Wednesday, May 08, 2013

ប្រតិកម្មតប "បទបង្ហាញរបស់អង្គភាពប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស របស់រដ្ឋាភិបាល ហ៊ុន សែន​វាយប្រហារ មេដឹកនាំបក្សប្រឆាំង"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's ok, but not a good response considering Hun Sen and the CPP put all the negative comments of the opposition attacking each other. In these response from the opposition, it includes too much of comments from Rainsy and Kem Sokha attacking each other. They should put all Hun Sen's comments admitting his puppetry to Vietnam, his attacks on Sihanouk and the monarchy and his comments about his failure on cracking down on corruption, including swearing and so on...

Anonymous said...

All major problems came from ah yuons!
The killing field ,khmer rouge
and CPP are Ah yuons's realization

Anonymous said...

This is what ah vc wants, for us khmers to fight with khmers and then, they just sit and laugh hahahaha....In the end, its all mine, just like khmer krom...hahaha....

Anonymous said...

That is a great feeling to see Khmer people can put the difference aside and unite to protect Cambodia.

Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha are and always will be Khmer heroes.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen,
Kath Ter Kdor Touv Barn Heuy Ah Sen!!
Keep your body with no Kdor alive !!

Anonymous said...

to hun sen family

they have blood in their hands. therefore, of course they belong in hell, but not now, soon, because nothing last forever, really, as everything comes with time, so please be patient. God always works in misterious way, simple as that, e.g you can run but you can't hide.

Right now, VC is training more people to lead srok khmer and nation.So, wake up everybody before it is too late. We must produce a policy not to imploy outsiders to run the top job or else Srok khmer will be gone, probably with the 40 years also. that is after their sons' retirement, so stop them before they stop us.

Anonymous said...

so, perfect! a well scripting poetry, so beautiful and so right!

(a man from youtube and combine with some of mine )

1) April 7th 1979, the so-called 'liberation day' but only to be colonised by the VC.

2) They (VC) fooled the international community that, they came to rescue but really, they knew what they were doing, that was to impose on you (Khmers)

3) They placed their well trained men to be in the lead and oppressed those who dared to speak

4) Right now, everybody knows, how our leaders are just for the show

5) Everyone of them works for their own national interest and pretend to help us at their best

6) We are not what it seems to be, because we being controlled by such monkeys

7) So, wake up everybody or else we will be trapped, as a new party is already here, the sign of the 'sun', the 'CNRP', to shine through us, to claim back these ..

8) As Leaders of Srok Khmer (CPP) is just a fake, all they do is, take and take, while leaving us with nothing to bake and now, everything is at stake. 

9) they lied, they deceived and they cheated, making sure Khmers have nothing to eat.

10) they live in the mansion and drive new brand new cars and said that, 'they are the best Ong Ka' (dictator)

this so-called 'best ong ka' robbed people's home, leaving nothing for them to live on.

11) Parents and children asking ong ka what happened, they pretended not to know and so, their home has been banned, as it is full of sand.

12) Their gifts of Sagrong and MGS, only to bribe you, of who you should be but in reality, they are being robbed, the right to vote of, who should be at the top.

13) They used khmers hands to kill khmers, despite the law of 'right and just' in 'they shall not kill and steal' but the VC, Chinese and CPP crooks continuing to do so.

14) This is right for all of us to know, because CPP is just a show

15) Therefore, the right time is now, so stop being proud of such crooks, so let them see, of what they had took and let them look as they are 'thieves'. 

16) They took Loas, Mongart, Champa, Prey Nokhor (saigon), Khmer khrom, Kosh Tral Island (Phuc Qouc) and now the whole srok khmer

17) Hun Sen said that, if he loses the election, he will stop believing in doing good, no more temples, no more develop and will stop all machines from receiving water to the field, he thinks, he is the best but really, he is just another useless.
18) Oh dear, we are so sad for being led by the crooked heads, said he is the best, no moral, nor religion, and his only weapon is through aggression.
So, then, we have to wake up, because we are khmers ( ber yerg men team teer, vear nerg bat osh), If you don't care, it will all be gone.

I urge the international community members like Viets, Chinese and all with good moral to help us to change our government and our way of life, because we (Khmers) are being controlled by a 'mafia' type and is not legitimate and must be eliminated or else, 'if the good do nothing, the evil will win', e.g today is Cambodia's downfall and tomorrow, it could be yours too. I mean who knows, and who in the right mind would want to support such criminals, anyway? apart from the devil itself...

