Monday, April 22, 2013

Breath of life for stalled cases

People visit the site of the Wat Thoamayutt Security Centre in Mong Russey district in Battambang province, in the late 1990s. If Case 004 proceeds, crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge at Wat Thoamayutt as well as at numerous other crime sites will be addressed. Photo by DC-CAM
22 April 2013
By Abby Seiff
The Phnom Penh Post

Twenty lawyers representing hundreds of victims have been given access to the files of cases 003 and 004, following years of inaction and stonewalling by the Khmer Rouge tribunal’s Office of the Co-Investigating Judges.

The orders do not, however, change the status of the defence teams, who remain blocked from the file.

In a pair of decisions dated February 26 and April 1, respectively, and released to the public on Saturday, international Co-Investigating Judge Mark Harmon ordered the accreditation of the civil party lawyers, citing their right to participate in the judicial investigation.

The decisions are not signed by Harmon’s national counterpart, Judge You Bunleng, and both bear a notice that the pair signed a Written Record of Disagreement concerning this Recognition Decision”.

Heather Ryan, a tribunal monitor with Open Society Justice Initiative, called the decisions an “encouraging development” that suggested Harmon, at least, had been pushing the cases forward.

“Increasing transparency about the progress of the investigations is critical to their credibility,” she added.

Access to the files of the government-opposed cases 003 and 004 have proved a near intractable issue in recent years for both civil party and defence lawyers. While hundreds of civil party applications have been made in both cases, access was completely blocked after a series of highly critcised decisions issued by Bunleng and then-international judge Siegfried Blunk in 2011 to quietly shut down Case 003 and reject applications in 004.

Blunk’s replacement, Swiss judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet, reopened investigations a year later. During a narrow window before the judge’s fiery departure, a single civil party lawyer was able to successfully apply for Case 003 file access on behalf of a single client. Of more than 800 civil party applicants, no other had since been given access.

Civil party lawyer Lyma Nguyen lauded the decision but called the lack of forward motion with regards to the suspects concerning.

“Judge Harmon’s decision to recognise lawyers for civil party applicants in Case 004 is an extremely significant step in progressing these cases, and in particular, in acknowledging the rights of victims of crime who have applied to become civil parties in these proceedings.”

Nguyen pointed out that while the identity of the five mid-ranking cadres who are suspects in Cases 003 and 004 has been widely known for years, the court has never officially released their names. It is unclear, even, if the charges levied against the five by Kasper-Ansermet stand.

Two of the five suspects have been appointed lawyers, but counsel for both suspects said yesterday that they have never been given access to the files.

“It is our understanding that the National Co-Investigative Judge does not recognise that suspects at this stage of the proceedings are even allowed to have court-appointed representation. As for the international judge, it would seem that he is of the view that defence lawyers are not entitled to access the case file, but may be entitled to some limited information”, added Michael Karnavas, a defence lawyer for a suspect in Case 003. “The process is not exactly transparent.”


Anonymous said...

Long Live Viet Nam .... and good work Hun Sen and CPP.... soon there will no more voice for these stupid khmer once Cambodia will be our new province to Viet nam mother land... and you Hun Sen and family and your blood line will be governor of this new province forever... Long live Viet Nam.... killed all stupid khmer..

Anonymous said...

Another protending to help Hun and his family but only to be used by them like always. They VC did it before and they will do it again and again. Once Hun is no longer useful, that is it! Hun and his family will be history just like Kingta, Pol Pot, Hawk Hundi, Lon Nol and more.They took Lao, Champa, Prey Nokhor, Khmer Krom, kosh Trail Island and now the whole srok khmer. PM please wake up before it is too late. Please don't trust outsiders no more, enough is enough. Please unite with our khmer campatriots and you will be saved. Please, if you look into the past and you will see the future.

They created Pol Pot and to fight against Lon Nol (Pro-US) and they said to both Kinga and Pol Pot that, 'if you are to be part of the US, you both will be doomed', in this case, damn if you do and damn if you don't. In the end, they (VC) created Heng Sarin, Chea Sim and Hun Sen to fight with Pol Pot. Seeing Hun Sen performed well in killing his people for the VC, they decided to choose Hun Sen to act as khmer PM.

At the sametime, Hun is being brainwashed to believe that VC is helping him but not, they are actually using him to continue to ruin Srok Khmer and nation like always. So, it is time for Hun and his family to wake up before it is too late. Right now, they said 'Hun is our dog, when we tell him to sit, he sits and when we tell him to bark, he barks hahaha and soon, we will get rid of him like always, hahaha.

Nevertheless, for Ah VC and a Chen, I believe time will come for since nothing last forever e.g 'they shall not kill and they shall not steal'. Well, they (VC and Chen) killed and steal, and off course it is against heavenly rule. So, you can run but you can't hide because the truth will always be the truth and it has to be revealed like always and so shame on you (VC and Chen Crooks)because nothing is worst than being caught red handed, hmm.

Long Live Khmer People and Long Live Hun and family moving toward the khmer nationalists.

Anonymous said...

civil party lawyer LYMA NGUYEN, whatta hell is this hanoi gook doing in khmer rouge tribunal?