salue.
Next time I go to Ochar, I will be catching up with her. Her eloquence amazes me, she will be a valuable seed of the party. With profound admiration, cheers!!
Militant de base
i am not into politics, but damn, girl, you are on fire! you got bigger balls than even your party leader!
I am too an officer with CPP organization, now I have made up my mine that I will vote for CNRP. I am encourage other Khmer CPP members to join me to save our nation from our current leader. I have no more faith in this party anymore. Join me, vote for CNRP.
p.p. div.2
Wow, she is my hero. She is one great young leader. I hope every single Khmer person be as strong as she is. If everyone can be like her, our enemy will never have a chance.
My hat is off for our great leader Mrs. Rozeth
នាងជាប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ។ សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់គ្នាជួយគាំទ្រ និងការពារដោយគ្រប់មធ្យោបាយ។
ទាល់តែប៉ុណ្ណឹង ទើបទប់បុរសខ្លាំងបាន។
កុំលោត Hors jeux ! បងប្អូនយូនថា អករ៉ឺ !
Brave, eloquant and bright. But still lacks experience which will hopefully come the soon enough if she have the right attitude. However, what bother me with is the ultranationalistic language of SRP activists. We are in 21 century, all of this has to put into perspective of international law. Yes there is a problem with Vietnam and our border with VN and Thai, big problem. It has to be solved! But to topple CPP and get international and national backing SRP needs to play more the social, justice and development arguments then the ultranationalstic extremist. If we have good government which implement the law, then problem of illegal migration from vietnam can be solved. When we are economically and democratically strong, our voice will be better heard to solve problem issues with vietnam and thailand...
នាងជានារីក្លាហាន ហ៊ានប្រើវាចាយ៉ាងខ្លាំងក្លា តែស្ដាយមានកម្លោះច្រើន គ្មានយាយតា។
ពូអាវ ស នៅ ក្បែរ ហាក់បីដូចជាគ្មាន រវល់ មើលមេឃ មើលដី មើលក្របូប មើលឆ្វេងមើលស្ដាំ ជាង មើលនារីក្លាហាន ។
This beautiful young girl made a good speech.
Her voice and messages resonated well with people.
Bun Thoeun
The platform should not be about isolating and instigating historical grievances with the neighbors, but to refresh and modernize, democratize Cambodia. The goal is to ensure that the people and country enjoy development and the benefits in most equitable way; to eliminate threat and fear that have kept the people in perpetual state of being submissive for survival.
No single political party or individual (i don't care if they are called samdach whatever) should have control of everyone else's rights to pursue life, liberty and justice . Have more young and old people who are brave and eloquent to spread the message that NO ONE can make any threat to bring destruction and war to the country because people are exercising their rights to vote and choose their government. Your parents and grand parents suffered because they allowed the Khmer Rouge to take over and control their lives, you are responsible to protect your basic rights as dignified people, to ensure a better future for yourselves and your children.
You go to school, you have access to see how many other countries in the world enjoy rule of laws, democracy. You have the world watching (not like during Khmer Rouge era) you, why would allow the individual and sigle party to forever dictate your lives and futures. Development is not about seeing how big buildings and luxury commodity are flaunted by the few, but it should about ensuring everyone of you also have equal chance to benefit from the process.
Peace without freedom and justice is like being in prison. So, if they continue to preach stability and peace by way of keeping them in power again, tell them thanks, but NO, thanks. Aren't you tired of that same threat and promise after more than 30 years?
Would the country plunge into war if that individual croaked because of natural death or became incapacitated? If the answer is yes, then it is more urgent to get him out now and have a system where the country can still function when an elected leader lost the election or became incapacitated. Keeping him in meaning that you keep the country in constant jeopardy for instability.
Having a country that has laws and order, transparency, and independent and incorrupt justice system, should actually open the country for more development and investments. The current system does not give sufficient confidence to many investors. So, tell him to stop lying that investment and development would stop if he lost the election.
(អាយួនពីរនាក់(CNRP)ក្រអឺតក្រទម ខ្លាចគុកសម រង្ស៊ី +
អាក្រអឺតក្រទមកាន់ក្តហ៊ុនសែន កឹម សុខា)
បក្សពួកអាHai Phúc(CPP)សង្គ្រោះ(ជាតិកៅអីយួន)
នេះស្រុកខ្មែរ សម័យអាចោរហារយយួនយៀកកុង
Hun Bonal aka Hai Phúc
Ow Ow Ow she is so brave and we are so proud of her and so proud of CNRP that have a good new generation leaders like her.
Go on! Go on! Go on and on Sin Rozet we are fully supporting to your activities.
Spean TEP
She's good at speeches, Do you fuckers know what else she's good at? she's also good at sucking my big yeasty cock! only a few dumb khmer that believe her. Ri
អាសមមិត្ត 7 មករា មិនខ្មេះ-ទណ្ឌិតសម រង្ស៊ី ,
អាមេបោកប្រាស់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ,មេព្រាយក្បាល ៨
សំដីភរ ដូចយកមេឃទ្រាប់គូថ,
កំពុងតែចង់លូនចូលក្នុងរន្ធក្តាម ទៅសំពះអង្វរ
សូមទោសអាក្អែកយួនHai Phúc aka ហ៊ុន សែន ដើម្បីស្រួលបានចូលស្រុក។
ពេលនេះអាខាស៊ីដាច់Pet !
putto !
knhom min hean yok koit tveu propun teh.
meul tov karch heuil chnass tiet phorng.
I'm working under CPP government for a long time and support Hun Sen since day 1. After listening to her speech, I'll change my party to join and vote for Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Khem Sokha's CNRP secretly. I'm working for Hun Sen to spy on him and his followers to ensure who is working for Youn and Youn agents.
Khmer need to unite to defeat Hun Sen for our nation and people.
Bravo, Miss Rozeth, you're incredible a public speaker. You can deliver your message across. We need people like her to send the message through to our people in rural areas.
I'm very proud of you. My suggestion for you is to go to American embassy and other Western embassies to report your activity before you go out of Phnom-Penh. This makes Hun Sen think twice to harm you.
God bless you and keep you safe.
We're all supporting you and CNRP in the world.
Khmer in Washington DC
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