Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Temple dispute adds to ICJ's long history in SE Asia region

16 Apr 2013
Bangkok Post

The land ownership duel between Thailand and Cambodia which began yesterday in The Hague is not the first Southeast Asian border dispute to be heard at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Since its creation in 1946, the ICJ has issued 146 rulings and a number of advisory opinions, several of which have helped shape regional land boundaries.

In 1962, the court granted ownership of the Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia - a ruling which is being reinterpreted at the current hearings in The Hague.

In December 2002, the ICJ granted Malaysia sovereignty over the islands of Ligitan and Sipadan in a dispute with Indonesia. It took four years for the court to reach its judgement.

The Philippines attempted to intervene in the case, arguing that it too had a historical claim over the islands. The ICJ dismissed this claim.

In May 2008, the ICJ ruled on a territorial dispute between Singapore and Malaysia over several islets. The court ruled that Singapore had sovereignty over Pedra Branca and Malaysia had sovereignty over Middle Rocks.

Portugal took a case against Australia to the ICJ in 1991 concerning East Timor's right to self-determination.

In its judgement in June 1995, however, the ICJ found it could not adjudicate the dispute because it lacked jurisdiction, and the real dispute was in fact between Portugal and Indonesia.

The court's ending remarks noted that the territory of East Timor remained a non-self-governing territory and its people had the right to self-determination.

A key criticism of the ICJ is it has no binding power to enforce its decisions.

If the defeated party does not comply with the court's judgement, however, the winning party may seek punitive sanctions from the UN Security Council.


Anonymous said...

To solve the problem, just demand Thailand to give all Khmer provinces back. And that should include that 4.6 KM.

And also ask the evil Vietnam to give all Cambodian provinces back too.

These 2 countries are 2 assholes who keep stealing their neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Listening to the Lawyers defending the Cambodian Case, I learned so much about the mischievous Thais in general - and we thought the Viets are more mischievous than the Thais. Both are equally predatory. According to the Map of the Treaty between then Siam and Indochina as referred to Annex I, the Preah Vihear Temple and the surrounding "vicinity" both belong to the State of Cambodia. There was never a question. Where do the Thais get the idea that the temple ground belongs to them in the first place? We do know that they can read the map or understand the treaty. Besides, if these Thais want land that much, why don't they go claim their ancestral land in China already. The same goes to the Viets. If they want land so much, then they need to go claim their ancestral land in China as well. The same goes to the Lao. They need to be good immigrants living in the Khmer territory or else they can all pack up and head back to their ancestral land in China too. I am sick of all these predatory no-good immigrants who continue to steal more and more land from the Khmer owners. For crying out loud, Cambodia is the smallest state in the region when compared to Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. STOP STEALING and CLAIMING any more remaining Khmer territory, you homeless immigrants of Lao, Viet, and Thais.

Anonymous said...

After the Case of Preah Vihear, we must take Vietnam to the World Court too to reclaim our ancestral Koh Tral Island. After that we must confront Laos in the Court of Law to reclaim our provinces and our ancestral Temple in Champasak.

Anonymous said...

It is just wasting of money to bring the case to ICJ again. The best solution between both countries is we should share ownership with Thailand and promote tourism to Preah Vihear temple. This is the win-win situation and Cambodia and Thailand will get equal revenue from Preah Vihear temple.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

The Siam thieves are only good at stealing. As for the evil Youn, they not only took Koh Tral, they also destroyed the rainforest, natural resources, and even made a man-made canal to user as a border between Khmer and Youn. Then later encroached past the man made canal into the Khmer land and claims we Khmer encroached into their land.

Anonymous said...

If you're secretary of SRP talked like that you're useless,how can you think like? What's belong to Khmer is/always will be khmer's owned No share! Nothing is changed!.SRP please fire you secretary general name Pang Sokhouen who has no vision and unpatroitism wanting to share Khmer's treasure/pride with the thieves due to his UNPATROITISM.


Anonymous said...

Everyone talks BIG. If Thais should return Provinces to Khmers, and Yuon should return land to Khmers, then China should return all the land to the other nations who lost, and the US should give back to the American Indians....then Khmers should give back the land they conquered from small stares before they became Empire. The reality is on Cambodian side there are YUON who are wrapping up their expansionism. Should Thais allow Yuon to take things left over from the dead empire while they are worshipping adopting the empire Majestues. Khmers lost so we lost..

Anonymous said...

Kmenhwatt. The only person who uses the name Pang Sok is the same person who uses the name Ping Ang.

We all ignored him because we know his tricks. The real Pang Sok is to busy to response to this cheap trick.

CPP will do anything to break up SRP and CNRP. Even using fake names.

Anonymous said...

To 7:45PM

Talking big? It is you who said talking big because you said yourself. The Khmer have lost so many provinces and temples to Thailand. The Khmer only fight to keep what is left according the legal map and international law. As for Vietnam they took the Khmer Krom in 1949 and this is a recent memory. And for China is a super power there is exception. If China can take over the world and who can

Anonymous said...

who can blame China...the same go to United States....Russia...France...

Anonymous said...


Khmerologist = Reporter

Srey Khmer = B-40

The Man With No Name = AK-47

source: www.camnews.org

Anonymous said...

Israelite was the victim of the Middle-East and European nations, whereas Cambodian is the victim of the Southeast Asian. Today, US and the European nations have helped Israel to have its own state sovereignty, but sadly for cambodia, no one is willing to help us and yet, still continuing to abuse us and why? I believe, Viets and Chinese leaders have a lot to answer, while Chinese on the other hands, warned US not to interfere in Southeast Asia conflicts but yet, is doing nothing for Cambodia. So, how are we going to survive as a nation from here?.

Right now, we all know that, both Viets and Chinese have played a major role in Srok Khmer gov't and at the sametime, we need change from the way Hun Sen rules our nation and we believe that, Sam Rainsy is an ideal person as the next srok khmer PM, however, it can not be done, unless you (both Viets and Chinese) help us to do so. Therefore, we urge you both to help us to clean up our system for the benefit of the khmer nation and leave us alone to rule with our own way of life, because isn't 3millions dead enough already? Please have some conscience as 'human being'. We (cambodians) did not and never been involved in your 'internal affair' and so, why should you be involved in our 'internal affair'?.

Please imagin if you are to be in our shoes like, how would you feel, as being the victims of abused and of war crimes against humanity? Cambodians have suffered so much for so long now, and it is time to reflect back on, what went wrong and why?

Again, the only people who can help us are both Viets and Chinese's leaders of good moral judgement. So, please do something about this issue or else, it will never be solved.

Anonymous said...

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden need to come out speak in front of the camera for taking stupid stand against Khmer national interest!

This is not Pang Sokheoun that I know!

Anonymous said...

រឿងនយោបាយ គ្មានពិបាក យល់ទេ,
បើនយោបោក (សង្រ្គោះយួន)បានពិបាក យល់!

Anonymous said...

As far as remember, Mr.Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden proclaimed that any comments in KI using his title without logo, similar to Mr. Kalonh Chuck's, is fake.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

Lodge complain to ICJ is wasting a lot of money and times. If Cambodia joins development of Preah Vihear with Thailand, there will be no dispute with Thailand. Although Preah Vihear is belong to Cambodia but the main entrance is in Thailand's side and the main tourists also come from Thailand too. We are Khmer shall remember that when we ran away from Communist during 1980s Thailand had provided shelter to Khmer people. Thus, joint development of Preah Vihear with Thailand will bring peace and prosperity to both countries.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.