3million souls (To VC, we will be watching you in every breath you take)

Anonymous said...

huni sen voice was recorded in 1986 yes we are under Vietnam. Vietnam remain in 1986Cambodia to stop the returning of Khmer rough. its nothing wrong. right?

Anonymous said...

4:01 PM

You made good addition to the poem given by one Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen sounds very uneducated to be a leader. Some country boys can speak better than Hun Sen .
Khmer Ga

Anonymous said...

This is not a comment to the video, rather my reflect to the concern that many Khmers worry about the future of Cambodia as the Viet has been moving west to gradually grad Cambodia, their country. Unfortunately, it's very true and has happening. The Vietnamese are everywhere in Cambodia. They own large chunk of land, businesses, government institution. I have a concern too that one day Cambodia will become Champa II and not just Khmer race but dogs and rats in Cambodia will extinct as well. So watch out folks, when you go to eat Pho especially in the United States, be ware of dogs meat in Vietnamese restaurants! I heard dog meat are available in some Viet restaurants in California.

Anonymous said...

Update from hell:

Sihanouk just kicked Ah Ho Chi Minh in the groin.
Sihanouk has declared that he will take Hun Sen to hell in 2013 to clean his ass.
Vietnam cannot replace Hun Sen with another Khmer Vietminh. Khmer people are sick with Vietnam's tricks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:19 PM
KPPM, expansionist Vietnam, and CPP,

If the CNRP does not participate in this July election, will the election be canceled or the election will go on?

If the election is canceled when the CNRP is not participated, then it is all right for the CNRP to boycott the election.

However, your group (KPPM) should have known that with or without the CNRP, the CPP will keep the election to go on and the CPP will take all the seats.

To break this evil Vietnam's grip on Cambodia, we must fight from every angle. It is imperative that the CNRP has a sizeable number of the representatives in the congress and in the senate.

I don't believe that the international community has enough leverage to push the CPP to cancel the election when the CNRP is not present.

For instance, how much influence does the international community including the UN has on the Khmer Rouge tribunal right now?

Furthermore, this time the situation is different from the last previous 3 elections because the 2 major opposition parties have combined to combat this expansionist Vietnam and Khmer people have been responding favorably after the union of the 2 parties.

We must help each other to expose the CPP and Vietnam’s manipulation of the election – expose Vietnam and the CPP’s fraudulent electoral tricks to the international community so that they could help us properly.

Be realistic with this puppet government, which would do whatever
necessary to please its master Vietnam - no matter what the catastrophic consequence on Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

ល្បិចរបស់យួនគឺត្រួតខ្មែរយកស្រុខ្មែរឱ្យបាន ព្រោះអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរបានដើរធ្លាក់រណ្តៅដែលយួនបានជីកទុក បើអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរពេញ
ចិត្តធ្វើអ្វីដែលយួនចង់បានធ្វើទៅចុះ។យួនបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរតាំងពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧០មក រហូតមកទល់ឥឡូវគេនៅតែសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ ហេតុអីបានជាខ្មែរ
មើលមិនឃើញ (ការប្រល័យពូជសាសន៏នេះ)។

Anonymous said...

The election problem and its solutions

As of today, 5/6/2013, the CNRP has not registered in this upcoming election yet, demanding the government to overhaul the NEC, hoping that the international community would put enough pressure on the government to do so.

If this step fails, the CNRP needs to register to beat the dateline.

1- During the election day:

We all have known that there will be illegal Vietnamese and even the Vietnamese who live in Vietnam come to vote on that day because the NEC had issued them “the ticket to vote”.

There is a saying we must help ourselves before other can help us. Khmer people must help themselves first.
Khmer people, after casting their vote, should stay near the voting boot to ensure that the illegal Vietnamese cannot vote. If there are skirmishes or fight between Khmer people and the illegal Vietnamese all over the country on that election day, it is highly likely that the election would stop or cancel.
This time, the international community especially the UN would intervene and force the government to overhaul the NEC.

