Wednesday, April 10, 2013

CNRP threatens NEC protest

10 April 2013
By Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post

The opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) warned publicly it would lead a mass demonstration before the election if the National Election Committee refuses to revise its voter-list policies.

“We have requested the NEC to audit the voter list, but the NEC has never followed us and said that we have raised the same points again and again. If NEC does not follow our suggestion, we will continue,” legislator Kuoy Bunroeun told NEC chairman Im Sousdey during a press conference held by the committee.

“If [the NEC] does not reform then we will lead a mass movement demanding change based on the UN’s recommendations,” he said.

The opposition and election monitors have criticised the NEC for a lack of transparency in voter-list preparations, saying the list was inflated with ghost voters.

Sousdey brushed over such criticisms yesterday, saying in response only that it was the CNRP’s right to make such claims but that they had little bearing on reality.

“I’m not interested in anything because it is their right. Go ahead with what you want to do, but the law I carry out every day is the law on election,” Sousdey told reporters during the conference meant to inform voters on a number of pre-election initiatives.

Chief among them is the establishment of a toll-free number, 1285, that voters can call in the lead-up to the election should they have any questions.

He also termed a recent voter list audit by the National Democratic Institute, which found evidence of flaws in voter registration, “suspect”.

A second report, issued by the Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia, which said a number of voters had been mistakenly left off the list was “better”, Sousdey said, but still inaccurate.


Anonymous said...

Opposition party lost the election 3 times due to vote intimidation, vote rigging, vote buying, vote deletion, illegal vote by illegal Youn...

AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave lost election one time and he staged bloody military coup in 1997 and he stayed in power ever since! At the same time the Vietcong military officer named AH Sok Kong took control of Angkor Wat revenue to pay back to Vietcong government for so the called for the help to overthrow the Khmer Rouge from power. And even after 30 years AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is still paying the debt to the Vietcong government through AH Sok Kong!

Anonymous said...

Not just pay dept but bring Viet to live freely in Cambodia. No leader on Earth is doing like Ah Kwack and its CPP with Viet-blood. All Khmer must to know that clearly who is the real Khmers traitor if you all don't know your children will be the Viet's slave from the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

ដំណឹងពិសេស! ដំណឹងពិសេស!
information spéciale! information spéciale!
special Information! special Information!

ពន្លឺ ទៀន ពន្លឺព្រះច័ន្ទ រួមគ្នា ជាពន្លឺ ព្រះអាទិត្យ ផ្លាកថ្មីនៃគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ។
តាមអ្នកឯកទេស ពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យ ភ្លឺមែនតែមានកម្ដៅ កាន់តែភ្លឺកាន់តែក្ដៅ ដូច្នេះសមាជិកដែលជិតព្រះអាទិត្យ ត្រូវពាក់មួកជាចាំបាច់ គ្រប់ៗគ្នា ហើយការទាក់ទងនិង ព្រះអាទិត្យ ត្រូវធ្វើឡើង ពីចម្ងាយ តាមរយះWIFI។
ជាការប្រសើរព្រះអាទិត្យ ត្រូវស្ថិតនៅពីចម្ងាយវិលៗដូចសព្វថ្ងៃ មិនអាចចូលជិតព្រោះក្ដៅពេក អាចឆេះព្រៃឈើអស់ជាងសព្វថ្ងៃ អាចក្លាយជាផេះអស់ រលីង ហើយម៉្យាងទៀតនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ មានកន្លែងមួយ ហៅថា ព្រៃសរ ។អ្នកធ្លាប់ចូលព្រៃសរ ហៅថា ព្រៃខ្មៅ ឯអ្នកមិនធ្លាប់ចូល ហៅថា ព្រៃសរ ។ព្រៃសរ នេះជាព្រៃសរក្លែងក្លាយ វាមិនសរទេ តាមការពិតជា " រុន ខ្មៅ" un trou noir-a black hole -អាចស្រូបលេប ព្រះអាទិត្យបាន។ទុកឱ្យព្រះអាទិត្យ ស្ថិតនៅពីចម្ងាយដូច្នេះឯង មានពន្លឺជាជាងអត់ព្រះអាទិត្យ ។

Anonymous said...

