Tuesday, May 28, 2013

សម្តីលោក អ៊ុម ហាក់


Anonymous said...

Dear Ki,
Please keep Mr. Um Hak's article for long time if can be so people will read it to think over and over in doing for the best interest of current critical crises in Cambodsia.

Khmer United

Anonymous said...

La révolution Khmer Rouge Sihanouk assassinait son peuple et détruire la ressource naturelle du pays tandis que la Révolution Française c'était le pouvoir du peuple à couper la tête du roi c'est ainsi que la France est un des cinq grande puissance mondiale.

Anonymous said...

From misspelling to incorrect usage of the Khmer words, this kind of Khmer writing will definitely drive Theary Seng and the rest of Khmer-literate up the wall, definitely.

Why can't you find someone to help you write and audit it properly before disseminating it???

why, why, why???

Or is it that all Khmer has left from the Viet cleansing of Khmer race worldly known as the "Killing Fields"???

P.s. Who the hell is UM HAK, anyway?

Anonymous said...

មានអាឆ្កួត1:10 AMណាមួយនេះមករញ៉ីរញ៉ៃ ពីរឿង Spelling អីទៀតហើយ! អាគាត់នេះជាដង្កូវកកូរកកាយតើនវនែ៎!
អូ! ប្រហែលកូនចៅអាដែកជោរទេដឹង?

Anonymous said...

អាវិសាម សម្តី

Headley's Khmer-English Dictionary
1.សំដី ( n ) [sɑmdəy]
word(s), speech, utterance

Case in point!!!
ដឹងថា Khmer Unicode វាពិបាកសរសេរដាក់ដៃ
ដាក់ជើង ទៅហើយ ចុះ វានៅតែប្រាកាច់ឆ្កួតជ្រូក
កាច់រាង សរសេរអញ្ចឹងដល់ណាទៀត ជាពិសេស

ពពួកអាខ្មែរល្ងង់ខ្លៅឯង កែរអត់ឡើង៕

Anonymous said...

Um Hak,

This sentence: "If you cannot integrate your group with other groups, or if your group cannot attract other groups to join yours, DO NOT fight with each other" is important.

And Vietnam and its puppet have been using some Khmer people who sold their souls for personal interest to attack incessantly the Khmer nationalists.

One of the reasons why Vietnam keeps wanting to swallow Cambodia because Vietnam knew that it will always find some unscrupulous Khmer who will execute its plans for personal gain.

For instance, when Pen Sovann refused to follow Vietnam's orders such as carrying the deadly K5 project, one traitor named Hun Sen emerged to execute such project in exchange for power.

Presently, there is a crazy person - Suon Kamchil - who keeps attacking every Khmer nationalists.
When all Khmers are wrong (according to Suon Kamchil) implies that only Vietnam or Vietnam's puppet is right. That is bad for Cambodia.

So, Suon Kamchil, watch out of what you said and stop chastising other Khmer nationalists. It came to a point that I consider you as a piece of shit right now. What you have done has nothing beneficial for Cambodia.

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...


La révolution Khmer Rouge Sihanouk assassinait son peuple et détruire la ressource naturelle du pays tandis que la Révolution Française c'était le pouvoir du peuple à couper la tête du roi c'est ainsi que la France est un des cinq grande puissance mondiale.

The Khmer Rouge revolution Sihanouk murdered his people and destroy the natural resource of the country, while the French Revolution was the power of the people to cut the head of the King thus France is one of the five major world power.


Anonymous said...

ចុម! កែ មាន រ ដែរ?
ចុះ «បាត់គោ» មាន ​រ ទេ?
លាងក្តិតអាចម៍ឯងមិនជ្រះផង ចង់លាងក្តិតគេ។

Anonymous said...

Nope, គេចង់់យកដងអំបោសរុកឆ្កៀល
ប្រហោងក្ដិតអា ហ្អែង អោយវាប្រកាច់ងាប់
ទេតើ....ព្រោះ អា ហ្អែងវាខ្លង់ខ្លៅពេក៕

Anonymous said...

Re: la France est un des cinq grande puissance mondiale.

What's wrong with this sentence?
ជ្រុង ដែរ!!! កែមឹនឡើង ជួយមឹនរួច!!!
អាខ្មែរខ្លង់ខ្លៅឯង ទៅចុះ!!!