2- After the election day:

We have known that hundred of thousands, or even million of Khmer people cannot vote because of the intentional mistake committed by the NEC to prevent Khmer people who support the opposition parties from voting.
The CNRP should contact and gather those people and peacefully march to voice their concern about their right.
We got to help ourselves first. If the neo colonialist Vietnam lose their soldiers to conquer Cambodia in 1979, it is all right that Cambodia lose some people – if the puppet government suppresses Khmer peaceful march – to claim their independence back.

We should invoke and relive Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine to fight this evil Vietnam.

In this world, every thing is not free. We all will die one day, but we should die to keep Cambodia alive.

3- Just a reminder how evil Vietnam is: Vietnam has never complied with the 1991 Paris peace agreement. And the social turbulent in Cambodia mainly stemmed from this non compliance of such peace accord.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

to 9:50 PM,
great Mr Bun Thoeun.

Anonymous said...

ល្បិចរបស់យួនគឺត្រួតខ្មែរយកស្រុខ្មែរឱ្យបាន ព្រោះអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរបានដើរធ្លាក់រណ្តៅដែលយួនបានជីកទុក បើអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរពេញ
ចិត្តធ្វើអ្វីដែលយួនចង់បានធ្វើទៅចុះ។យួនបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរតាំងពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧០មក រហូតមកទល់ឥឡូវគេនៅតែសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ ហេតុអីបានជាខ្មែរ
មើលមិនឃើញ (ការប្រល័យពូជសាសន៏នេះ)។

2:15 PM
សូមគាំទ្រនូវយោបល់របស់លោកទាំងស្រុង..!, ខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេសត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាមើលអោយឃើញពីល្បិចបោកប្រាសរបស់ពួកអ្នកនយោបាយដែលកំពុងតែស៊ីឈ្នួលលែងល្ខោនអោយខ្មែរយើងមើល..ដើម្បីសម្លាប់ពូជសាសន៍របស់យើង...ដូច្នេះយើងឈប់ប្រកល់ព្រែងវាសនាជាតិខ្មែរយើងទៅលើពួកមេបក្សទាំងប៉ុន្មានក្បាលហ្នឹងទៀតទៅ...វាសនាប្រទេសជាតិរបស់យើងគឺនៅក្នុងកណ្តាប់ដៃនៃពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទាំងអស់គ្នា...ដូច្នេះពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេសត្រូវតែធ្វើពហិការមិនចូលរួមការបោះឆ្នោតនៅខែកក្កដាខាងមុខនេះ...នោះយើងពិតជាផ្លាស់ប្តូរពួកផ្តាច់ការទាំងនេះបានជាប្រាកដ...ព្រោះអំណាចពួកវាបានមកដោយសារតែយើងបោះអោយពួកវា...ចុៈនៅបេលដែលយើងមិនបោះឆ្នោត..តើពួកវាបានអំណាចមកពីណា? កាលណាយើងទម្លាក់ពួកកញ្ជៈយួនបានហើយក៏អស់មានគណបក្សប្រឆាំងបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចដែរ...អញ្ជឹងហើយបានជាពួកនេះភ័យដូចគណបក្សប្រជាជនដែរ។

Anonymous said...

The election problem and its solutions

As of today, 5/6/2013, the CNRP has not registered in this upcoming election yet, demanding the government to overhaul the NEC, hoping that the international community would put enough pressure on the government to do so.

If this step fails, the CNRP needs to register to beat the dateline. The CNRP must avoid any unforced errors.

1- During the election day:

We all have known that there will be illegal Vietnamese and even the Vietnamese who live in Vietnam come to vote on that day because the NEC had issued them “the ticket to vote”.

There is a saying "we must help ourselves before other can help us". Khmer people must help themselves first.
Khmer people, after casting their vote, should stay near the voting boot to ensure that the illegal Vietnamese cannot vote. If there are skirmishes or fight between Khmer people and the illegal Vietnamese all over the country on that election day, it is highly likely that the election would stop or cancel.
This time, the international community especially the UN would intervene and force the government to overhaul the NEC.

2- After the election day:

We have known that hundred of thousands, or even million of Khmer people cannot vote because of the intentional mistakes committed by the NEC to prevent Khmer people who support the opposition parties from voting.
The CNRP should contact and gather those people and peacefully march to voice their concern about their right.
We got to help ourselves first. If the neo colonialist Vietnam lose their soldiers to conquer Cambodia in 1979, it would be all right that Cambodia lose some people – if the puppet government suppresses Khmer peaceful march – to claim their independence back.