We would love to support this opposition party, but we just don't agree with the name of the party (Cambodian National Rescue Party.).

Most of the foreigner in general oversea Khmer did not understand well, why we used this name. They should have just an ordinary name, that most of us Khmer really trust and believe, because most of the Khmer citizen in the country now also have the access to the outside world and able to judge the situation in our country. The Khmer citizen in the country are going to vote and not the KI reader.

They use the Viets to rescue Cambodia, where are they the Viets ? Most of us don't like to have illegal Viets in our country. But just to say, Cambodia control by the Vietnamese is not good enough to win the election.

Another reason, most of foreigner government are not ready to support this group. Without support the world community, this group will not exist.

Anonymous said...

ដំណឹងពិសេស! (អាកោរយួន)
Information spéciale,
par un fou spécialiste !

ពន្លឺ ទៀនត្រូវខ្យល់យួនរលត់,
ពន្លឺព្រះច័ន្ទមិនខុសអាចរួមគ្នាជាមួយ ពន្លឺ ព្រះអាទិត្យ (អាកោរយួន)បានទេ!
...មួយថ្ងៃ ,មួយយប់។
ផ្លាកថ្មីនៃគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះយួន-អាឈ្លើយ​ហ៊ុន​ សែន។សំផឹងយួន
តាមអ្នកឯកទេសឆ្កួត ពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យយួន(អាកោរយួន)ភ្លឺមែនតែគ្មានកម្ដៅ កាន់តែភ្លឺកាន់តែភ្លើ
ដូច្នេះសមាជិកដែលនៅជិតព្រះអាទិត្យយួន (អាកោរយួន)
ត្រូវពាក់មួក DUON ជាចាំបាច់ គ្រប់ៗគ្នា ហើយការទាក់ទងនិង ព្រះអាទិត្យយួន(អាកោរយួន)ត្រូវធ្វើឡើង ពីចម្ងាយ តាមរយះCPPហ៊ុន សែន។
ជាការប្រសើរព្រះអាទិត្យយួន(អាកោរយួន)ត្រូវស្ថិតនៅពីលើ វិលៗដូចសព្វថ្ងៃ មិនអាចចូលជិតព្រោះយួនបានទេ

ក្ដៅណាស់ អាចឆេះព្រៃឈើអស់គ្មានសល់,សព្វថ្ងៃ អាចក្លាយជាផេះអស់ រលីង ហើយម៉្យាងទៀតនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ មានកន្លែងមួយ ហៅថា ÑÂṂBÔĐĨÂ ។អ្នកធ្លាប់ចូលÑÂṂBÔĐĨÂ ហៅថា ṾĨÊṬÑÂṂ ឯអ្នកមិនធ្លាប់ចូល ហៅថា XMÊR ។KAMPUCHEAក្លែងក្លាយ នេះជាÑÂṂBÔĐĨÂ វាមិនខ្មែរ ទេ តាមការពិតជា " ស្មែរ" un trou vagin vietcong អាចស្រូបលេប ស្រុកខ្មែរ បាន។
ទុកឱ្យ(អាកោរយួន)ព្រះអាទិត្យCPPយួន ស្ថិតនៅពីលើ,
ដូច្នេះឯង មានCNRP ជាជាងអត់CPP,ឬមានCNRP ជាជាងអត់CPP។

Anonymous said...

ហេតុអ្វី អស់លោកប៉ុន្មានក្បាល មិនត្រូវគេដកចេញ
ពីដំណែង ជាពិសេស អាលោក អ៊ឹមសួស្តី ស្អីនោះ
អាគាត់នេះ បំរើយួនចំតែម្ដង៕