Anonymous said...

Um Hak,I knew him from a close associate, he was a former strong supporter of KPNLF from 1984 til 1993, his loving Khmers and caring for out for Cambodia, his endeavors to Cambodia democracy, freedom from Vietnamization of cambodia.
Many show respect of Mr. Um consistent principles and Idealism for Khmers free of foreign puppets Siam or Youn and else.

Kaun Khmer

Anonymous said...

3:02 AM
អាខ្មែរខ្លង់ខ្លៅឯង ទៅចុះ!!!
OK! la france est un des cinqs grandes puissances mondiales!
this sentence is right?
សូមលោកមេត្តាបន្តរិះគន់។ អរគុណ។

Anonymous said...


La révolution Khmer Rouge Sihanouk assassinait son peuple et détruire la ressource naturelle du pays​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ tandis que la Révolution Française c'était le pouvoir du peuple à couper la tête du roi c'est ainsi que ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​la France est un des cinqs grandes puissances mondiales.

The Khmer Rouge revolution Sihanouk murdered his people and destroy the natural resource of the country,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ while the French Revolution was the power of the people to cut the head of the King​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ thus France is one of the five major world power.

Anonymous said...

la France est une des***

Anonymous said...

Yes, at least it's grammatically correct! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

3:22 AM,

It's would be ideal/helpful to put that in a short sentence below that posting there. Thx.

Anonymous said...

ធ្វើចឹង….! ដូចខោកក្បាលលោក គឹម សុខា មួយក្រញ៉ចឹង

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

Anonymous said...

ធ្វើចឹង….! ដូចខោកក្បាលលោក គឹម សុខា មួយក្រញ៉ចឹង

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ធ្វើចឹង….! ដូចខោកក្បាលលោក គឹម សុខា មួយក្រញ៉ចឹង

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ធ្វើចឹង….! ដូចខោកក្បាលលោក គឹម សុខា មួយក្រញ៉ចឹង

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

ស្រីសំផឹង មួសុខហួ.

Anonymous said...

give up ah Suon Serey Rotha and gangs..you'll be shot to death soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hi I am Sam Reisy
hm to lady and gentleman
would you like to kiss my assh
and all lady please gym my dick

lady and gentleman
would you like to kiss my assh
and all lady please gym my dick
lady and gentleman
would you like to kiss my assh
and all lady please gym my dick

lady and gentleman
would you like to kiss my assh
and all lady please gym my dick

lady and gentleman
would you like to kiss my assh
and all lady please gym my dick

lady and gentleman
would you like to kiss my assh
and all lady please gym my dick

Anonymous said...

1.10 AM

Smart ass. Your Khmer language skill is no better let alone your English.

Anonymous said...

give up ah Suon Serey Rotha and gangs @6:28AM...you'll be shot to death soon!!!

Anonymous said...


La révolution Khmer Rouge Sihanouk assassinait son peuple et détruire la ressource naturelle du pays​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ tandis que la Révolution Française c'était le pouvoir du peuple à couper la tête du roi c'est ainsi que ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​la France est une des cinqs grandes puissances mondiales.

The Khmer Rouge revolution Sihanouk murdered his people and destroy the natural resource of the country,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ while the French Revolution was the power of the people to cut the head of the King​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ thus France is one of the five major world power.


Le pouvoir royaliste khmer rouge a inventé le faux parti opposant
c'est pourquoi la population khmère sont ignorées de trouver son vrai Leadership.

The power of Khmer Rouge royalist invented the false opposition party that is why the Khmer population are ignored to find his
True Leadership.

Anonymous said...

Kim Sokha is Khmer.
Khmer is stupid.
So, Kim Sokha is stupid.
This is logic.

Kim Sokha is Khmer.
Khmer is stupid.
So, Kim Sokha is stupid.
This is logic.

Kim Sokha is Khmer.
Khmer is stupid.
So, Kim Sokha is stupid.
This is logic.

Kim Sokha is Khmer.
Khmer is stupid.
So, Kim Sokha is stupid.
This is logic.

