Friday, April 26, 2013

"Vietnam intents to swallow Cambodia" - Audio Commentary by Heng Vireak

Cartoon by Sacrava


Anonymous said...

Next in line is Ah Hun Sen the Youn dog.

Anonymous said...

Vietnamess is ingrate people ,khmer king and khmer people help them a lot to free them from the war ,but every time they want to destroy khmer country even they still living in cambodia ,they survive from khmer resource ,but in their brain every time they want to destroy khmer people .

Anonymous said...

While many people are blaming the Viet, behind the shadow are the West. Hun Sen's job is safe is long as he is a good and brutal dictator. What he gains flow through Vietnam, Thailand to Western Corporations.

Anonymous said...

Whoever cal our Khmer people as Youn. They are the one and not Youn are so stupid an idiot.

Please think twice before you say this again !

Anonymous said...

បើភ្ញាក់រលឹកហើយត្រូវរួមគ្នាជាធ្លុងមួយ កុំហែកហួរ​ខ្មែរគ្នាឯង ខ្មាំងរបស់ខ្មែរគឺពិតជាយួននិងសៀមដូច លោកបានរៀបរាប់មកនេះមែនហើយ។

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

khmer krom

Anonymous said...

Vietnam-Cambodia relationship