Thursday, April 11, 2013

Western Education - Opinion by Khmer Guardian


Anonymous said...

Great article,

The USMA was established in 16 March 1802 and the Motto of the USMA's cadets are: Honor, duty and protect the democracy in own country. Every cadet from foreign countries who studied there must obligate to respect the high honor from this university. But one of Cambodian cadet maybe will act against this Motto by serving the communist and oppressing his own people, Cambodians.

We thank the USA for allowing this opportunity but this time may US has picked up the wrong man who has no wishes to serve his own people and nation and this education was washed by the American tax payers too!

Anonymous said...

The US did not pick the wrong man, the US gave him degrees without him trying hard as other students for reasons. The US meant to aim at South East Asia small nations for its own interest during its cold war with China & Russia.

The US gave many degrees to dumb people like Hun Sen's step son Hun Manet, for its political influence in those regions.

This man Hun Manet was a very bad student who was not qualified to receive any degree in the western countries but as advanced above, people ought to understand why?

Anonymous said...

Like father like son, as the old saying goes. Hun Manet will turn out to be just like his father. West point education doesn't help him much. He's already a 3 stars general. He loves power and title just like his father.

keep up the great work KG. I don't always agree with you, but I like what you are trying to do for Khmer people.

happy khmer new year everyone!!!