We should invoke and relive Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine to fight this evil Vietnam.

In this world, every thing is not free. We got to pay something to receive something. We all will die one day, but we should die to keep Cambodia alive.

3- Just a reminder how evil Vietnam is:
Vietnam has never complied with the 1991 Paris peace agreement. And the social turbulent in Cambodia mainly stemmed from this non compliance of such peace accord.

Bun Thoeun

(Note: I correct some mistakes that I made earlier.)

Anonymous said...

VC and Chinese crooks said ' ah hun is our dog, when we tell him to sit, he sits and when we tell him to bark, he barks and when we tell him to kill, he let tell him to kill his people for us like the end, srok khmer will be ours....yes!'

wake up Hun Sen, because you are not as smart as you think you are. Just look at them now, they influx their people to fill in srok khmer, soon, they will take control the whole srok khmer and by then, even your chlidren will no longer have that chance. Because their children are being trained to do just that. They done before and they will do it again and again. Just look into the past and we will see the future simple as that! they took Laos, champa, prey nokho, khmer krom and now, the whole srok nice!

We have to let the international community know about this or else, nothing will be done for us. The international community must put pressure onto the VC to get out of Cambodia now!

Hopefully, next election result will define the outcome, if not, we need NATO to intervene just like in the middle east, which is not worth it really, because I don't want anyone to die really, or else history repeat itself, since life is too short might as well, try to learn from our past mistake than using aggression, really.


Anonymous said...

សុខចិត្ដក្បត់មិត្តតែជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ មានតែអញ ដែលស្នេហាជាតិ ជាបុគ្គលនិយម។
ប្រសើជាងភក្ដីភាពចំំពោះមិត្ត ប៉ុន្តែជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ គឺក្លាយជាក្រុមក្បត់ជាតិ។

​​​ បុគ្គលក្បត់មិត្ត និង ក្រុមក្បត់ជាតិ គ្មាននរណាប្រសើជាងនរណា សុទ្ធតែអាក្រក់ទាំងអស់។
Ni l'un ni l'autre est mauvaise foi -neither one nor the other is bad faith.

ល្បិចចុងក្រោយនៃ ជីវិតនយោបាយលោកសម រង្ស៊ី គឺគ្មានចូលរួម​បោះឆ្នោតបើគ្មានលោកសម រង្ស៊ី ចូលរួម។
ក៏ប៉ុន្តែលោក កឹម សុខា បាន​មានប្រសាសន៍ថា "នៅក្នុង​ការបោះឆ្នោត នាពេលខាងមុខ គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ នឹង​ចូលរួម​ប្រកួតប្រជែង ដោយ​គណបក្សលោកបាន​រៀបចំ​បញ្ជី​បេក្ខជន​រួចរាល់ហើយ​"។
នេះបានន័យថា គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិនិងចូលរួម ការបោះឆ្នោតជាការពិតប្រាកដ។ទោះបីលោកសម រង្ស៊ី ចូលរួមឬពុំចូលរួមក៏ដោយ។
ដូច្នេះលោក កឹម សុខាត្រូវជ្រើសរើស រួចហើយ "សុខចិត្ដក្បត់មិត្តតែជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ"
ជាជាង "ភក្ដីភាពចំំពោះមិត្ត ប៉ុន្តែជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ " ។


Anonymous said...