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To 6:55PM

Well...There is a saying that seeing is believing! Even if you can see and you still refuse to believe what your eye can see and that is the fucken root of the problem. Even after 30 years and you tell me that Cambodia has progress? AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave claimed to build roads but his roads killed more than 1000 Cambodian people each years! AH Hun Sen claimed to develop the land but his developments make dirt poor Cambodian people homeless! AH HUN SEN claimed to protect Cambodian forest but he allowed the Vietcong companies to shave Cambodian forest to destroy the ecosystem. AH HUN SEN claimed to be a good leader but each year Cambodia lost hundred of million of dollars due to corruption. AH HUN SEN claimed that he know how make Cambodia progress but his government operated base on borrowing others countries in the million and billions for his generation to spend and leave nothing else only debt for the future of Cambodian children generation to pay back! AH HUN SEN claimed to build 1000 of school but the schools have no qualified teachers. AH HUN SEN claimed that Cambodia lacked of human resource but each years he hand out thousands of diplomas and degrees to Cambodian students. AH HUN SEN claimed to protect Cambodian sovereignty but he allowed the Siem and Youn to reign supreme to annex Cambodian land in anyway they wanted without challenge! When did the Cambodia became the land of contrast and the Kingdom of wonder?

You can blame the opposition party name and you can blame everything else in your life and it will not going to change anything. But what will change is time and time will change you! You and your dictator Vietcong slave AH HUN SEN has not finished stealing million and billions of dollars from Cambodia yet! But time will catch up with all of you traitors and criminals!

Anonymous said...

ត្រូវឧ្យដកចេញ អស់ទាំង :

CNRP =កៅអី​​ចោរយួន=ស្វាសំរាំង ស៊ី+ស្វាកឹម សុខា
CPP = អាឆ្កែយួនហ៊ុន សែន
NEC = អាចោរយួនយៀកកុង


Anonymous said...

ត្រូវដកចេញ ទាំងអស់:

CNRP =កៅអី​​ចោរយួន=ស្វាសំរាំង ស៊ី+ស្វាកឹម សុខា
CPP = អាឆ្កែយួនហ៊ុន សែន
NEC = អាចោរយួនយៀកកុង


11:07 PM

Anonymous said...

don't care that much about the next election, because on the modern leading system, it will be always the same structure as before. Like the car with a new driver. The new drive will drive the car on same direction.

In case the opposition will win the next lection, they will do the same way as the CPP have done until today.

Anonymous said...


. said...

Unfortunately, there has been nothing civilized or convincing at all on the part of Suon Serey Rotha and gangs here on KI-Media other than trashing and dissing (constantly in Khmer language) all of other political parties and the insistence on the boycotting of the 2013's election without any intelligent rationale whatsoever...

I, personally, am inclined to believe that Suon Serey Rotha and gangs are out to devide Khmer for their own personal interests.

P.s. KI-Media readers in general may not care at all because they cannot read what's written in Khmer ...So, shape up or ship out you Suon Serey Rotha and gangs!!!

Anonymous said...

12:54 AM. You are dumb.

If CPP wins you thik they will change anything? But if opposition wins they will not change?

Anonymous said...

6:55 AM

Your answers will be forthcoming, if and when
YOU educate yoursef on Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

អាគាត់អ៊ឹម សួស្តី
យួនបន្លំប្រើឈ្មោះខ្មែរ ស្អីនេះ វាមិនបំរើយួនទេ,
-អាគាត់នេះគឺជាយួនយៀកកុងបន្លំចំតែម្ដង !

Anonymous said...

It seem Sousdey "follow of the NEC's Laws that law is not serving the Cambodian people it is clear that by not taking action NEC is protecting CPP and Hun Sen.

If they NEC are lawful then there is no reason for the to HIDE and not being TRANSPARENT to the Cambodian public. This is the reason why in many elections in the past CPP won via CHEATING most importantly via INCOMPETENT NEC MEMBERS.

Anonymous said...

They can not continue with such 'unfair and unjust' forever. 'Those who played by the sword shall die by the sword'. In the end, the truth will always be the truth and the truth will always be hurtful. Because you can not live through lies, cheating, robbing, deceiving and manipulation forever because, e,g, 'the mean will justify the end' e.g when you killed someone, do you think you can get away from it, through the eye of god? No!, not ever! as 'justice will be done on earth and in heaven and god knows every move you make', and because god is 'right and just.'

e.g. when you know that one of your children behave like a thief by stealling his/her siblings' goods, what do you do? You would take it back and say to that child don't do it again or else, you will be out of my house, why? because everyone wants their children to be good because it is right and just.

