Sunday, April 28, 2013

សេចក្តី អំពាវនាវដោយ អ្នកស្រី ទេព វណ្ណនី សម្រាប់ ជួយ អ្នកស្រី យ៉ោម បុប្ផា - Tep Vanny's appeal on Yorm Bopha's behalf

នេះជាVIDEOអំពាវនាវដោយ អ្នកស្រី ទេព វណ្ណនី ៖


Anonymous said...

Ah fk vc, ah chen and ah cpp clan (a group of mafia) are controlling srok khmer and so, they like to create one problem after another, so people are more busy about this one issue while forget to deal about their other major issues like robbing, stealing (deforestation, land concessions, national land for sale and other nation resources etc) and killing to shut them up.

Therefore, we look into the past we will see the future, like in the past ah vc and a chen crooks created pol pot to kill Lon Nol and created Heng Surin, Chea Sim and Hun Sen to kill pol pot because he was disagreed for the vc and the chen crooks to control srok khmer and now, they are still borrowing Hun Sen's hands to continue to kill his own people and as a saying goes 'killing two birds with one stone'.

Therefore, it is time for Hun Sen to wake up now before it is too late, because soon or later, they are going to do the same to him as well. Because they did before and they will continue to do it again and again. Because that is what they are good at. They took Lao, Champa, Mongnart, Khmer Krom, kosh trail and now the whole srok khmer. It is time for Hun Sen to turn around and join with CRNP ASAP and try to discuss about what went wrong and try to reconcile between our brothers and sisters before our country will no longer a country but under vc federation.

Just look at khmer khrom people, how are they being treated? the VC tortured them for learning khmer language and killed them because they wore khmer clothes. Pluse they got raped and abused on a daily basis. The truth is Cambodians have suffered so much for so long already, and it is time to stop and say enough is enough.

We urge the international community to come together to help us and try to rescue us from such mafia type of leadership style and help us to be independent just like every other nation does. The Chinese on the other hands, warned the US not to interfere in the South East Asian conflicts but yet is doing nothing for Cambodia and allowing our neighbouring country to control us and to opress against us, so, why?

Right now, that the truth is out, we need US and UN to come and help us before it is too late. If Cambodian can not live in peace, no one in this world can either, because we all are human and we all are being connected just like our body is being connected to form a whole.

Chaim Sraite Sabaite How

Anonymous said...

Ah fk vc, ah chen and ah cpp clan (a group of mafia) are controlling srok khmer and so, they like to create one problem after another, so that people are more busy about this one issue while forget to deal about their other major issues like robbing, stealing (deforestation, land concessions, national land for sale and other nation resources etc) and killing to shut them up.

Therefore, if we look into the past we will see the future, like in the pas, ah vc and a chen crooks created pol pot to kill Lon Nol (pro-US) and created Heng Surin, Chea Sim and Hun Sen to kill pol pot because he disagreed for the vc and the chen crooks to control srok khmer and now, they are still borrowing Hun Sen's hands to continue to kill his own people and as a saying goes 'killing two birds with one stone'.

Therefore, it is time for Hun Sen to wake up now before it is too late, because soon or later, they are going to do the same to him as well. Because they did before and they will continue to do it again and again. Because that is what they are good at. They took Lao, Champa, Mongnart, Khmer Krom, kosh trail and now the whole srok khmer. It is time for Hun Sen to turn around and join with CRNP ASAP and try to discuss about what went wrong and try to reconcile between our brothers and sisters before our country will no longer a country but under vc federation control freaks.

Just look at khmer khrom people, how are they being treated? the VC tortured them for learning khmer language and killed them because they wore khmer clothes. Pluse they got raped and abused on a daily basis. The truth is, Cambodians have suffered so much for so long already, and it is time to stop and say 'enough is enough'.

We urge the international community to come together to help us and try to rescue us from such mafia type of leadership style and help us to be independent just like every other nation does. The Chinese on the other hands, warned the US not to interfere in the South East Asian conflicts but yet, is doing nothing for Cambodia and still allowing our neighbouring country to control us and to opress against us, so, why?

Right now, as the truth is out, we need US and UN to come and help us before it is too late. If Cambodians can not live in peace, no one in this world can either, because we all are human and we all are being connected just like our body is being connected to form a whole.

Furthermore, it is the same case as, the German tortured and killed the Jews and now in the 21century, the VC and Chen (mafia group) are killing Cambodians. Therefore, to make this clear, Cambodian did not kill cambodian, but the mafia group did. UN must bring them to court and must bring them to justice because it is right and just.

Chaim Sraite Sabaite How

Anonymous said...

Only hope she will survive her polpularity, her politcal carer and not dissapear after a short time like Mr. Lech Walessa from Polen.

Anonymous said...

Pacpou Sam Rainsy thang the men chea massthirkdorb the.Da like hun sen and the rest,Who belive you is fool,Dump,Not talented,Debility.



Anonymous said...

អួត៣៦ស្នៀត ,សម្រែណាស់ សម័យនេះ!
អាស្នៀតប្រយុទ្ធប្រកាច់ចាប់មិនឈ្នៈ !......

(សូមសួរ​អាឈ្លើយ-មីឈ្លើយទៅដឹងហើយ តួយ៉ាង
សេង ធារី,ហ៊ុន សែន,ហុក ​សាវណ្ណ(វត្តណង់ស៊ី),
ហ៊ុន តូ,កិម សុខា,ខៀវ កញ្ញារឹទ្ធិ,
ទេប វង់,នួន ង៉ែត,អ៊ំ លឹមហេង,
ញ៉ែម គីមតេង,ណយ ច្រឹក,សៅ ច័ន្ទថុល,
ហាក់ ឆៃហុក។ល។)

៣៦ស្នៀតនេះហើយតាំងពី NAPOLEON ច្រកបាវ

Anonymous said...

វប្បធម៌ទីងមោងបោកប្រាស់មិនចោលតែរិតតែខំចិញ្ចឹមបំប៉ោងថែមអោយរលួយខ្ទេចសង្គមតែម្តងទៅ ។

Anonymous said...

5:26 AM
som orkun lok neung leu angkeu krom !