Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Siamese boasting!

DPM Surapong: “Cambodia’s oral argument in line with Thailand’s expectation”

BANGKOK, 15 April 2013 (NNT) – On the first day of the World Court’s proceedings in the Phra Viharn Preah Vihear case, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said that the oral argument by Cambodia’s legal representatives has been in line with the Thai team’s expectation.

Mr. Surapong, who is now in the Netherlands, spoke with reporters about the first-day proceedings, in which Cambodia made their oral argument in the case it requested the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to interpret the 1962 Phra Viharn rulings.

The Foreign Minister said that the Cambodian team has tried to counter-argue Thailand’s statement by presenting several technical details to support their stance.

However, Mr. Surapong believes that the information presented by Cambodia could be too technical for the public to easily understand.

He added the Thai legal team informed him that there has not been anything beyond its expectation inside the courtroom.

Nevertheless, the Foreign Minister stated that it remains too early to draw any conclusion as the Thai legal team is yet to present its argument to the ICJ before the proceedings end on Friday.


Anonymous said...

To solve the problem, just demand Thailand to give all Khmer provinces back. And that should include that 4.6 KM.

And also ask the evil Vietnam to give all Cambodian provinces back too.

These 2 countries - Thailand and Vietnam - are 2 assholes who keep stealing their neighbor.

Anonymous said...

It is just wasting of money to bring the case to ICJ again. The best solution between both countries is we should share ownership with Thailand and promote tourism to Preah Vihear temple. This is the win-win situation and Cambodia and Thailand will get equal revenue from Preah Vihear temple.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

to Mr Pang,

I don't agree with you Mr. Pang as Preah Vihaear is our Temple. why do we have to share the revenue with Thailand? should we share the revenue from Angkor Wat with Thai if Thailand say that Angkor Wat used to under Thai control in before 1907? it is very stupid to share our asset with the foreigners. you always complained that Hun Sen wrongly provided land concession to VN company for 99 years and in this case if Hun Sen share the revenue from the Preah Vihear Temple with VN, would you agree?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you @ 7:34Pm, Pang sokhouen opinion is lack of consciences as a son of the Khmer.I suggest he should shares his wife with Siam X-priminister name Asbishit Vijajiva to show that he is willing sanctify his part for peace to the enchroacherer thieves(Siam) I don't think Pang Sokhouen knows what is right and what is wrong before he wrote his comment all over the site.A question to you Mr Sokhouen: I stole your wife and you took me to court and you won judgement,but 50 days later i didn't agree with the verdict,would Wiling to share your wife with me to avoid confliction? Well,actually I don't need your wife it just the comparison it is similarity to Preah Vihea case.The judgment was in favored of Cambodia in 1962 now 50 years later Siam not agree with the verdict trying use the trick to stealthe land from Khmer again.If cambodians people have the same mentality like you Mr Pang Sokhouen,Cambodia will shrink to the size of your wife under wear/bra don't you aware of that sir? Who give you position as SRP "secretary general" while you have brain but it useless?


Anonymous said...

4:30pm is actually not Pang Sokhoen
this person is Siam Yellow clade group is trying to incite Khmer nation. Siamese has been refusal co-ownership more than twice before
1962 when Kher King reguested, what is the reason of Siamese wanted to be co-developement nowaday?.Preh Vihear owned by by Khmer nation alone periot.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't believe for a moment Pang Sokheoun would say such a thing...if Pang Sokheoun speak in front of the camera then I would believe he said that...

I want Pang Sokheoun to prove me wrong!