KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
If you think election is not the way to go, why don't you start doing whatever you think that will work for you? stop talking here and do it with your tiny shit group, and you will see the result.
Those who blame will keep blaming with no action of their own no matter what you do even though your action is done with good intention to help a country we all call motherland.
The best thing to do is to keep doing what you think can help move Cambodia in the right direction despite non-constructive criticism that provides no solution at all.
If we wait for a perfect solution, then we might as well wait for eternity since perfection only exists at eternity. If we never reach eternity, then we never acquire total perfection.
The survival and betterment of Cambodia requires for now a better leadership and not necessarily the best leadership. What is the best leadership? Subjectively it is quite debatable! As long as someone can be a little better than Hun Sen, we will take it. Like a turtle, we will move one step at a time with perseverance till we get to a reasonable and acceptable destination. If we wait for a jet to take us where we want to go, we will wait and wait for a long time without making even one step forward and we may even make several steps backward!
Today America is not built in one day. Remember the great structure is built with one reasonably good stone, and not necessarily the best stone, at a time. These reasonably good stones, even though not great stones in the mind of some people, can become really good stones holding the temple together against the wind and time as long as they possess the kind of magic glue we all call unity.
United we shall walk, one step at a time, toward our destination of a better Cambodia for Cambodians and her future generation.
Yeah let's hear it ពីលោក ទេវតា ទេវឥន្ទ ក្រឹនក្ដឹត @2;55AM there? We have more follow-up questions once we heard something from that almighty GOD @2:55AM there?
តើ អស់លោក ដែលមានមុខរបរ ដូចបានបង្ហា្ញញ
ចាញ់បោកយួនទៀតហើយ? ហេតុអ្វីបានជាអស់
លោកចាញ់បោកយួន តើ ដោយវិធីណា?
Whoever wrote that:
What is your solution?
If you think election is not the way to go, why don't you start doing whatever you think that will work for you? stop talking here and do it with your tiny shit group, and you will see the result.
To 1:38 AM
Watch you language here. the article here is not a cry for solution. It's propaganda you moron. Go back to school.
Those who blame will keep blaming with no action of their own no matter what you do even though your action is done with good intention to help a country we all call motherland.
The best thing to do is to keep doing what you think can help move Cambodia in the right direction despite non-constructive criticism that provides no solution at all.
If we wait for a perfect solution, then we might as well wait for eternity since perfection only exists at eternity. If we never reach eternity, then we never acquire total perfection.
The survival and betterment of Cambodia requires for now a better leadership and not necessarily the best leadership. What is the best leadership? Subjectively it is quite debatable! As long as someone can be a little better than Hun Sen, we will take it. Like a turtle, we will move one step at a time with perseverance till we get to a reasonable and acceptable destination. If we wait for a jet to take us where we want to go, we will wait and wait for a long time without making even one step forward and we may even make several steps backward!
Today America is not built in one day. Remember the great structure is built with one reasonably good stone, and not necessarily the best stone, at a time. These reasonably good stones, even though not great stones in the mind of some people, can become really good stones holding the temple together against the wind and time as long as they possess the kind of magic glue we all call unity.
United we shall walk, one step at a time, toward our destination of a better Cambodia for Cambodians and her future generation.
Pissed Off
ល្អ លោក "ភៀស្ត អុស្វ"...អញ្ជឹងក៏បានដែរ!
Welcome back and let's start where we left off, okay?
ត្រូវហៅគាត់ថា លោក "ខឹងចិត្ត" ទើបត្រូវ៕
លោក1:26 AM
If you don't vote, then what?
Mass demonstration? Who is going to be there? You, 2:55AM?
No vote, no more voice anywhere in the Viet controlled regime of HUN SEN, then what?
Thinking that the whole world is going to rush out to help Khmer?
Look at Syria - how many Syrians that have been dead already?
Are you going to lead 2:55AM?
Tell me you son of God @2:55AM!
I am being nice and civilized here...but don't push your luck okay?
Yeah let's hear it ពីលោក ទេវតា ទេវឥន្ទ ក្រឹនក្ដឹត @2;55AM there? We have more follow-up questions once we heard something from that almighty GOD @2:55AM there?
