Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Exercise your freedom of expression and assembly tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, by joining the demonstration for electoral reform

I will join the DEMONSTRATION
on Wednesday, 24 April 2013.   

7:30 - 11 A.M.

(near Wat Phnom, the Neak/Dragon Bridge), Phnom Penh

Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia; 
a neutral and independent National Electoral Committee; 
free and fair participation of the leader of opposition in election. 
A Credible Voters List to protect rights of all citizens with the right to vote. 


Anonymous said...

sy samram pleur those follower are ignorant. how you rescue anything you even can't help yourself. fugitive.

Anonymous said...

we urge viets and chinese with good moral to help us to change our leadership style, because otherwise, it can not be posible without their help and support. Being good people, mean that, they would never support murderers and criminals because it is right and just. So, please everyone, we need change from being controlled by this Hun and his gov't of mafia type of gangster.Cambodia needs to have its own state sovereignty, that free from being controlled by outsiders.

We urge the international community to involve in this matter to resolve cambodia's years of conflict between our neighbouring countries and say enough is enough. Those mafia crooks who are controlling srok khmers need to go and it has to be now...if the good do nothing, the evil will win...and son it will also affect the whole southeast asia if no one is doing anything about it, simple as that.

Anonymous said...

When Hun Sen declare war against CNRP after losing the upcoming election , he will
face the resistance of International Community ; Hun Sen will be arrested by Vietnam
& hand him over to the new Cambodia Government , for sure. Hun Sen has fought
hard for the interest of Vietnam ; Vietnam will not fight against the International Community , just to save its disgraced slave . Khmer voters must ignore Hun Sen's
intimidation & vote freely .

Anonymous said...

you toeub pleur. you pleur because you are yuon's slave's servant. you know nothing and do nothing for our own country just know how to kneel in front of yuon to ask for living. because you are ignorant no knowledge at all that is called A pleur.

Anonymous said...

CNRP doesn't regard anyone as enemy except the CPP and Youn. When CNRP wins the election, we will take lands, villas and other properties from CPP and share it with all CNRP supporters.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

When AH Hun Sen looses the election Ah Ping Ang will be force to stop living in the street and he will be force to have a proper job instead of being an animal degrading Khmer women and cursing at his mum.

Also when Ah Hun Sen looses the election Cambodia will have free medical clinic. AH Ping Ang will have the choice to go to the hospital to have his brain check free of charge in Cambodia.

Ah Ping Ang, you will be a free man.

Anonymous said...

Do ma congchor Yuon thugs,will you you shut your Ass up? si mae mirng ke'bar....lop laer ah lop Mice go home to Hanoi...ah pleur la'nger yo!!! I got three languages here for you hopely ah pleur Mice understand one of them.


Anonymous said...

Ah jongrai Yo! Shutta hell up! Your propaganda in not working ah jongrai Yo! Niyeay lop lop lop!!! Ah chhkae checkout.

Anonymous said...

As soon as we won election, our first and second priority is to shut down all the UN back tribunal, and release all those innocence Khmer roug leaders. In addtion to protecting our new goverments, We'll have all the NGO, and right groups to register, so that we can monitor their illegal activities. For our appreciation and payback to our suuporters, we'll relase those prisioners included rapists and killers.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

As soon as we won election, our first and second priority is to shut down all the UN back tribunal, and release all those innocence Khmer roug leaders. In addtion to protecting our new goverments, We'll have all the NGO, and right groups to register, so that we can monitor their illegal activities. For our appreciation and payback to our supporters, we'll release those prisioners included rapists and killers.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

Shutta HELL up,ah pleur who will do such thing only Yuon slave will do that.You are a scam of any society still think like a stone-age creature Ap-man! Stop your shit comment now idiot....

Anonymous said...

AH Ping Ang. WHy do you keep using fake names to descredit people? Your mum is not giving you enough money to get plastic surgery for your ugly face?

Anonymous said...

If CRNP win, we all win because everyone will live under the rule of law. Because we are not racist like others. We love life and therefore all lives will be saved. All members of CPP will be repended by knowing that, they too are khmers people and want only what is best of our nation and say 'enough is enough', together we will stand up tall and look up high. This time the good will be prevailed, no matter what.

So, rest assure for those who have chosen srok khmer as their home. They shall be protected by the rule of law just like in the west because we value life, unlike them (VC, Chen and CPP crooks), they kiled us and they devalued us. But for us, we are different from them, we have god in our hearts, souls and minds and we are better than that.

Killing to rule is the worst thing a man could do. History won't praise them, but to continue to condemn them like always, just like Hitler, Starline, VC and Kingta etc.

So, if we look into the past, we will see the future, simple as that!


Anonymous said...

6:40 PM
How can Khmer like Raisny defend his country a Yuon fugitive?

Are you saying your Yuon owned Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

ដែលកាលពីមុន ឥឡូវភ្ញាក់ខ្លួនហើយក្រោយពីបាន
របបប៉ុល ពត(១៩៧៥ដល់១៩៧៩)

​ សេចក្ដីផ្ដើម


ប្រទេសខ្មែរកំពុងតែបានសេចក្ដីសុខក្សេមក្សាន្ត ស្រាប់តែមានព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ដ៏មហាចង្រៃ



មិនមែនសម្ដេចស៊ីហនុ មិនមែនខៀវ សំផន...គួរអោយចម្លែកណាស់!គូបដិបក្ខប្រឆំាងគ្នា

ក្នុងកំឡុង៥ឆ្នំា១ខែត្រូវចាញ់ទំាងអស់គ្នា។មើលចុះ ...លោកលន់ ណុលសុំចាញ់ ស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត

