Friday, April 19, 2013

ញត្តិជូនឯកឧត្តម François HOLLANDE ប្រធានាធិបតីបារាំងនៅវិមានរដ្ឋ Palais de l'Elysée


Anonymous said...

Your courage and your sacrifice help strengthen the spirit of nationalism amongst Khmer people.

Reviving the 1991 Paris peace accord is the most important thing to do because once implemented,it will supersede all the bilateral treaties between Cambodia and Vietnam, and those bilateral treaties were dictated by Vietnam.

Best wishes and good luck !!

Anonymous said...

look like he just got done smoking some weeds somewhere, what a dick head dreamer.

Anonymous said...

10:45 PM

Ah Pee Ach,
Your language implied that you are the one who smoke weeds.
OK Ah transgender Pee Anh!!

Anonymous said...

Bravo Khmers ... Free Cambodia. Vietnamese Out of Cambodia ! Vive le peuple Khmer et Vive la Nation Khmer !

Anonymous said...

youn like smoking weeds and doing bad thing as 10:45PM .there are vn teen got killed every day in my city.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but the truth has always been revealed in the end. 
So, how did they win the war?

1) cheating, lying and manipulation

2) by making 'Khmers killed Khmers', the technique of 'killing two birds with one stone'

3) killed up to 3 millions of our educated ones to shut us up and to weaken the backbone of our society

4) to devalue our society and saying 'Khmers are dumb people...barbarians...lazy people', while they rob from us, from our hard earned crops (rice and fish).

5) they striped our national resources like, deforestation and land concessions and made $millions of profit and only gave one part of it to Hun Sen gov't , and said, Cambodia spend too much

6) all donated money from international community ended up in VC officials' pocket (through corruption)

7) VC said 'our aim is to take control over Srok Khmer and continue to make them weak at all costs'.

8) VC said 'lock them or kill them, if anyone dare to speak up' about their planned. 

9) to install all VC officials to work in all Khmer headquarters

10) Above the surface,' SROK KHMER' is the name, but below the surface Khmer people are continuing to be oppressed by these VC control freaks. 

They are very good at manipulation like, they said to the international community 'not to interfere in internal affair' while they do! they are very cunning kind of people and they think, they can get away from this, however, the truth will always be the truth and the truth will set all of us free. They (VC) can run but they can't hide'. 

During WWII, they killed up to 58,000 US troops by using a cunning tricks as well, e,g, sending their whores to have sex with them and only to kill them soon after (setup - called the 'Tat -Attack'). To the US, they did not lose the war because they could have used their nuke but they did not want to because of special consideration in the humanitarian ground. 

Message to the VC, don't be so proud with your wicked action because time is catching up with you and now, everyone in this world knows who you really are, and what you are capable off (master of con, murderer, deceiver, manipulator of all times), simple as that!. No wonder, why Chinese really hates the VC and wanted to nuke them in so many occasion, hmm.