សូមប្រាប់រឿងមួយទៅចុះ រឿងអាយ៉ងមិនអាយ៉ងមិនដឹងទេ តែកញ្ញា កឹម មនោ​វិជ្ជា កូនស្រី​បង្កើត​របស់លោក កឹម សុខា ត្រូវបានតែងតាំង ជា​អគ្គនាយករងទំនាក់ទំនង​សាធារណៈនៃគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ជំនួស​តំណែង​លោក អ៊ូ ច័ន្ទ​ឫទ្ធិ ដែលជា​អគ្គនាយករង​ទំនាក់ទំនង​សាធារណៈ មកពីគណបក្សសមរង្សីនោះហើយ។
រឿងមួយទៀតឧ​ត្ត​ម​ក្រុមប្រឹក្សា​នយោបាយរបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិគឺបានបង្កើតឡើងដែលមាន​សមាសភាព​ឥស្សរៈជន​នយោបាយ​ចំនួន៣​រូប រួមមាន​៖ ១-​លោក គង់ គាំ ប្រធាន គណបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី​។ ២-​លោក សឺ​ន ស៊ូ​ប៊ែ​រ្តិ៍ ប្រធាន​គណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស​ ​និង​៣-​លោក ប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ ប្រធាន​គណៈកម្មាធិការ​វិន័យនៃ​គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ​។ សឺ​ន ស៊ូ​ប៊ែ​រ្តិ៍ និង ប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ ជាមនុស្សរបស់កឹម សុខា។ ចឹងក្រុមសមរង្សីគួរដឹងហើយថា វាយ៉ាងម៉េច។ មិនមែនជាអ្នកវិភាគនយោបាយទេ កឹម សុខា គាត់ឆ្លាត ហើយចេះបត់បែនរកផ្លូវរស់ណាស់ ទាល់តែចំនិញទើបធ្វើ ចឹងខ្ញុំទាយថា អណត្តិទី៥ កឹម សុខា មុខជាចូលរួមជាមួយរដ្ឋាភិបាល ជាមិនខាន បើសិនជាសម្ដេច ok។

Anonymous said...

6:25 PM
Do you have any other tricks to break Khmer apart? This trick ( make people to mistrust each other ) people knew already.
Just tell your Samdach Chor Koy (choy Kor) to wake up and see Yuon around his temporary mansion.
His mansion will belong to Yuon soon if he let Yuon control him like a dog like this.

Anonymous said...

តើអ្នកចេះនិយាយពាក្យអ្វីផ្សេងក្រៅពីនិយាយរឿងយួនហ្នឹងទេ? មួយម៉ាត់ណាក៍យួនៗ សូមនិយាយពីរឿងពិតទៅបានទេ? ក្នុងនាមជាអ្នករស់នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ខ្ញុំមិនបានបំបែកបំបាក់អ្នកណានោះទេ តែខ្ញុំធុញនឹង សំដីថាស្នេហាជាតិនោះណាស់ ខ្ញុំត្រូវការអ្នកជួយប្រជាជនពិតប្រាកដ ឥលូវអ្នកហ៊ានភ្នាល់ជាមួយខ្ញុំទេ ថាកឹមសុខា ចង់ចូលរដ្ឋាភិបាលនោះ? តើអ្នកហ៊ានភ្នាល់ទេថាគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិនោះនឹងបែកបាក់ក្រោយការបោះឆ្នោតនោះ?

Anonymous said...

នៅមានភាគទី២ ទៀត សំរាប់អាយ៉ៃឆ្លើយឆ្លង របស់មនុស្សដែលធ្លាប់តែមិនសូវមានការចងចាំនូវសម្តី ដែលខ្លួនដែលធ្លាប់បោកប្រាស់គ្នា។ រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះមានអ្នកនយោបាយមួយចំនួន​នៅតែបន្តបោកប្រាស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋរបស់ខ្លួនទៀត។ ស្រែកជេរគេរាល់ថ្ងៃដាក់វិទ្យុ ហើយថា គ្មានប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ទៀត។ ចុះត្រូវធ្វើដូចម្តេចបានមានប្រជាធិបតេយ្យទៅ? ទាល់តែអោយចោរលួចអង្ករ និងទណ្ឌិតធ្វើនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីមែនទេ?

Anonymous said...

-បើអា​កូនឈ្នួល CPP សំរាំង ស៊ី($2.000)
ដើរតួល្ខោនយួនយ៉ាងយូរ​ CNRP........
ក្រាញប្រឆាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ - ក្រាញសង្គ្រោះសំផឹងយួន,
វ៉ៃ SEX ក្រៅមុង...... តាមតុគុយទាវ .....

-បើអាកូនឈ្នួល CPP កឹម សុខា($2.000)
ដើរតួល្ខោនយួនយ៉ាងយូរ​ CNRP........
ក្រាញប្រឆាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ - ក្រាញសង្គ្រោះសំផឹងយួន,
វ៉ៃ SEX ក្នុងមុងជាមួយ អាCPPយួន,
Hai Phúc aka ហ៊ុន សែន!

-នោះអាឆ្កែយួន ហ៊ុន សែន នឹង
ក្រាញអំណាចយ៉ាងយូរ​ រហូតដល់ខ្មែរអស់ស្រុក?