ដើរចាកចោលស្រុក,សម្ដេចស៊ីហនុបែរជាជាប់ឃុំឃាំងទៅវិញ,រីឯខៀវ សំផន...គ្មានឮឈ្មោះ។



ជាដំបូងអង្គការចាត់សំលាប់ជាបន្ទាន់នូវបញ្ញវន្ត ព្រះសង្ឃ រួចវាលើកបន្តុកចោរសិន។

កាលណោះ អង្គការគ្រប់គ្រងប្រទេសខ្មែរប្រើរបបចោរ គឺយើងឃើញចោរក្ដាប់អណាច

យ៉ាងពេញលេញ ប៉ុន្តែវាប្រើយីហោខ្មែរក្រហម។ខ្មែរក្រហមធុននេះដើរប្លន់បាញ់

សម្លាប់ខ្មែរដោយសេរី។វាកែទម្រង់ពាក្យប្លន់ ជាពាក្យស្នើ។ប៉ុន្តែពាក្យស្នើនេះសាហាវ


បើម្ចាស់់ទ្រព្យមិនព្រមអោយចោរ គឺមិនព្រមអោយខ្មែរក្រហមធុននោះ វាសំលាប់ចោល

ដោយសេរី រួចវាចោទថាក្បត់អង្គការ។អង្គការដេញប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរមួយនគរ អោយ

ចាកចេញពីទីលំនៅ ត្រូវចោលទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិយ៉ាងច្រើនឥតគណនា។អង្គការច្ឆៃរដ្ឋធានី



ដោយសេរី,សេសសល់បន្តិចបន្តួច អង្គការបញ្ជាអោយបំផ្លាញចោល។(ត)


ស្លាប់ រួចវាចាត់ក្រុមឃាតករអាថ៌កំបំាងអោយចេញមកសម្លាប់ខ្មែរជាដំណាក់ៗ។

មើលចុះ...បងប្អូនខ្មែរដែលមិនទាន់ដល់វេនស្លាប់ កំពុងអូសនង័្គល រនាស់ហាលក្ដៅ
ហាលភ្លៀងស្ទើរឆ្កួតវង្វេង ឈប់ចេះនិយាយ ឈប់ចេះសើច ឈប់ចេះយំ...ស្រាប់តែឮ


ថ្ងៃទី២០តុលា១៩៧៨ ម៉ោងប្រហែលប្រាំបីយប់ មានក្រុមឃាតករអាថ៌កំបំាង ចូលមកវាយ


អាថ៌កំបាំងចេញមកព័ទ្ធបាញ់ខ្មែរក្រហមនិន្នាការខ្មែរ ឃើញតែខ្មោចដេកស្លាប់ពាសពេញព្រៃ។


ដូចជាលោកខែក ប៉ែន ហៅមិត្តស៊ូនិងប្រពន្ធ,លោកដាហួនហៅមិត្តវ៉ាញ,លោកហូនឹមនិងប្រពន្ធ,

លោកពេញ ធួកហៅវ៉ន វ៉េតនិងប្រពន្ធ,កែវ មាស ,កុយធួន ជាដើមនំាទៅបញ្ចូលគុកទួលស្លែង

ធ្វើទារុណកម្មជាច្រើនខែ រួចសម្លាប់ចោលនៅទីនោះអស់ទៅ។

លុះសម្លាប់ខ្មែរក្រហមនិន្នាការខ្មែរជិតអស់ អ្នកនៅសល់បន្តិចបន្តួចក៏រត់រប៉ាត់រប៉ាយអស់។



នៅចុងខែធ្នូ១៩៧៨ ស្រាប់តែឮថាអង្គការបញ្ជូន «យោធាស្រលាញ់សម្ដេចឪ»ចំនួន៤ម៉ឺននាក់



ដូច្នេះចុងខែធ្នូឆ្នំា១៩៧៨ ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាចំហធ្លុង...ខ្មោចយោធាកៀរកប់មិនទាន់ស្រេចបាច់



ភារកិច្ចដំបូង វាបើកបរឡានដើរប្រមូលខ្មែរក្រហមដែលមាននិន្នាការយួនដែលជាអតីតខ្មែរវៀតមិញ


Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't like Hun Sen,I don't blame you. But don't act like him. Be more mature.

The profanity you guys use here is similar to what Hun Sen uses to attack people he doesn't like. So be more civilized, we understand your frustration. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't like Hun Sen,I don't blame you. But don't act like him. Be more mature.

The profanity you guys use here is similar to what Hun Sen uses to attack people he doesn't like. So be more civilized, we understand your frustration. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

11:21 AM. YOu are wrong. Unlike Hun Sen the barbaric Vietnamese animal cursing and using profanity on innocent Khmer. We Khmer here defends the dignity of the Khmer people by cursing the Vietnamese animal in a civilise manner by debating and discussion.

Have you tried or seen Hun Sen the Vietnamese animal debated with anyoen other then himself for 5 hours?

Anonymous said...

Long Live Viet nam and hun sen and cpp.. we are now exercise our mother land right to claim Cambodia as the new province to our mother land for Viet Nam..

You all useless Khmer should never exist in this world .. that is why we Veit Nam the master of you use your own peoples kill your own peoples .. And now we control Hun Sen and CPP... that is why Hun Sen do everything for our mother land of Viet Nam and careless about Cambodia country....

you khmer are so so stupid .. look at your own king have no power and brain to do anything but to dance ballet for us to watch...

Long Live vietnam

Anonymous said...

  បើលោកអានសៀវភៅលោក ហ៊ីន ស៊ីថានមួយក្បាលទៀត លោកនិងក្លាយខ្លួនជាអ្នកឯកទេស