In this case, it is time to live with the truth or else the thieves will continue to be theives and think they can get away from it, NOT EVER! now, everybody knows that the VC ('killing two birds with one stone' and the Chen crooks (provided weapons in exchange for khmer hard earned foods like rice while Cambodia starve to death) are the ones behind such such war crimes against humanity but not without the French (choosing the wrong king for khmer, helping to destroy its nation) and US (B52 Bombing) made it possible for those theives to achieve the outcome of wickedness.

Or like Sadam Hunsien, he likes to attack his neighbouring countries like Kuwat, Iran etc all the times and now, the whole world knows about him and his nation. Or Israelits been the victims of the Middle-East societies like they were dumb people but now, god brought them back to their homeland. Cambodia is abit like that too among the Southeast Asia but no need to worry, as god knows the truth for the truth shall set us free and he will bring peace for us too.

So, CPP get away from such thieves now!, because they did it before and they will do it again if you let them. It is time to wake up and it has to be now! and say enough is enough! and together we can rule our nation in our own way. So, be blessed to all khmer nationalists.

Chaim Saite Sabaite How.

Anonymous said...

They can not continue with such 'unfair and unjust' forever. 'Those who played by the sword shall die by the sword'. In the end, the truth will always be the truth and the truth will always be hurtful. Because you can not live through lies, cheating, robbing, deceiving and manipulation forever because, e,g, 'the mean will justify the end' e.g when you killed someone, do you think you can get away from it, through the eye of god? No!, not ever! as 'justice will be done on earth and in heaven and god knows every move you make', and because god is 'right and just.'

e.g. when you know that one of your children behave like a thief by stealling his/her siblings' goods, what do you do? You would take it back and say to that child don't do it again or else, you will be out of my house, why? because everyone wants their children to be good because it is right and just.

In this case, it is time to live with the truth or else the thieves will continue to be theives and think they can get away from it, NOT EVER! now, everybody knows that the VC ('killing two birds with one stone' and the Chen crooks (provided weapons in exchange for khmer hard earned foods like rice while Cambodia starve to death) are the ones behind such such war crimes against humanity but not without the French (choosing the wrong king for khmer, helping to destroy its nation) and US (B52 Bombing) made it possible for those theives to achieve the outcome of wickedness.

Or like Sadam Hunsien, he likes to attack his neighbouring countries like Kuwat, Iran etc all the times and now, the whole world knows about him and his nation. Or Israelits been the victims of the Middle-East societies like they were dumb people but now, god brought them back to their homeland. Cambodia is abit like that too among the Southeast Asia but no need to worry, as god knows the truth for the truth shall set us free and he will bring peace for us too.

So, CPP get away from such thieves now!, because they did it before and they will do it again if you let them. It is time to wake up and it has to be now! and say enough is enough! and together we can rule our nation in our own way. So, be blessed to all khmer nationalists.

Chaim Saite Sabaite How.

Anonymous said...

The guy who is in the photo seating in the middle No. 5 from right is Youn Agent named Em Soursdey aka Ong Teur. He is not Cambodian, but Youn Agent who embedded in Khmer to lead Cambodia National Election. He is the one who stole all the votes from opposition to give it to Hun Sen. All these election members should be replaced from this committee.

Anonymous said...

ខុមហ្រ្វែល ដឹងថា អាលោក អ៊ឹមសួស្តី ជាយួន
ហើយហេតុម្ដេច នៅតែផ្ដល់លទ្ធភាពឱ្យវាទៀត
គួរ ខុមហ្វ្រែល ធ្វើការថ្លឹងថ្លែងឱ្យបានកណ្ដាល
ផង ឬ ខុមហ្វ្រែល ត្រូវបានយួនទិញបានទៀត?

Anonymous said...

10:53 pm mi Mou sochour why you talk like brainless dump people. check your comment again.

Anonymous said...

លោក1:32 PM

អាអ៊ឹមសួស្តី ជាយួនយៀកកុង បន្លំជាខ្មែរ,

មិនមែន យួនទិញក្បាលបានទេ!

Anonymous said...

To 7:49PM

What? Mou Sochour is not here. Tell me why I need to check my comment again? You need to check your brain first!