Thursday, April 25, 2013

«បើបក្ស CPP ចាញ់...»(by sam Vichea)


Anonymous said...

Long Live Viet Nam and Hun Sen and CPP...and you see how screw up you peoples is better to be a province of Viet Nam so we can solve all issues for you..because you are lazy, confuse and stupid peoples can not tell the different as you have no brain..

You all useless Khmer should never exist in this world .. that is why we Veit Nam the master of you use your own peoples kill your own peoples .. And now we control Hun Sen and CPP... that is why Hun Sen do everything for our mother land of Viet Nam and careless about Cambodia country....

you khmer are so so stupid .. look at your own king have no power and brain to do anything but to dance ballet for us to watch...

Long Live Vietnam

Anonymous said...

Nothing is more pride than just be true and honest to yourself and to others. By killing, stealling, robbing to gain power and control is useless because even animals knows its own territory better than the scubage of the VC above post...'happy are those who listent to god's commandments'. Khmers been kind, loving, honest and loyal and continue to do so, and off course we all will belong to heavenly world off course not of this world alone...'they shall not kill' but the Vc killed and so, the good will always be prevaled in the end, hahahah. For now the whole world knows how wicked VC are and so you can run but you can't hide, simple as that!

Anonymous said...

ពូជអាស្វាព្រៃគឺវាអញ្ចឹង សំដីយូកូងបាតផ្សារ តែអានេះមិនមែនបាតផ្សារទេ គឺបាតស្រែ ព្រោះអាសម្រែនេះទើបតែស្គាល់ផ្សារក្នុងសម័យនេះទេ។ពីដើមវាស្គាល់តែព្រៃប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ អានេះបើសម្លាប់វាត្រូវកាត់កាយសម្បទាវាម្តងមួយហើយចិញ្ច្រាំឱ្យត្មាតស៊ី​ កុំសម្លាប់វាភ្លាមៗ​ នាំឱ្យវាមិនឈឺ។​​ អានេះបើអាចធ្វើបានខ្លួនឯង ខ្ញុំនឹងកាត់ ជៀរ ជ្រៀកវាឱ្យសមតាមកំហឹងរបស់រាស្រ្តទូទាំងប្រទេស។

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំដើរតួជាCNRPយួន ប្រជាភិថុត-ឡេមឡឺម,ក្រុមជនក្បត់ជាតិ,
ខ្ញុំជាឆ្កែ វៀតណាមនិងអាស្វាHai Phúcហ៊ុនសែន!

ខ្ញុំមុននឹងក្លាហាន ទាំងអស់គ្នា(ត្រូវតែ)សុំច្បាប់យួន

និងធ្វើជាសុំអង្វរយួនឲ្យអាស្វាយួន ឧក្រិដ្ឋជននប្រយោលសម រង្សីចូលស្រុកស្មែរវិញតាមរូងឆ្កែយួនជាដើម។