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I like this cartoon very much. Much thanks to the poster Khmer Democrat. The benefits of reading are endless. You can learn more words; you can become more fluent in reading; you can stay current to new developments; you can gain more knowledge; and the list goes on. However, without teaching people HOW TO READ, then it is like giving the most useful tool to a clueless unknowledgeable user and the person still can never put it to any good uses at all. Along with knowing how to read, the person has to also know at least the critical/reasoning thinking skills as well.
I like this cartoon very much. Much thanks to the poster Khmer Democrat. The benefits of reading are endless. You can learn more words; you can become more fluent in reading; you can stay current to new developments; you can gain more knowledge; and the list goes on. However, without teaching people HOW TO READ, then it is like giving the most useful tool to a clueless unknowledgeable user and the person still can never put it to any good uses at all. Along with knowing how to read, the person has to also know at least the critical/reasoning thinking skills as well.
Install new softwares, update.
Errors... New fix... new service pack..
But at the end of our life, our cells brain will get a lots of bugs and errors.
Too much information !
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