Come on ah 2:55AM, កុំបានត្រឹមតែ
ឡេមឡឺម ដូចស្វាក្រេះ វត្តភ្នំ ...
That individual has been sabotageing KI-Media for some times now...It's best to just ignore it.
Hope this helps.
គណៈបក្សខ្មែរជាតិនិយមទំាងអស់កុំប្រហែសអោយយួនជ្រៀតចូលបានអោយសោះ ប្រយ័ត្នវាចូលបានវានឹងនំាទៅរកសេចក្ដីវិនាសមិនខាន ដូចគណៈបក្សប្រជាជនដែលវាចូលបានហើយនំាប្រទេសជាតិទៅរកសេចក្ដីវិនាសតំាងពីសម័យ
Here we go again...this same fucking person @4:39AM is at it again!!!
ដើរចោទគេគ្រប់គ្នា មិនសមជាខ្មែរទេ ។
គោដំបោះខ្នង រំសាយកន្ទុយ ។
គោដំបើខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រសាយកន្ទុយ។
អាចម៍អុកដំ-ឆ្លៀតដំពងសម រាង្ស៊ី ,កឹមសុខា
កូនឈ្នួលCPP ទាំងពីរនេះដើរតួល្ខោនយួន
គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រសាយកន្ទុយ។
គោដំបើខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រសាយកណ្ដួយ។
នេះសំរាប់អ្នកនយោបាយ រង្សីអនាគតរដ្ឋមន្ត្រី និងលោក កឹមសុខាអនាគតប្រធានរដ្ឋសភា។ គួរខ្មាស !
គោដំបៅខ្នង ក្អែកហើររំលង រសាយកណ្ដួយ។
នេះសំរាប់អ្នកនយោបាយ រង្សីអាណាគត់រត់មាន់ដី និងអាលោក កឹមសុខាអានាគតអន្តរធានរដ្ឋសភា។គួរខ្មាស !
Yeah, all of you saboteurs, full speed ahead, okay? Where else can you do it???
ពួយអោយអស់ដៃទៅ អាត្មាត យូន សំលាប់ជាតិ!!!
ពួកអស់លោកលោកស្រីរាល់គ្នា !
នៅពេលបោះឆ្នោតទើបភ្ញាក់ក្រោកងើបបញ្ចេញឫក !
នៅពេលបោះឆ្នោតចាញ់នាំគ្នាដេក !
ក្នុងរយះ ៤អាណាត់ដែលកន្លងទៅមាន២០ឆ្នាំ !
សំនួរ : តើអស់លោកលោកស្រីរៀបចំបានអ្នកមានសម្មតិភាពប៉ុន្មាននាក់ក្រៅអំពីអស់លោកលោកស្រី៣នាក់ !
បើសិនជាឈ្នះអស់លោកលោកស្រីត្រូវពឹងលើអាម៉ីអាថោងដដែល !
ពួកអស់លោកលោកស្រីរាល់គ្នា !
នៅពេលបោះឆ្នោតទើបភ្ញាក់ក្រោកងើបបញ្ចេញឫក !
នៅពេលបោះឆ្នោតចាញ់នាំគ្នាដេក !
ក្នុងរយះ ៤អាណាត់ដែលកន្លងទៅមាន២០ឆ្នាំ !
សំនួរ : តើអស់លោកលោកស្រីរៀបចំបានអ្នកមានសម្មតិភាពប៉ុន្មាននាក់ក្រៅអំពីអស់លោកលោកស្រី៣នាក់ !
បើសិនជាឈ្នះអស់លោកលោកស្រីត្រូវពឹងលើអាម៉ីអាថោងដដែល !
ពេលអស់លោកលោកស្រី បង្កើតគណះបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិនុះ ពេលនុះគឺអស់លោកលោកស្រីចាញ់បាត់ទៅហើយព្រោះអស់លោកលោកស្រីគ្មានសម្មតិភាព ដូច្នេះត្រូវពឹងនៅលើឈ្មោះដើម្បីនឹងជ្រក។
ចុះកូន មីចោរគេចុយ កណ្ដួយរហែក ឯង @៧:២៧PM នឹង ៨:០៩PM បានធ្វើអីខ្លះដែរ?
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