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាមោក! ខាំំ​គ្នាទឿត! ខាំក្នាទៅអាមោក

ពួកអាមោក! អញយកដីហែងអស់

ពួកអាមោក! ខាំំ​គ្នាទឿត! ខាំក្នាទៅអាមោក

ពួកអាមោក! អញយកដីហែងអស់

ពួកអាមោក! ខាំំ​គ្នាទឿត! ខាំក្នាទៅអាមោក

ពួកអាមោក! អញយកដីហែងអស់

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Change is needed and it has to be now!. Just look around the world, every nation had to make some changes to their leadership styl like, Japan-5 PM in 6years, Thailand, US, Aust...etc. For srok khmer, it is way overdue, so it is time for change and it has to be now! or never. The VC, Chinese and the CPP traitor crooks did this before and they will continue to do it again and again. They took Laos, Champa, Mongnart, Khmer Krom, Kosh Tral and now the whole srok khmer (soon to come). Their tactics like always, full of lies, deceiving and manipulation e,g making khmers kill khmers or killing two birds with one stone like, they created Pol Pot to fight against Lon Nol/ Sirik Matak and then, they created Chea Sim, Heng Sarin and Hun Sen to fight against Pol Pot.

Back then, those crooks promised Pol Pot and Kingta (Sihanouk) the world, e.g to give khmer krom back and to let them rule forever or else they will be doomed anyway. In this case, damn if you don't and damn if you do. After helping them to win back the south, they back stabbed both Pol Pot and Kingta by overthrowing them off their power and then, they installed the three puppets as described above. How nice! but, the thing is, you can run but you can't hide, because the truth will always be the truth and the truth shall set us free.

Today, these crooks still continue to condemn us khmers in order for them to have it all, like before. Nevertheless, it is not too late yet, we still have time to expose them like, their true nature of 'evilness'. To the VC, you did not win the war because the US could have nuked you just like that, but they did not want to, mainly because of their special consideration on the 'humanitarian ground'. So, don't be so proud of yourself. Plus, it was never been based on a 'fair fight'. It was full of lies, deceiving and manipulation e,g sending your whores to sleep with them (soldiers) and only to help to kill them soon after known as the 'Tet attacked' or the 'supprise attacked'. Like always, you nature is full of shit, but then, how do you feel being caught as shit-headed? I think worst than animals really.

3million souls

Anonymous said...


La révolution Khmer Rouge Sihanouk assassinait son peuple et détruire la ressource naturelle du pays​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ tandis que la Révolution Française c'était le pouvoir du peuple à couper la tête du roi c'est ainsi que ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​la France est une des cinqs grandes puissances mondiale.

The Khmer Rouge revolution Sihanouk murdered his people and destroy the natural resource of the country,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ while the French Revolution was the power of the people to cut the head of the King​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ thus France is one of the five major world power.


Le pouvoir royaliste khmer rouge a inventé le faux parti opposant
c'est pourquoi la population khmère sont ignorées de trouver son vrai Leadership.

The power of Khmer Rouge royalist invented the false opposition party that is why the Khmer population are ignored to find hisTrue Leadership.


Organisation Sihanouk khmer rouge​ ont partagé leur pouvoir
à reigner en maître absolut sur les trois millions khmers victimes
et ils ont inventé un nom du chef prison S21 en appelant (Duch).

Sihanouk Khmer Rouge organization shared their power
reigned supreme on the millions khmers victims
and they invented a false name chef S21 jail by calling (Duch).

Anonymous said...

3million souls

8:09 AM

You made very good comment.

Anonymous said...

តើក្រុមមួយណាជាខ្មែរអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិពិតប្រាកដ៏សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ បើក្រុមនិមួយៗបានចោទគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក មិនឈប់ឈដូច្នេះ តើមានមូលហេតុ
អ្វីខ្លះ ដែលបណ្តាលឱ្យក្រុមអ្នកនយោបាយទាំងអស់មិនទុកចិត្តគ្នា។ តើវាជាគុំនំឬក៏ជាល្បិច?។

Anonymous said...

គឺ ក្រុមខ្មែរមិនទៅបោះឆ្នោតសង្រ្កោះយួន។

Anonymous said...

អាញ់យូន អាន់យដីអាសាម៉ែលាងង់

Anonymous said...


before: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
currently: Ḥưn Sên, Ñâṃbôđỉâ

3 = bâ bân
0 = Hưn Sên
0 = Chêâ Sỉm
0 = Ḥâǹǵ Sâmrỉn

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