Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hello VOA tonight with Ms. Theary C. Seng on issues of Justice, Reconciliation - in light of Ieng Sary's death and crippling Khmer Rouge "Tribunal"

Hello VOA

I will be an in-studio guest on Hello VOA to answer your calls on the issues of JUSTICE and RECONCILIATION in light of the recent death of Ieng Sary and of the crippling Khmer Rouge "Tribunal", from which I have disengaged and of which I have denounced.

LIVE, starting at 8:50 P.M. Phnom Penh time
Thursday, 25 April 2013


Anonymous said...

Long Live Viet Nam and Hun Sen and CPP...and you see how screw up you peoples is better to be a province of Viet Nam so we can solve all issues for you..because you are lazy, confuse and stupid peoples can not tell the different as you have no brain..

You all useless Khmer should never exist in this world .. that is why we Veit Nam the master of you use your own peoples kill your own peoples .. And now we control Hun Sen and CPP... that is why Hun Sen do everything for our mother land of Viet Nam and careless about Cambodia country....

you khmer are so so stupid .. look at your own king have no power and brain to do anything but to dance ballet for us to watch...

Long Live Vietnam

Anonymous said...

Searching for the poster above and report to Phnom Penh authority for insulting the King.Defamation on the King is punishable upto ten years in prison in case the above poster too dumb to know the draconian's law.Becaregfu what you're asking for the poster above,we'll get you soon...


Anonymous said...

Seng Theary should know that what she is doing is serving whoever created "Ang Kar Leu".

Anonymous said...

just because ieng sary died, doesn't mean the justice for khmer people and cambodia should be forgotten, you know! i think khmer people demand justice for destruction of cambodia and death of their loved ones and for countrymen as well under the primitive, ignorant KR regime! how could anyone ignore what had happened then? the past can help shape the future, khmer people like me say the show must go on with or without ieng sary, you know! god bless my country cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Seng Theary, kaun "Ang Kar Leu".